Crazy Flooding

Day 6, still no power but we are campers and have been just fine. We really cannot complain considering the devestation that this flood has caused and the horrible damage it has done to homes. People have lost everything so I cannot complain about anything. Officials are talking we may have power tomorrow. Yesterday it was a few weeks so that's a great improvement. Friends of mine live in High River about 60 kms south of Calgary and where the flood hit hardest and they are to be married on July 6. His parents have lost everything in their basement and have not been allowed back to their home to survery the damage and our friend's fiancee's family are all flying out from the Maritimes on Thursday to help out and do whatever they can to put on a party for guests that are attending the wedding. One thing is sure, they will have a wedding to remember.

Writer - I visited Quebec for the first time 6 days after the ice storm in '98' and attending a friend's wedding in a restaurant where the owners were adament that it was still going to happen. They had candles lit EVERYWHERE, found someplace to cook the meal and they really made it so special for this couple. It's nice to see people still celebrating events regardless of the devestation. People need a reason to celebrate.
I'm glad you're coping with the situation. I don't think I could.