A belated BRAVO to Kate


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Ok, so the first time Clyde was irritated at Kate for not making their date and was passively rude to her I can get that she was in the thinking hmmmm about it. But when he got nasty with her in the park and she didn't put up with it and dumped his butt, I cheered. She finally got a glimpse of a controller/abuser and dumped him on his hick butt. BRAVO Kate BRAVO.
Kate had best watch her back....one does not tell Clyde off (or show him up) and live to tell anyone about it.
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I was always kind of annoyed that the writers put Kate with Clyde in the first place. She is much too smart and street-wise to fall for such a low-rent thug. I seriously thought she was, perhaps, working undercover to get dirt on him. That said, I was so happy to see she finally dumped him. That guy is just one red flag after another, and for someone who has Kate's history, she should have seen him coming a mile away. However, the fact she has been so passive up until now, I think, has Clyde thinking she is going to be an easy target, and he is going to find out the hard way that she's a fighter. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being the person who offs him.:clap:
I missed the day Kate dumped Clyde. Does anyone remember the date that happened?
I too applaud Kate for telling Clyde off. He deserved it. It was nice seeing that self-aggrandizing jerk taken down a peg. Honestly, he came off like a child throwing a temper tantrum to me.
It was refreshing to see Kate dumping Clyde when she realized what a bullying creep he really is. Too many women in Salem have put up will all sorts of nonsense from the men in their lives. The most notable case being the Salem screecher who in her own mind transformed her slimy rapist into her changed smoochy-moochy. Kate is one tough customer, something the Poplar Bluff pervert never fully realized. Hopefully, in the future, other Salem women who are mistreated by the creeps in their lives dump them as quickly as Kate did to creepy Clyde.
As happy as I am that Kate dumped Clyde, I really didn't see it as out of character when she got together with him. For the most part she has terrible taste in men, thinking here of Curtis Reed, Stefano and Victor. She wants power and $$$, and she has been known to do what it takes to survive.
You know I was very happy Kate dumped him, but I really think she deserves to see what Clyde is really like and how Jordan had to live.
I really hope Kate does find out what Clyde did to Jordan - hope she feels terrible for bringing Clyde to Salem. She really ought to be ashamed of herself. I can't imagine if someone that was jealous of me or simply didn't like me, tracking down the man that sexually assaulted me and bringing him to my hometown, workplace, neighborhood, insisting that we try to act civil to each other. Then again... it is Days... sick, twisted, Days. I believe the new writers are better than the old writers in that they are not sick and twisted like that. At least I am hopeful for it.