Boys' Night Out

:clap: :clap: awwww, great ending to another wonderful story.
Wonderful wonderful ending!! So glad Molly will continue to help Dick out! But I am sad for 2 reasons:
It's over and
now even the comments include youtubes.. Torture!
From the Author


I hope you had fun with Boys’ Night Out.

I want to thank everyone who read the story and everyone who posted comments. I always enjoy reading your feedback and appreciate the time you take out of your day to read the chapters and post a message. Thank you all for your kind words.

Special thanks go to my story consultants:

-Andre DiMera of the Salem Spectator fan site who previewed some dialog for me and offered suggestions from the male perspective. Thanks for the car talk and the tips about men’s favorite topics.

-Victor/John who went toe-to-toe with Dorkay and never backed down from a fight.

and last, but not least...

-Molly, the eyes, ears, and mouthpiece of the fans, whose charm and wit never failed us, and who stayed true to herself and to the fans through thick and thin, from Daytime Cereal to Boys' Night Out and, perhaps, beyond.
I don't know how to express my gratitude for having the pleasure to read this story as well as your past stories.....the creativity, the humor, the dialogue, the story lines, the plots, the characters, the talent, and on and on are quite impressive....Thank you.....
Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus! This proof of that. We do think differently. It is good that you got the male perspective from Andre, kpatch. I enjoyed the story. Keep up the good work. :patch:

:kiss: Margie
kpatch. Just loved the ending. So happy that Molly is going to stay and help Dorkay. Also glad that Dorkay sees that he needs her help and is going to treat her like an equal.
I really enjoyed this one as well, I hope you will revist Molly and Dorkday in the future!!:hot:

LOVED it kpatch!
I really had to LOL for real when I read the line that Dan said
"She sure is a hot bundle" when he was talking about melanie. Just thought it was funny now that we know he is her Dad.


Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous writer's talent with us!