Cranberry - Apple Relish side dish


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
This one is very easy to make, and I've been making it every week since I found it on "Just a Pinch".

Cranberry - Apple Relish side dish
(Has the consistency of a fruit compote.)

4 to 5 - large apples (or 6 to 7 small ones)
1 can - whole berry cranberry sauce
1 to 2 tsps - cinnamon
1/2 cup - water

Note: Start with 1 teaspoon cinnamon. You can always add more at the end if it isn't enough for you. I found 2 teaspoons to be too overpowering to the point that I couldn't taste anything else.

1. Core and cut apples in small chunks. (No need to peel, but I peel mine.)
2. Place apple pieces, water, and cinnamon in sauce pan over medium-low heat.
3. Heat for 20 minutes. Stir occassionally to coat the apples with the cinnamon-water-apple juice that is formed. (DO NOT put a lid on the pan. This will make the apples very mushy.)
4. At the end of 20 minutes, remove pan from the heat.
5. Add the cranberry sauce by large spoonfuls. Stir after each addition to "melt" the jellied part.
6. Serve warm or cold.
7. Store any leftovers in the refrigerator. Can be reheated in the microwave.