Better Late than Never


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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This show is hysterical I love it. Henry Winkler (The Fonz from Happy Days), William Shatner (Star Trek) George Foreman (ex Boxer), Terry Bradshaw (former QB for Steelers) and Jeff Dye (?) take a trip together. They have been in Japan the last 2 episodes. Next episode looks like Korea. NBC 9pm central.
Oh my gosh, I never laughed so hard! It was awesome.
When Jeff asked William Shatner what it was like working with Moses, I lost all control.:rotfl::rotfl:
I saw Henry Winkler on America's Got Talent touting it, as it followed that show. Well, I saw someone stick their arm accidentally thru the paper mache wall, and I do remember Henry saying he had more saki than he had in his entire life. Admittedly, I was in the middle of something else, rather distracted, but not all that fond of geishas, etc., so really, only saw a few minutes...changed channels.
Aside from the silliness. I am learning some things about other cultures. Some food (they consider food) is GROSS. I didn't care for the Geishas either.

Interesting facts they post on screen like for example, Geishas can never marry. Beer is sold in vending machines in Japan and they have a baby version of beer :eek::sick:.