9/22/2023 - Donuts and a Toad Update


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
It's been awhile since I've updated you on the BEAST and his Toad nemesis. We are assuming Grand Admiral Toad has move on, either the mower got him or he simply moved on. Sargent Major Toad has passed away, not sure why, but he was found in his toad hole not moving by HB yesterday. The two Private Toads are still hoping and keeping the BEAST on high alert. It's very annoying for the humans in this house as they love to hop across the patio, by passing the grass as they taunt the BEAST who is trapped behind a door and can only bark his fool head off till I can get to the door to let out. He then chases the toads off the property. They return as soon as he heads back inside and the whole thing starts over. So between the toads and the neighbors cat tormenting the BEAST it's a wonder things ever get done around here.
We have dark skies today and a good chance of rain. Bad weather coming in this weekend. We've been told to be weather aware, which is code, for tornado weather. Great.... I enjoyed August and most of September where we didn't have to be weather aware.
HB's family is gathering in his little town east of here Sunday so that's where I'll be most of the day. Surrounded by all his cousins....

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend.....
It started raining here late evening yesterday. It's raining off and on this morning. I should
have walked when there was a break early on.

I called pharmacy by my house about Covid booster, but they don't have any yet. I'm working
on studies this morning. Unsure when to take dog out and it might be too humid to walk later.

robin, sad to hear about the toads. I hope you have a good Sunday.

I hope everyone has a pleasant day and fun weekend.
Good morning everyone. It appears to be a beautiful fall day here.

robinsnest - Vinnie sure keeps you busy checking out the intruder. You can't take a chance that it might be a two legged one instead of a toad or feline.

kat - my doctor said to skip this year's COVID booster, and to get the senior citizen flu shot instead of the regular flu shot.

I've been inside all morning waiting for the furnace company's person to come for the fall checkup. He was supposed to be here at 8:00, and just arrived at 10:50. Turns out that someone had a carbon monoxide leak during the night, and several of the employees were over there installing a new furnace since early this morning. That definitely was a priority. Thank goodness everyone in that family is ok.

I received a call from the auxiliary president asking me to work bar bingo (just regular bingo, but only members can play) at the American Legion tonight. The proceeds go towards our auxiliary's community children's Christmas party and presents. Two of the ladies who normally work it are unable to be there. I don't mind except for driving home in the dark.

The furnace guy is done already. I better go sign the papers. I don't pay anything because I buy a maintenance agreement every year.
According to the CDC:

The high-dose flu vaccines contain increased amounts of antigens. Antigens are the vaccine component that prompts the immune system to produce antibodies against influenza strains. Antibodies are proteins that recognize and bind to specific antigens and neutralize threats.
Antigens in the annual flu vaccine match the predicted influenza strains for the coming flu season. The antibodies you develop from the flu shot help your immune system quickly mount a defense when exposed to it again.
High-dose vaccines promote a stronger immune response. Studies show the high-dose flu vaccine offers seniors 24% more protection against the flu than the standard flu vaccine.

This is the one that is being given to seniors in my area:
Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent contains antigen levels four times greater than standard-dose vaccines. Available since 2009, Fluzone is only approved for people 65 years and older.

The only side effect I have is a pain in my arm where I was injected, but I get that with any kind of shot.
72 and sunny in NY. Our weekend will be a washout with heavy rain and wind tomorrow and ditto on Sunday, though it should be less intense.

Robin - We have all heard of "Body and Soul." We should name your ongoing saga, "BEAST and Toad"! Maybe we can find Dr. Rolf and have him reanimate Sgt. Admiral Toad. So you will also have bad weather, unfortunately. Enjoy the family gathering, no matter what.

Kat - There is a delay in the new boosters nationwide, and insurance companies (some) are not prepared in their system and charging, so make sure before you get another shot:

redsquirrel - I did not know about the senior citizen flu shot. Thanks for the info, will check it out. Glad your furnace is set, and have fun at bingo!

Can't believe Fall starts tomorrow. Let's hope it is a nice one, and will be glad to be done with the humidity, finally!

I think it was 3 years ago I got the grownup dose. I was sick for the next two days, chills, muscle pain, nausea. It has happened each year after so this year I went with the the other dose and only had the overwhelming desire for sleep. I didn't know there were two different types till I read about it last year. So this year I went with the smaller dose. Now to see if it protects as well.

Guess who paused for his close up today?
private toad 1.jpg
Handsome young fellow...
I was able to get Fenix out before lunch. I noticed no rain, but as soon as I left my house it started to rain.
I got out for a short walk. I saw lightening in distance and it started to rain. I came home.

rs, thanks for the info about the shot. I'll have to call my pharmacy to see if they have those. I might need
more protection since I'm going to Bible study each week. Some of the women bring kids. The children
have their own bible study program. I hope you won't have to drive too far for Bingo.

Wilde Woman, I hope you won't have to go out over the week during the nasty weather.

I'd say Fall has arrived up north here, and doing a bang up job. Pic taken by my son, who said this is much further along than where he lives (200 miles south of here)
Was nice day, mid 70s, sunshine, then got overcast & cloudy all afternoon........and finally, a very brief rain shower, bet it did not last 15 minutes. LOL. The little white cloud that cried.........(a nod to Johnny Ray).
However the days are really shortening. Still dark at 6 a.m., but was light at 7. and now, tis nearly 5:30 and yep, tis dusk.....will be all dark by 7 for sure. Looking at the sunrise/sunset times now, we are losing light faster and faster. Used to be maybe 2-3 min. per day. Getting to 4-5 min. per day/. Yikes! In one week, we can lose nearly 1/2 hour daylight now. Sure it is divided morning and evening, but it adds up. I don't drive in dark, so for me....really shortens the time. LOL
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