Days of our Lives - A Very Salem Christmas (summary) (12/16/2021)


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Nov 2, 2012
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A Very Salem Christmas - Part 1
In Phoenix, Sonny is decorating the tree. Will comes in and tells him he has to stop fussing with it, but Sonny wants everything to be perfect for Ari. They sit and wrap presents. Will tells Sonny the streaming service who bought the rights to his story about the Alamainian peacock wanted to produce a movie with him. His script is due at midnight, and he's got nothing. He's been busy and tried to get an extension. They wouldn't buy his "My grandmother is possessed by the devil" excuse. He down to two hours and has zero ideas. Sonny looks at the Christmas tree and says what about a Christmas movie. All Christmas movies start in a small town full of Christmas cheer. We're transported to a more wintry Salem than we get on the regular show.

Allie and Chanel are selling cookies on their unhygienic, open air table in the Square. Chanel barks at a customer who took one too many free cookies. Gabi and a bearded, non-zombie Nick walk by. Nick is carrying bolts of fabric. Nicole stops Gabi, asking if her order is ready. If she doesn't get her dresses, she'll take her business elsewhere. Gabi and Nick look worried then head into the GabiChic storefront.

At the pub, Sami is working behind the bar, and Marlena walks in, also wearing a Brady pub apron. Marlena thinks they need more decorations to make it more festive, and Sami reminds her that she hates Christmas. We switch back to Sonny and Will on the couch. Will asks why she hates Christmas. Sonny explains that some character in the movie always has to hate Christmas because of some tragic backstory like somebody she loves died on Christmas. Then, we're back in the pub with Sami looking at a picture of Roman behind the bar. Marlena says he would hate it if he was the reason Sami lost her Christmas spirit. Sami says Christmas is just commercial, and Marlena insists it doesn't have to be about materialism and greed. They're interrupted by Sydney rushing in with EJ following behind.

Marlena compliments Sydney's dress. Nicole comes in, saying it was custom made in Italy. She and EJ are a thing, and they're raising Sydney. Marlena and Sami exchange perturbed looks as Nicole kisses EJ Hello. Nicole doesn't know who wouldn't love Christmas and then issues a half-hearted apology because she knows Sami lost her dad at Christmas and Marlena lost her beloved husband.

Cut to the square where we see John strolling through the holiday hubbub. He asks the Sweet Bits ladies how the cookie business is going. Brady is also there eating cookies. John has to go because he has an inn to run.

Next, cut to John in the lobby of the Salem Inn. He answers the phone and is trying to write down a reservation. He calls out, "Honey, do you know where the reservation book is?" Eileen Davidson's Kristen. What would he do without his darling wife? They're wearing matching ugly Christmas sweaters.

(Christmas spinning hourglass)

Back in Will and Sonny's apartment, Sonny brings in a tray of snacks and asks about the couplings. Marlena is widowed from Roman, and John and Kristen are a couple. He thought Christmas movies were supposed to be about love. Will says it's necessary for the story. Then, we're back in the square where Brady is eating all the cookie samples. Chanel says if they're so good, then he should come inside and buy a dozen, but Brady says he has to run. Chanel starts to call him a cheap (word for donkey) M...another letter, but she gets cut off before she fully curses. Allie says don't worry about it. Here comes her boyfriend. Johnny and Tripp walk up. Chanel has something sweet for her man. She launches herself into Tripp's arms, and they kiss to Allie and Johnny's irritation.

At Gabi Chic, Gabi comments on how many bags Nicole had with her and wonders if Sydney even needs more clothes. She thanks Nick for bringing her a hot drink, and he says what are best friends for and looks at her adoringly. We jump out of the story again. Sonny questions Will including Nick, but this is the good Nick who came to town and showed his nicer side before he went bananas and tormented everybody. This newly improved Nick is perfect for Gabi and right under her nose, but she can't see it. She has a crush on someone else. Back to the movie action, Brady walks into the workroom in a cheesy shirt, unbuttoned to the center of his chest, and wearing a gold chain. Gabi rushes and gushes all over him. She's making him a bespoke suit, which Nick doesn't think she has time for with all the other orders. But Gabi always has time for her favorite customer. Brady soaks in the praise for his handsomeness.

At the pub, Nicole, Sidney and EJ are eating. Sami brings out a basket of craft supplies to make homemade ornaments. Since she's not planning on having a tree, she wants to give them to Sydney. Nicole poo-poos the whole thing and thinks homemade ornaments are tacky. Sami cracks a joke, and EJ laughs, prompting Nicole to put a possessive arm around him. How's business, EJ asks. Sami is struggling to keep the family business going. Snarky Nicole says it must be tough letting down generations of family. Marlena comes in and says Sami has been doing a fabulous job. Marlena hands Sami a note in an envelope. She opens it and says, "What the heck is this?"

Cut to John, Allie, and Gabi also opening envelopes and saying the same thing. They've all received eviction notices and have to be out by Christmas. Gabi panics. Nick vows to help her. Given all that's happened, Brady is going to reschedule his fitting. He hugs her before he leaves and tells her she's the best. She's moon-faced over him. Nick is jealous.

At the Inn, John also reacts to the eviction news. Kristen says they'll get through it together. They kiss. Brady walks into the lobby. Kristen shares the eviction news. Brady explains about all the others who are getting eviction notices.

Sonny asks Will who's the big baddie sending the notices? Will says it needs to be a diva, and Sonny knows exactly who it should be.

Cut to an office chair. Who spins around but evil Paulina with a Cruella De Ville white streak in her hair. Watch out, Salem. Price Town is back. She presses the intercom and calls for her admin, Mary, but Leo Stark comes in. Every villain needs a weasely henchman, Will says. Paulina is going to reinvent Salem and make her hella rich in the process. Leo says there's one hiccup. She calls Leo "Mary" and says she doesn't like bad news. The center of town has been designated for historical preservation. She throws a silver ball at Leo. She only wants solutions, not problems. He doesn't know how he is supposed to solve this problem. Paulina opens up a briefcase full of cash and says throw money at it.

In the town square, Chanel says her mother hasn't been the same since Abe dumped her. Allie is devastated, but Chanel isn't so sure. She's tired of getting up at dawn every day, and she wants to travel. Johnny suggests the Italian Alps, and Chanel gets excited. Tripp isn't sure he can get time off. Allie gushes about the work he does at the free clinic. Chanel is not keen on the free part. But they gush and call each other, "Pookie." Johnny says he's going to pukey. He and Allie obviously each have a thing for a member of the other couple.

At the pub, Sami goes off about all the terrible things that have happened at Christmas, from her dad dying to Lucas running off with Chloe to Antarctica. Nicole goes on and on about how she loves the extravagance of Christmas. Sydney refers to Nicole as "Mom" and tries to correct her about the true meaning of Christmas. (At this point, it seems that Sydney is being raised as Nicole's child and might be hers in this scenario.) Nicole ignores it and starts talking about some sapphires she wants. EJ tries to remind Nicole to be sensitive to what Marlena and Sami are going through. Marlena excuses herself to make a call. She goes outside and prays for a Christmas miracle. John turns the corner and their eyes meet. They talk about the eviction. John is grateful he has Kristen to lean on, but they both look sad.

Back at the Salem Inn, Brady walks into a room. Kristen thought he'd left. But Brady has a gift. Does she want to open it? Kristen rips his shirt open, and they start making out in a frenzy.
A Very Salem Christmas - Part 2
The scenes skips forward to a week later, a couple of days before Christmas. Marlena walks into the Inn to drop off John's Christmas card in person. He gives Marlena his card, which is a joint card with a picture of him and Kristen. Marlena asks after his wife. She's not feeling well, and so she took the morning off. John thinks she probably needs to spend some time in bed.

So, of course, cut to Kristen and Brady. They are naked and sweaty. Kristen says, "Merry freaking Christmas." Brady responds, "Happy freakin New Year." He presents her with a wrapped gift, but Kristen refuses to open the box. Their relationship is built on lust only. John is her husband and she loves him. She likes things the way they are and chooses the safety of John over the passion of Brady. But doesn't she want more? Not from Brady. She's sorry, but she doesn't want his gifts. All she wants is his body. If he doesn't like it, he can move on.

Downstairs. John puts Marlena's Christmas card on the mantel and asks how she is. Marlena misses Roman and says she always well. John asks why she hasn't moved on with someone new. Before Marlena can answer, Paulina bursts in with an unwelcome hello. She's reminding everyone they have to be out of their businesses by Christmas. John counters that she'll never be able to convince the city to knock down the historic buildings for Price Town.

Meanwhile, Leo arrives at the Office of Historic Preservation with an envelope full of cash. A very dapper, spectacled Xander turns around. He's wearing striped shirt, sweater vest, suspenders, and a bow tie. Leo goes googly eyed. Back on the couch with Sonny and Will, they laugh about Leo and Xander and discuss Leo's crush. Then, Xander leans over to pick something up in some tight plaid pants. Leo gets doubly googly eyed. Xander asks if there's something he can do for Leo, and Leo has many ways he could answer that. They discuss Paulina's proposal. Xander thinks plans are unethical and offensive, and she'd be tearing out the heart of the town. Leo tries to give him the money, but Xander is not taking the bribe. Some things are more important than money. He launches into a nostalgic voiceover full of love for Salem. We see all the movie's characters plus framed photos of Shawn and Caroline Brady and the Horton Square plaque. Xander stamps a big fat "denied" on the proposal and hands it to Leo.

Sydney runs into the Pub, and Nicole is mad. She wants EJ to control his daughter. EJ is too wrapped up giving money to a homeless person sleeping under a bench outside the pub. Nicole says she'd be in a better mood if she didn't have to keep coming to this hole in the wall run by his ex. Inside, Sami brings Sydney special Santa pancakes. Nicole stops her daughter from eating the carb-filled breakfast and takes her to get something healthier. EJ apologizes for Nicole, saying she gets threatened by how well Sami gets along with Sydney. Then, Sami says sometimes when she looks at Sydney, she can't help but think about their lost daughter, Grace. She would have been the same age.

Back out in the square, Chanel plans to get some retail therapy to get over losing her business (because Salem money tree). She and Johnny gush over some getting expensive watches, and Allie reminds them Christmas is about buying gifts for other people. Allie wants to go ice skating, which Tripp loves, but Chanel wants to go shopping first. They run off. Allie is mad Tripp always puts Chanel's needs above his. Johnny calls Allie out for being in love with Tripp and confesses that he loves Chanel.

Gabi and Nick work and argue over whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie. Gabi invites Nick to go with her to a cookie decorating contest at the pub. She calls him her bestie and then he says there's something he wants to talk with her about. Of course, Brady interrupts. Gabi has his suit. Nick asks if he has a hot date. No, and he's sad because the woman he wants doesn't want him. Gabi asks if he's told her how he feels. They talk unrequited love, and Gabi suggests writing his lady love a letter. Then she gives Brady the suit without charging him. Brady leaves, and Gabi wonders if he was talking about her. This could be her Christmas miracle.

When confronted with the denied proposal, Paulina calls Leo a disgrace and throws more silver balls at him, sending him out. She'll handle it herself. She just needs to find the right partner in crime, so she makes a phone call. Later, Leo returns to the office. She's in a good mood because whoever she was talking to on the phone solved the problem. The city approved the construction of Price Town. Still calling Leo "Mary," she tells him to make a reservation at the penthouse grill, then orders him to stay behind and clean up the office. While Leo is cleaning up, he stumbles across information that he finds interesting.

At the Pub's cookie event, Chanel fawns over Tripp in the too-tight shirt she bought him. Johnny says if he doesn't want it, it would probably fit him. EJ comes in with Sydney. They just got finished with the Nutcracker, which Sydney didn't like. Nicole stayed behind for a gala, but EJ thought the cookie contest would be more Sydney's speed. Marlena walks over and gazes out the window. She was hoping John would stop by.

At the Inn, John wants to go to the event, but Kristen is not in the mood. He suggests staying in and watching Love Actually. He loves the scene when the Walking Dead guy shows up with his cue cards. Kristen thinks it's sappy and a little stalker-y (I actually agree about that movie). But John thinks it's romantic.

Back at the pub, Gabi is upset because she wants to get this hard-to-find gift for Ari. Nick pulls out the gift. He heard her talking about it and bought it for her. He's about to tell her more about his feelings, but Marlena interrupts him to announce the winners: Nick and Gabi. They hug. Over at the other table, Johnny complains to his grandmother that she didn't pick one of her grandchildren, and Marlena remarks that Allie's cookie looks like Tripp's cookie and Johnny's cookie looks like Chanel's cookie. Maybe they should have switched partners.

Nicole arrives at the pub and walks past the homeless man who's now sleeping on the bench. She goes inside and isn't happy to see Sami attending to Sydney, who has icing on her expensive dress. Sydney confesses to Sami that she wishes Sami was her mother.

At the Inn, Kristen has stepped out of the room from John to get a drink. There's a knock at the door. It's a presumably nude Brady with a series of signs. He's shopping for a girlfriend and has some options. There's a poster with picture of Eileen Davidson's Susan, Eileen Davidson's Sister Mary Moira, and then Stacy Haiduk's Kristen.


He tells her through the cards that he loves her. She says she just can't. He has "I understand" and "Goodbye" on his last cards. He drops the last card, grabs his stuff, and leaves naked. John calls Kristen in because she's missed the best part of the movie. (The whole thing is presented as if it's sad, but it's really just kind of gross. This version of their romance is super gross.)

The cookie event is over, and Sami sees something on her phone. She announces to Marlena that she has a way to save the business.
A Very Salem Christmas - Part 3
Cut to exterior snowy scenes as a new day has dawned. We zoom in to a very tall office building where Paulina is continuing to throw little silver balls at Leo. She's mad because they found out about a loophole that could screw up her plans. An old law allows any business owner who's been there for at least a year to have an opportunity to buy out their lease, but they have to do it by midnight. Back to the couch with Will and Sonny, Sonny likes the midnight deadline because it's very on brand for Christmas movies.

Sami convenes all the parties at the Brady Pub to discuss how they're going to get the money to buy their leases. John has been able to wrangle up a good bit of money, but it's not enough to save everybody's business. Kristen suggests they select a few businesses to save, but Marlena says they're all in this together. Allie asks if Chanel can get them an extension, but her bestie is doubtful. Sami has an idea.

Suddenly, we cut to a banner that says, "Christmas Eve Talent Show Fundraiser" with a big, sparkly stage in the Town Square. EJ and Sami talk about how clever she is. EJ would donate money, but the Dimera assets are frozen because of legal trouble.

Brady arrives at Gabi Chic to pick up his costume for the show, and he's dressed like a 1970s pimp.


He told the woman he loved how he felt, and it didn't work out. She thinks maybe they could hang out, but he wants to keep things professional between them. They work for rival companies (first reference to Brady having a job). Gabi feels like an idiot, and Nick comforts her.

At the event, Allie and Chanel leave the stage with guitars as if they were just singing. (No Johnny Rock Star?) Master of Ceremonies Sami gives them a round of applause and says it's an interesting choice to cover the Indigo Girls (which is a hilarious joke and reference to the lesbian love story brewing between them). The tote board shows they are only half way to their goal and running out of time. Paulina cackles and taunt them until Leo cuts her off. There's one more act. He excitedly confesses he's the one who tipped everyone off about the loophole. "How could you stab me in the back, Mary, after everything I've done for you?" Leo starts to correct her, but stops. He's fine with that as long as it's M-E-R-R-Y. He jumps on stage and introduces the incomparable We Three Queens Sonny Delight, Wilhelmina Shakespeare...

Then, the story cuts back to the Phoenix apartment. Sonny doesn't like the direction the story. He grabs the laptop and types. Then, we get Amanda Bottoms instead of Wilhelmina, but it's still Will in drag along with Sonny in drag. The last of the trio is Bulina China Shop, which is Chad in his drag persona. The three friends are dressed in short, faux fur edged Mrs. Santa tank dresses a la Mean Girl's school assembly. They start dancing to a jazzy version of Deck the Halls. Chad flips up his skirt. They blow the audience kisses. The tote board lights up almost to where they need it.

Chad, still in drag, says you checked out the girls. Now it's time to check out the boys. It's time for Salem's sexy Santas. Brady, EJ, Xander, Tripp, Johnny, and Nick are all dressed as Santa with chairs on stage for a sexy Magic Mike routine. The rip off their beards and start dancing, humping the chairs (there's no other way to put it). Then, they jump up on the chairs and tear off the top of their Santa outfits for some shirtless dancing.

Off to the side, Allie asks Gabi why she and Nick aren't a couple. Gabi insists she doesn't see him that way. She has flashbacks to their times together and realizes she has feelings for him, as she looks at him shirtless on the stage. Chanel looks at the stage and says she realizes that she and Johnny are a better match. Allie agrees.

Back to the sexy, wildly inappropriate dance to a club version of "Come All Ye Faithful." The boys rip off their Santa pants, revealing Christmas boxers. Some of the boys are better stage-writhers than others. Everyone waits in bated breath to see if that final hip thrusting performance got them over the limit. And it did! Chanel jumps up on stage grabs Johnny and gives him a kiss. Tripp is upset until Allie grabs him and does the same. Marlena pats John on the back. Doesn't he want to go find Kristen? To be honest, he wonders if she even cares.

Kristen is at home in bed, drinking champagne and eating popcorn and remembering Brady's little display. She's watching Love Actually and finally sees that that is the best part of the movie.

Back in the square, Gabi runs up to Brady and Nick and says, "You were amazing," and then she grabs and kisses Nick. (It's very weird seeing Nick and Gabi kissing.) Brady smiles and leaves. Gabi and Nick canoodle and agree to go watch Die Hard. EJ gushes with Sami over her success. They hug. Nicole looks peeved. John doesn't think the night could be any more perfect and then it starts to snow. He looks up and says doesn't place have a roof? Marlena believes it's a Christmas miracle.

Later, Sami is at the pub, talking to a picture of Roman about how she managed to wire the money and save the square. Nicole storms in. How dare Sami ogle EJ? And while she's at it, Sami also needs to stay away from her daughter. EJ storms in, "Except she isn't your daughter. Is she Nicole?" (duh duh duhhhhh) He just had a talk with that Neanderthal Rafe who uncovered a grave injustice. EJ and Sami's child didn't die. Their child is Sydney. Nicole switched the babies! Sami slaps Nicole. "Sydney is my daughter." She demands Nicole say it. Nicole says no, and Sami slaps her again. Sami is infuriated. "Sydney is mine and I'm going to make you say it." Nicole confesses Sydney is hers. EJ has rage face.

Meanwhile, the partner swap couples talk about how awkward it is that they've swapped partners, but they decide it's better this way. Tripp says now they're with who they're supposed to be with. Allie says uh-huh while she and Chanel exchange knowing looks.

Leo greets Xander who has to put his glasses back on to see who he is. He's still shirtless in his boxer shorts with his Santa coat open. Xander asks Leo what made him change his tune and help the town. Leo says it was his big speech. Xander takes his glasses off and gives Leo a kiss on the cheek. Leo wonders who helped Paulina since Xander says it wasn't him.

Paulina is in the park, railing about her plans being foiled. Kristen walks up and says she did the best she could. She was tired of running that stupid Inn. Paulina leaves, and later, Brady runs into Kristen. She tells him that she loves him. (Who in the name of all that is holy wants these two people together even in a weird fantasy?) He grabs her and kisses her. John walks by and sees them.

Later, Chanel shows up at Paulina's office to invite her to a Christmas brunch. They're calling it a very swappy Christmas. Paulina is a Grinch, but she's still Chanel's mother, and she believes her mom has a heart in there somewhere.

Sydney is in her room waiting for Santa. EJ says Santa is not here yet but he has a gift. Sami walks in and tells Sydney her Christmas wish has come true. She's her mom. They hug. Sami gets to tuck Sydney into bed. EJ tells Sami they were meant to be a family. He kisses her.

Nicole is sitting in the snow outside the pub crushed by the revelations. She looks up into the snow and prays for forgiveness then takes it back because she says after what she's done, she doesn't deserve forgiveness. (That's very on brand for Nicole.) The homeless man offers her a Kleenex that cannot possibly be clean. Everyone deserves forgiveness, he says. Zoom in underneath all the clothing and the scarf around his face. It's Eric.

Marlena arrives at the Inn where John huddles by the fire. She asks if everything is okay. He announces he and Kristen are getting divorced. She says she's so sorry, and he says, "Thank you, Doc." He hasn't called her that in years. They sit together. The clock chimes for midnight, and they gaze at each other. He says, "Merry Christmas, Doc." "Merry Christmas, John." She leans her head on his shoulder, and they stare at the fire.

Back to Phoenix, Will reads the last lines of the happily ever after in the movie. They send the script off just in time. Sonny is glad they got to spend Christmas in Salem, even if they weren't there. They promised to visit as the clock strikes midnight. They say, "Merry Christmas." Sonny calls Will "Pookie," and they laugh and kiss. Then, the camera zooms in on an ornament that has an hourglass. (THE END)
Thank you so very much, Tina........I won't be seeing this, and your wonderful descriptive narrative absolutely filled the bill. Bless your heart. I know others are just as appreciative of you taking the time to do this for us all.
The movie was okay... I'm not a fan of Christmassy movies like this.... But this isn't even going to pull one person who doesn't watch Days. All the In jokes and the established characters.
On the really plus size, EJ in boxers only is delightful and Xander is great too..... Tripp can't dance his way out of a paperbag.... does does it matter?
Oh my gosh, thank you for writing that up! I didn't even realize that it was on. There were a LOT of different stories going on, and I guess it was fun for the cast. I do wonder how Stacy Haiduk (new Kristen and co.) feels about Eileen Davidson playing Kristen in these special shows. Even just seeing pictures and reading recaps, Eileen D plays her so much better and less cartoony. Thanks again, Tina.
Some thoughts about the movie.

It had a Hallmark Christmas movie vibe, especially in the beginning. Sydney was adorable and appears to be the age she would be if she were unSORASed (around 10-11 years old). I get the impression on the regular show she's older than that, probably in high school (EJ mentioned once on the regular show she was in boarding school, not college). There was snow, and wardrobe was more winter appropriate as people were wearing coats, mittens, and scarves. People like Gabi, Sami, Nick, and EJ were a lot nicer than they are on the regular show. Kristen also appeared nice in the beginning, but then she started appearing more Kristen like as the show went on (the villainous side, not the psycho side). Nicole was not very nice in the movie, either. She is married to EJ and is (apparently) Sydney's mom. Kristen and John are married, Marlena is Roman's widow, and Sami still misses her dad and she and Marlena are running the pub. Paulina was the baddie and acted more villain like since, as Chanel remarked, Abe dumped her, so that remained true to the main show. Another thing that referenced the main show was that Will tried to extend his midnight deadline, telling Sonny he tried to tell his bosses that he had family issues as his grandmother has been possessed by the devil again.

As the show went on, it began to have some vibes similar to the regular show. Brady and Kristen are having an affair behind John's back, Gabi has a crush on Brady while Nick pines for her, Chanel and Tripp are together while Allie and Johnny look on, jealous, Sami and Sydney really get along well but Nicole is always there to stop Sami from getting too close to Sydney.

After the talent show that saves the town from Paulina's plans for PriceTown, we see couples form that match more with the regular show. After the Santa dance, Chanel goes on stage to kiss Johnny, Allie kisses Tripp, Gabi kisses Nick (which was a strange couple, but because they were both nicer in this version, it fit). Brady and Kristen also meet up and John sees them from a distance.

Nicole came after Sami, telling her to stay away from her husband and daughter, when EJ comes in and states Sydney is his and Sami's daughter. Sami confronts Nicole much like she did in the Sydney switch storyline and has Nicole admit Sydney is Sami's. While EJ and Sami go and see Sydney go to bed for Christmas Eve, Nicole sits outside the Pub and berates herself, but the homeless guy hands her a tissue, and we see that it is Eric.

At the end John and Marlena are together in the end just sitting before the fire.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was campy and outrageous, but lots of fun. I enjoyed Paulina and Leo way more than I do on the show. I plan to watch some of the parts I particularly enjoyed again.
Since Days isn't on today, I decided to finally watch the movie.

Thanks, Tina for the summary.

I liked nice Nick and Leo.

Why would Will write a story with EJ and Sami happy at the end?

I didn't like Kristen with Brady at all.

Nice surprise to see Eric as the bum.

Line of the day goes to John when it started snowing on the square "Doesn't this place have a roof?"