All Summer Long - Part 4 "Mutual of Salem's Wild Forest"

Chapter 6:

The next day, they set off again. Melanie was starting to like the trip a little more. Well, she liked the camping part of it, but not the hiking part. She had a hard time keeping up with the rest of the group, and kept tripping over things. After a little while, after Melanie tripped again, Brady went back to where Melanie was, helped her up, and started to walk with her.
MELANIE: Thanks.
BRADY: No prob. So, you’re not really into all of this hiking, are you?
MELANIE: Not exactly. I mean, I like the camping part…I’m just…
BRADY: I know. I get it. You’re not an outdoors person.
MELANIE: Yeah. But, I am starting to have fun. At least, once we set up camp for the evening, anyway.
BRADY: Well, that’s good.
All of a sudden, Mimi stopped walking. There was a small rustling sound.
MIMI: What was that?
REX: I didn’t’ hear anything.
The noise came again.
MIMI: There it is again!
The rustling noise grew louder, and Mimi saw something slithering in front of her.
MIMI: It’s a snake!
Mimi screamed and jumped into Rex’s arms.
Brady and Melanie walked up to the front of the group, and looked at the snake.
MELANIE; Aw, it’s kinda cute.
MIMI: No, it’s not! It’s disgusting!
BRADY: Guys, let’s keep walking. Mimi, just leave the snake alone and it will leave you alone.
So, everyone started walking again.
PHILIP: I don’t’ get what the big deal is. I mean, it’s only a harmless little snake.
STEPHANIE: Philip, you’re doing it again.
PHILIP: Sorry.
MIMI: I hate snakes! They completely freak me out! They’re so slimy, and they don’t have legs, and ugh!
REX: Don’t worry. The snake is gone now. It’s not going to hurt you. It’s gonna be all right…
Listen to this during the final part of the chapter:
A few hours later, the group approached a large lake. Brady stopped walking when they got close to the lake.
BRADY: Well, everybody, we’re here.
WILL: What do you mean “here”?
BRADY: This is our final destination on our hiking trip. This is what I wanted all of you to see.
PHILIP: The lake?
BRADY: Yes, the lake.
MIA: It’s beautiful.
CHELSEA: It sure is.
Everybody got out their fishing poles, which were in their backpacks, and they all started to fish. Mimi wasn’t too fond of the worms, as they were similar to snakes, so Rex put the worm on her hook, while she closed her eyes. Everybody had a fun time, sitting, fishing, talking, laughing, and when the sun went down, they all watched
BELLE: What a pretty sunset!
ABBY: It’s absolutely beautiful!
STEPHANIE: And so romantic!
BRADY: There are the kinds of things that not many people get to see. People are always so busy. We’re so busy worrying about our lives that we never really take time to enjoy the simple things in life. How beautiful life really is. Nature, the great outdoors, the trees, the lakes, and especially the sunsets. That’s why I brought you all out here. To share this majestic beauty with all of you. To take some time out with all of you, just to enjoy the small things, the world around us. Because it is so beautiful. And I’m glad I have been able to share all of this with you.
Everybody agreed. They stayed up into the wee hours of the night, just talking and having a good time with each other. And, when the day finally ended and everyone went to bed, they were sorry to see the day go…
Andre, thanks for the chapter. Your descriptions are so vivid, and that song was such a nice accompaniment to the sunset scene. I'm enjoying the youngsters' summer adventure.
Chapter 7:

They decided to stay at the lake for another day. They just loved it so much that they didn’t want to leave. Besides, what was the harm in staying one more day? They all had a fun time fishing, talking, laughing, and wondering around the lake. Brady and Melanie found some bushes that had berries on them, and called everybody else over to take a look and try a few. Morgan was a bit apprehensive at first, though.
MORGAN: Are those chokecherries?
BRADY: No. They’re blackberries.
MORGAN: Are you sure?
BRADY: Yes, I’m sure. They’re perfectly fine to eat. Here, try one.
So, Morgan tried a berry. Brady was right; they tasted sweet, not bitter like the chokecherries. So, after that, Morgan decided to eat them. Then, they heard a rustling noise.
BELLE: What was that?
MIMI: Oh, I hope it’s not another snake!
The noise came again. After that noise, there was a second noise, a chewing noise. Then, a brief roar.
SKYLER: Is that what I think it is?
SILVER: It’s a giant bear!
Silver was right. A large, black bear stood up on its hind legs, and stared at the group of kids. Belle and Cassie both jumped in fright. Belle ran and hid behind Shawn, while Cassie took a hiding spot behind Rex.
BRAYD (Whispering): Okay…everybody…remain calm. It’s just a bear.
BRADY (Whispering): Ssh! Don’t make a sound! If we leave it alone, it’ll leave us alone. Now, just slowly…and quietly…walk away.
The group started walking away, very slowly, trying their best to be quiet. Soon enough, they got back to the lake and were away from the bear.
CASSIE: Whew! That was close!
Cassie had clamed down soon enough. But, Belle was still a bit shaken. Mainly because of the enormous size of the bear. However, after a little while Shawn was able to convince Belle that she was safe and that the bear was gone. And, after that, everybody had a happy afternoon. Then, that evening, they were all sitting around a campfire. Almost every night during the trip, Silver had told them a ghost story. They were toasting marshmellows that night, and everyone was strangely silent. At last, Rex spoke up.
REX: So, Silver, got anymore ghost stories for us?
Silver thought on this for a moment.
SILVER: Well, I do have one story that I was told by an old, retired train engineer.
MIA: Please, tell us!
SILVER: All right, then. One night, a young man named Bailey was engineering a freight train. He had moved to the U.S. from Scotland, and wasn’t very familiar to the area just yet. Anyhow, he was just approaching a signal…
A train whistle blows.
BAILEY: Steady there, ol’ girl. Och, that’s one queer signal there! The light’s at danger, but the home signal shows line clear. Ah well, jus’ hae tae go on with caution, then…
SILVER: …but as they passed the nearest signalbox, the train lurched off the rails, and crashed into the box. Bailey wasn’t seriously injured, though he did have several large bruises. His train, however was beyond repair, and was scrapped shortly thereafter. However, a few months later, Bailey was walking home from the yard one night…
BAILEY: Ah, such a beautiful moonlit nigh’. It’s just a shame tha’ me ol’ engine had tae break down like tha’.
Bailey heard a puffing sound.
BAILEY: What’s that?
The sound got louder, and a ghostly whistle blew.
BAILEY: Who’s there?
Then, in front of him, a large steam engine appeared. It was pulling a long freight train.
BAILEY: No way! That’s me engine! Me ol’ engine! She maun hae returned from the grave! But how?
Just then, the engine derailed, and headed straight for a nearby signalbox. As it was about to hit the box, it vanished into thin air.
BAILEY: Losh sakes! I dinna think trains could appear and disappear like tha’. Wait a second here! What if that wasna me ol’ train after all? But if it wasna mine…it maun have been a ghost! A Ghost Train!
SILVER: And, there’s a rumor that on a moonlit night, you can still see the old enigne trying to return home to the sheds. But it never makes it past the nearest signalbox…
Thanks for the chapter, Andre. The group is certainly getting the full outdoor experience, what with poison fruit, snakes, bears, skunks and storms. Not to mention the nightly ghost story. Sounds like a trip our Salemites will long remember.
LOL, Silver & Skyler's Ghost train at midnight gets brought in here. Very clever, André. And living up here, I can tell you the black bears absolutely love those blackberry & raspberry bushes. I will see berries beginning to ripen, and think...just a couple more days.......and I go back, and the berries are all gone. LOL. Good one André.
Boy Andre this is one great story. Loved Shawn D getting sprayed by the skunk. So happy that Mel and Brady are together. So fun that the ghost train of the early summer was told about.
Chapter 8:

The next day, the group started to head home. They were making good time. About halfway through the journey back home, Chelsea spotted a small animal eating a berry.
CHELSEA: Oh, how cute.
She was about to walk towards it, when, suddenly, its fur spiked up in all different directions.
MAX: It’s a porcupine!
He ran and hid behind a tree.
Chelsea went to go find him.
CHELSEA: What’s wrong?
MAX: I don’t like porcupines!
CHELSEA: Why not?
MAX: I had a bad experience with one at the zoo when I was a kid.
CHELSEA: Come on. let’s go. The porcupine isn’t gonna hurt you. it’s just like what Brady’s been saying with all the other animals we’ve seen. If we leave it alone, it will leave us alone.
MAX: I guess…
So, they kept going. For the rest of the journey, they saw many other small animals, and enjoyed looking at them. As they walked, they continued talking and laughing with one another. They were all now good friends, and even had their own inside jokes. Each one hoped that their camping trip would never end. But as you and I know, dear reader, all things must come to an end. And so, all too soon, the group came to the end of their hiking trip, just a few days after the incident with the porcupine. Their final stop was at the Java Café, where they had all started off. Each got a drink, and had a good time, chatting with everyone. However, all too soon, it was time for each of them to leave.
SHAWN-D: Well, we better be going. We promised our parents that we would pick up Claire shortly after we got back.
BELLE: We had a really great time. We’ll see you all later.
So, Shawn and Belle were the first to leave.
PHILIP: I better be going, too. I kind of neglected to tell my father I was going on this trip, so he’s probably going to kill me when I get back to the mansion.
STEPHANIE: I better go see my parents, too. It’s been at least a few weeks now, and they’ll wonder about how the trip was. Bye, guys.
Philip and Stephanie left.
MAX: Well, I’m sure Grandma Caroline has been so busy running the Pub with only her and Grandpa Shawn around. So, I’ll be going, too, I suppose.
CHELSEA: I should go see my dad and Hope, too. It’s been a blast to hang out with all of you.
Chelsea and Max left.
REX: Well, Cassie, I suppose since we’re back home we should stop by Roman’s house, just to let him know we’re finally back.
CASSIE: Yeah, I guess.
MIMI: I’ll be going with you guys, too, since Rex and I are back together. We’ll be seeing you around town, then.
Rex, Cassie, and Mimi went off to find Roman.
ABBY: Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mickey will want to hear about the trip from me, too. So, I’ll get going.
Abby left to go to Maggie’s house.
MORGAN: I’m gonna be headin’ off, too, I suppose. It’s been real great seein’ y’all.
Morgan left.
SILVER: We better get going, too, Skye. Anna would want to know about the trip, and make sure we got home safely,.
Silver, Skyler, and Logan went back to Anna’s house.
WILL: Well, my dad wanted to have us over for dinner once we got back, so I guess we should go, too.
MIA: Really? I mean, I just get this weird feeling that your dad doesn’t like me.
WILL: What makes you say that?
MIA: I don’t know, I’ve just been getting this weird vibe from him, like he’s sizing me up, or something.
WILL: Okay, so he’s a little overprotective of me, sometimes. I promise, he’ll be on his best behavior tonight. Besides, I’ve already asked him about you, and he says he loves you. And, that I am probably the luckiest guy in the world, to have gotten a girl like you.
MIA: Aw! Now I see where you get your sweetness from! Okay, let’s go.
So, Mia and Will headed over to Lucas’ house.
MELANIE: So…I guess it’s just the two of us, then.
BRADY: Yup. It sure is.
MELANIE: Well, what do you want to do now?
BRADY: I’m not sure. Oh, I know! we could go over to the Kiriakis Mansion and take a swim in the pool.
MELANIE: Really? Won’t Victor get kind of mad?
BRADY: No, not really. I mean, sure, he practically disowned me, but Henderson still likes me, so he’ll let me in, and make sure grandfather doesn’t seen us.
MELANIE: Okay then. Let’s go!
And, so, all of the kids headed off in their separate ways. They all knew that they had grown a little closer to one another during their trip, and were glad of it. It had been a delightful summer…So far…

Listen to this during the credits (skip ahead to 1:12):
JAY KENNTH JOHNSON as Philip Kiriakis
KYLE LOWDER as Brady Black
JASON COOK as Shawn-Douglas Brady
MOLLY BURNETT as Melanie Layton
RACHEL MELVIN as Chelsea Brady
SHELLEY HENNIG as Stephanie Johnson
DYLAN PATTON as Will Roberts,
FARAH FATH as Mimi Lockhart
ALEXIS THORPE as Cassie Brady
KRISTEN RENTON as Morgan Hollingsworth
ASHLEY BENSEN as Abby Deveraux
DEAN COLLINS as Logan Rice

Written by André DiMera

“Summer in the City” by The Lovin’ Spoonful
.”Good Night” by The Beatles
“Someone In The Dark” by Michael Jackson
“You Raise Me Up (Instrumental)” by Josh Groban
“Victory Celebration” by John Williams

Listen to this during the preview:
We cannot choose what we are…
ROLF: You will take a journey to the other side…
…yet what are we but the sum of our choices? – Rob Grant (circa 1996)
STEPHANIE: I love you…
In two weeks…
SKYLER: Who’s she?
Go to “The Other Side”…
Thanks for the story, Andre! It was nice to see the kids having a tragedy-free summer and forging new relationships.

Your next story sounds eerie. Scary stuff! Love Rolf. Looking forward to it!
Boy what a great ending. So glad that my favorites are together. Love Brady and Mel sneeking in to have a swim. So cool that Lucas likes Mia. It was so nice to see Silver and Logan are still a couple. Just enjoyed the whole story.