Another boo boo....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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So last night my hubby managed to slice open his elbow right on the outside of the bend. He came inside stuck it under the faucet and here's the conversation.....
Me-You need stitches
Me-I don't want to tell you that but you do need stitches
Him-I am not going to go to the emergency room, I'm fixing the roof and I'm not done
Me-Well I can try to butterfly tape it but I can see the fatty tissue sticking out
Him-Just do your best
So I did. I got him taped and bandaged. While doing so he felt a little light headed so he agreed not to go back up on the roof and a beer sounded better. But right now he's at the waiting room at the clinic so the doctor can stitch him up if he needs it.

So sorry about this, SarahBeth. Men are very stubborn about getting medical treatment, but you did the right thing. Hope you don't have to wait too long. Tell Maxine I said hello!
Ah, men.......they always know better, don't they? I am very glad he is now at the clinic. !!!! :)
I hope he feels better soon.
Well no stitches. But it's because he didn't go last night and they were impressed with my butterfly taping. I was out of butterfly bandages so I made them from medical tape. They did however give him a tetanus shot and a run of antibiotics to keep it from getting infected and heal it if it does. I get that he didn't want to go to the ER. I hate it too and it's always 10 times more expensive that a clinic visit. Our clinic is good about you going right in if you call and say you are trying to keep from going to the ER. They took me once when I called with huge hives from head to toe suspecting an allergic reaction to medication. I didn't even wait 5 minutes once I got there. I bet the other people in the waiting room didn't want to be within 10 feet of me.
deleted unnecessary quote....JS

They were probably afraid you would go into shock and wanted to get you on antihistimines. I got hives from IVP solution during a test and they wanted me to take benedryl. I didn't think I should drink anything, because of more tests. They said--believe me--it's OK!!!