Days of Our Lives - Fri., Oct. 18, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 18, 2019

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oops, sorry, almost nodded off a few times. Does seem the storylines just are not moving along at all. However, Kayla tells Eli/Lani there is a problem with Julie. Gabi chimes in angrily not to say her husband's heart is not working. Oh, that is all fine, but Julie has developed a condition called bradycardia, heart is beating too slowly, if it doesn't get enough oxygen, could be problems, so they can fix this with a pacemaker. Kayla will talk to Doug, Eli is going along, Gabi stops Lani, wants to talk to her. She guesses Lani did not tell Eli about their talk. Lani notes how Gabi made her get down on her knees to beg. She tries to explain again what happened, but Gabi spots Eli returning, seems Julie wants that pacemaker now, not tomorrow. Gabi leaves.

Ben shows up at Rafe's, knocks, Jordan comes outside, won't let him in. He came to apologize to Jordan for thinking she tried to run Ciara down. She drags up again Clyde being in his head still, and was in hers but no longer, he claims the same, will always protect Ciara, she is his rock, blah, blah, blah. Same conversation, she finally goes inside, but stops and invites Ben & Ciara to David's birthday party tomorrow.

Hope visits Ciara, has one of her neck pains, Ciara gets tea, plus water & aspirin. She tells her mom about them learning Jordan was not the car driver, it was a drunk, yada, yada. Hope says something about always protecting someone you love. She finally leaves.

Ben calls Gabi, telling her he will be happy to stay on as head of security.

Eli tells Lani how great Gabi has been. She says, yeah, just lovely!

And we cannot go a day without Sarah, who comes into the living room, finding Maggie & Xander there, Maggie asking why Sarah did not tell her something so important. Of course Sarah thinks Xander told about the baby, we get those “looks” from her, but finally Maggie mentions her leaving town, cannot go, wedding in 2 weeks. Sarah agrees to stay as she has not given Kayla notice yet. When Maggie goes out, Sarah starts yapping at Xander for even telling that to Maggie, but he tells her he was hoping Maggie could convince her to stay.

Nicole comes in, Eric happy to see her, mentions he knows Nik was trying to distract him last night, what was it. She hems and haws, stumbles around a lot, finally telling him Rolf came to see her. But she only tells of Kristen being pregnant, Brady moving her into the Kmansion. Eric cannot believe that was all, but is accepting and rushes over to the Kmansion, telling Maggie & Sarah he knows about the baby. And so we go thru a 2nd round of Sarah's scared face, misunderstandings, but her secret is secure.

Ben goes home, he and Ciara snuggle as he fills her in on going to see Jordan.

Gabi is home, tells Stefan's pic she is going to make them all pay. She will run DiMera like he would. She remembers Kayla talking of the pacemaker, picks up the folder that says Visionary Bionics, finds business card, calls the number, saying I want to see you NOW.

Jordan sits with a smile as she cuts out some sort of connecting paper doll decoration, telling baby David how surprised Ben was to be invited, she hopes they comes as the party will be a surprise to remember.

Hope is wandering around DiMansion, fixating on Stefano's portrait. She answers her phone, tis Kayla who wants to talk to her, come to hospital. Hope will be there soon, has to take care of something first. She hangs up, smiles, goes over to Stefano's portrait, which is now on the floor, leaning against a table. She picks it up, takes it down into the tunnels.
Just wish they would not drag things out ad infinitum, before they get to the nitty gritty.

See, with Gabi it was so silly for her to be ordering Lani to do her bidding, when she had nothing with which to threaten her. But finally, end of show, Gabi picks up that Visionary Bionic file, calls the company. Now is that not the company that manufactured Steve's bionic eye? The one that someone else had control over, so could photograph any govt. documents that Steve may have looked at, scanned, etc.

So now, here is Gabi, taking over Stefan's files, calling that company, just as Kayla is talking of this new pacemaker, (something about inserting it with a catheter) to keep Julie's heart beating at a normal rate. Soooo.....would there perhaps be some way to "control" that pacemaker, cause it to stop working, or crash or something, so Julie would be in danger, harm's way, whatever??? And if so, Gabi could possibly hold that over Lani, that threat to have Julie die, if Lani doesn't do her bidding?

Just speculating...... here, with both thoughts.

Like, what does HOPE want with Stefano's portrait. I mean, she takes it down to the tunnels. That is not Princess Gina doing that, it is Hope, who just talked to Kayla, promising to come to the hospital soon as she takes care of something. Is there some way for Rolf to be controlling Hope at this point? Making her say or do things Hope would ordinarily not do?
Soooo.....would there perhaps be some way to "control" that pacemaker, cause it to stop working, or crash or something, so Julie would be in danger, harm's way, whatever???
I saw a story on the news not too long ago about how people can monitor their pacemakers on a smartphone app. There was concern that the app could be hacked and somehow someone could control the pacemaker.
Days of Our Lives Friday, October 18, 2019 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oops, sorry, almost nodded off a few times.
I actually did doze off a few times, but stayed awake enough to be able to make a few comments about today's "action."

Mr. Nice Guy: Xander actually kept his cool as testy Sarah abruptly squawked at him. If she'd done that to Victor, he'd have bitten her head off. As for Eric, he'd have collapsed into a quivering blob of Jello.

Monkey See/Monkey Do: Gabi now says that she'll run DiMera just as her beloved Zero would have. If that's the case, Mr. Shin and the board better be ready to call some good bankruptcy attorneys. (They'd better not use bumbling Justin. With him on the case, DiMera would quickly end up in liquidation.)

Party Time: If they actually do go party with Jordan and Baby Ridgeway, Ben and Ciara better watch their backs, wear Kevlar vests, and bring along a food taster.

Fool Me Once: Nicole really was emphatic about sourpuss Eric's need to know about the Sarah baby. Ms. Walker really must have learned something from the fiasco that resulted from trying to fool pre-mummy EJ about her failed pregnancy.

Sacrilege: Hope really is losing it -- daring to move the sacred portrait of the Phoenix. It's too bad that TPTB couldn't have arranged for an old clip of the living Stefano's face to briefly materialize before Hope's eyes as she stared at his portrait.
It's too bad that TPTB couldn't have arranged for an old clip of the living Stefano's face to briefly materialize before Hope's eyes as she stared at his portrait.
Especially the clip of him laughing hysterically, as she shot him???

Ms. Walker really must have learned something from the fiasco that resulted from trying to fool pre-mummy EJ about her failed pregnancy.
But she still avoided telling Eric. She is going to regret not doing so.

And by the way, Xander is handing out advice just like further their own interests......sigghhh
I know it's a soap so they do dumb stuff but twice today Sarah almost outed her secret!! Twice!! I thought it was dumb the she didn't think her leaving was what Xander had told Maggie. And didn't Eric already know that Kristen was pregnant? I thought he did but I could be wrong. But still for him to rush over there "I know about the baby!" was just stupid. Nicole needs to have confidence that Eric loves her and tell him that Sarah is pregnant.

Not liking this Hope stuff. Afraid I know where it's headed and I don't want that!! I really wish they would address that Stefano is indeed dead. Really and truly dead. I want Hope to have to live with it! She killed him then disposed of his body!!!

Oh Jordan what do you have planned for the party?

And not liking that Gabi is going to have something to do with Julie's procedure.
Thanks, Poirot.

It's cliffhanger Friday, but there wasn't really anything at the end
to make
us come back on Monday.

I'm glad Ben apologized to Jordan.

Kayla told Eli, Lani, and Gabi out in the open about Julie needing another
surgery. Everyone in the hospital will know by the end of the day.

Sarah needs to get a grip. She's going to spill the beans either to
Maggie or Eric that she's with child.

Since there are so many people living in the K mansion now, do they
have to make appointments to use the living room?
I don't remember enough of the Princess Gina stuff from before. Did she go back and forth as Hope back then or did Gina not know that she was Hope?
There are two different Gina storylines. After Hope's "death", she was found by Bo and Billie years ago. Hope was an amnesiac who thought her name was Gina. She wasn't crazy or evil, just had no memory. But eventually she regained her memories of life as Hope. (she was even given an ornament on the Horton tree as "Gina" before she was proven to be Hope)

Later, there was a separate character named Princess Gina who was in cahoots with Stefano. Kristian Alfonso (Hope) played her. She was older than Hope, and bat-crap crazy. She was also the biological mother of Greta, a/k/a "Swamp Girl" (who was originally thought to be the presumed-dead Hope). Eventually, the real Princess Gina died. Stefano and Rolf somehow managed to brainwash Hope into thinking she was Princess Gina. In her Princess Gina mode, Hope committed crimes, had sex with a brainwashed John (he was presumed to be the father of her baby when she got pregnant with Zack, but it was later rewritten to say Bo was the father) and was generally a bad person.

When Hope is in Princess Gina mode, she speaks with British accent, smokes and usually has blond streaks in her hair. Here is Hope in Princess Gina mode:
