And the eye rolling continues


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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So, ReRon claims that the reason we don't see Abby's funeral, is because there would be 100s in attendance, and they can only have, at the most, 12 on set. That is such a silly reason. What would be wrong with showing different folks going into, or leaving the funeral parlor. What about family members gathered around a table having lunch after. We all know darn well they can film a bunch one day, a bunch another day, edit the scenes together. Why would there be "hundreds" at her funeral.

And then there is what appeared to be a very awkward encounter between Nancy & Marlena. Why in heaven's name would Nancy show some bracelet to Marlena? Why did Nancy feel it necessary to talk of Clyde's criminal past? And why, was Marlena so "stiff" with both Nancy, and then with Ben? Now maybe the actress was not happy with the dialogue, and I would not blame her for that at all.
Abby was not only the wife of Chad, but the daughter of Jack & Jen, and they all should have been together at the funeral parlor or the church, or standing outside, JJ as well. For the amount of time this has all dragged on and on, Days could have, should have, done better.
shocking that John and Marlena have spent more time with Chad and the kids than Jack and Jennifer.... The short amount of time we saw Jack and Jennifer and JJ..... Jack chose to yell at JJ about being mean to Gwen.... that was a WHAT DA HELL moment... Since this "murder" was filmed last year, they could have spent Monday or Tuesday with scenes at the pub with family talking about Abigail memories, cut to the DiMansion with People talking memories about Abigail, but I guess the dealie bob is folks get paid ONLY if the scene airs that would have had them go over their sacred number 12.
But it was stupid stupid and then add more stupid.

The tweet that Ron sent out about why they could only show 12 people, apparently angered him. Ron has been blocking folks who called him out on that garbage reasoning. Since I'm already blocked by him I didn't see the original tweet.
I noticed Marlena being stiff but I thought it was somewhat typical of her and I don't really get why. It's like she comes across as aloof or annoyed with whoever she's acting against. I spent the first minute trying to remember if they are supposed to dislike each other.

And the 12 people thing is stupid. They act like they film a day ahead. On the other hand I figure one of the only two actress on the planet who can play Abby will decide to reappear so I refuse to get too involved in this death anyway.
And for those who wonder what the MacMurray method is.........when Fred MacMurray was doing My Three Sons, he insisted on doing his scenes one after the other, out of order, for 65 days. The rest of the cast would film later and the editing was so terrific, it all fit together as if filmed all at once, same day.

Days could have done something similar for Abby's funeral. Guess they no longer have an inside church set, of a couple of pews, or even some folding chairs to set up. You know, Abby could have been cremated, an urn or container, a small gravesite with family members.
Amazingly, the Director did NOT ask for a character to try a change of dress. Aren't they supposed to be overseeing everything in a scene? Ooooh, to be a fly on the wall there, huh?
And despite Ciara reminding Shawn all that Jan has done to their family, especially the WIFE he so vehemently claimed to love forever, and only her, he still makes excuses for Jan. So let's see, he agrees Jan is not all there, belongs in prison, but claims "his son" needs his mother. Yep, what every newborn needs is a psychopath taking care of them. Hmmm. for a cop, a supposedly smart one, Shawn is super stupid when it comes to this.

And now, Jan has that key, so.....what happens? Well, let's overlook the fact that Ben should have had the key in the first place, and .......Shawn boards the boat, gonna make sure all is o.k., perhaps give a few tips on running it to the happy couple. Jan sneaks on with the baby, starts up the boat to get it out to zippin' along, he thinks it is that Ben & Ciara have arrived, comes running up so he can get off.........and there is Ms. Smirking, holding their baby. SPECULATION, OF COURSE.

And we have Clyde, who has to live with Ben or back to the hoosegow he goes. So what now for Clyde? He lucked out that Nancy lied thru her teeth, but he came forward, lied about what he told Nancy about buying the bracelet, & protected her, was not gonna let her get in trouble. Hmmm.