5/17/24 - Donuts - Amish made


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everybody. The day has finally arrived for me to make my rounds of the Amish greenhouses to buy tomato plants. That also means stopping at the Amish bakeries for homemade donuts...YUM! The bakeries are only open on Fridays and Saturdays in my area of Pennsylvania.

We're not out of frost danger yet so the plants will need to stay on the porch until after Memorial Day. They'll be covered with newspaper when the temps drop too low at night.
Nice and cool this morning
Got about 1/4 inch of rain in the stormstha5 crossed my area. Houston and surrounding communities got hammered
My sister has been without power since last night
Downtown Houston had windows blown out....so much glass streets look like post hurricane Ike
Now they are saying it could be several days for all power to be restored

Local station to see how hard Houston area got hit

I was not in that. 55 miles sw of Houston is a good thing for me

Rain has started again. Looking at weather app rain could go on to 9 PM. Good napping weather
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Currently 66 and sunny with a light wind.

redsquirrel: Send some of those donuts over here, please, they sound scrumptious.

rfsexton: Sorry to learn of your sister's situation and hope it improves very soon.

Wishing all a pleasant day.

Good Friday morning.... Amish donuts sound wonderful..... I've been wanting to head to Yoder for cinnamon rolls.... thanks for the suggestion.....
my tomato plant has doubled in size which is nice.... I've got blossoms on my beans and squash...... not sure I'll get much from them but still it's exciting to watch......
Soon off to the stadium for ticket sales.....

Happy Friday to all...
A cloudy day here again. Rain may start again later this afternoon.

Today my last day for PT. Yippee. It was getting harder to figure out when I can go. Mon & Tues
nice days to be in flowerbed. I have exercises to do at home. I may get ankle weights.

I went out and picked poke. Now I bites on my ankles. Nasty mosquitoes.

rs, I hope you had a nice day in Amish country.

rf, was there a tornado in Houston?

robin, I hope you have a good afternoon at the stadium.

Wilde Woman, I hope your weekend a good one.

I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day.

I hope someone can help me with Twitter (X). I cleaned out my browser this morning on my PC.
Now the format for Twitter looks how it is on phone. My laptop still looks like it should. I've spent
too much time already trying to figure out how to fix. I figure Twitter problem or it could be
Google since they're doing IA now. I just want it to look the way it did and I don't know how.
Heck, I did not do or change anything, and twitter looks different. Honestly don't know if it is the version (you know, like 5, or 8, or 12........or something perhaps that got changed by the programming, Like now there is that huge big X to indicate it is twitter, and I have to sign in every single time, whereas I just used to be automatically signed in if I went to the site. They keep wanting a password, and tell me what I write is incorrect. And while I can't locate my password notebook .........some site want you to change your password every so often......thus, if not written down, no luck. Wish you the best Kat.
@katmouse they have mentioned at least one tornado in the greater Houston area
Lots of 100 mph straight line wind...... anyone who can explain that please do

Being 55+ miles sw of Houston I was ok
My daughter, who lives in Houston is also o.k. Said actually there was no damage on her block, but lots nearby.
I figured out how to fix the problem on Twitter. I had to go to "more" on the profile page. Then to
settings. Then there's Accessibility, display and language. Hit display. At the bottom you have default,
dim, lights out. I put it back on default. I'm not sure how it got to the wrong one.