6/19/2023 - Donuts and Juneteenth


Super Moderator
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
A brief history of the new holiday is included in today's show.
I forgot when I signed up for today that HB has an appointment at 9:30 so I rose early to get the summary up for everyone. Figuring earlier is better than later. After see the show, I'm not sure that holds true.
No rain in the forecast today, just heat. We are going to get his car to the shop then go try to find him a flip phone as his is barely working. Please keep good thoughts that I don't kill him on today's search for a phone.

We did have a lovely Father's Day dinner, I used a table cloth and everything. His daughter and granddaughter joined us for the meal and everyone seemed to like it. That was nice. He spent the day with her so he was a happy person.

Take it slow it's a Monday.... they can be treacherous......
It's a hot one here today. Sunny and in the 90s with the heat index.

My friend and I went down to brother's area. We had her husband's truck. We went to
apartment first and got my parent's computer. I told neighbor's last week they could
take bike. It was there Thurs, but not today. Today was last day to have storage unit.
My son wanted a chair and the telescope. I found more thing to take out. There's
still stuff left over for someone to auction off.

robin, I'm glad Father's Day dinner went well. I hope you were able to find HB a phone.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the day.
Skies were dark this morning, humidity was high, so overcast, for sure LOOKED like rain. However, it did not rain, not a drop. My youngest son was here for the weekend, stayed at our small cabin out at the lake. He left this morning, after saying he would leave late afternoon.....becauseit was raining so hard. HUH? Yep, poured rain out at the cabin, starting, he said, 5 a.m. He left at 9, said it was still pouring. Cabin is about 20 miles from me. Not a drop here. LOL. Called a friend the other side of town, nope, not raining there either. Around 10:30, sun as shining brightly, has ever since. 85 here.

Been trying to find myself a laptop.......plus perhaps a different cell phone. And now my desk top is acting up. Sheesh. What to do, what to do.