Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Sept. 14, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 14, 2018

You absolutely need to watch today’s show with tissues at hand! Replay of Hope arresting Ben for the attempted murder of Ciara Brady. New evidence has come to light. Ciara cannot believe this. When Hope leaves with the handcuffed Ben, Ciara gets into an argument with Tripp. He knows Ben helped her, saved her, etc. but he is still a serial killer. She says he is no longer that person, talks of everyone who searched that cabin and found nothing, then her mom goes and suddenly finds something? She is skeptical.

At the cop shop, Sami is in the interrogation room where Rafe fills her in on all that is going on with her mom. She is upset, wants to go there, no way says Rafe. In comes Hope with Ben, explaining how she decided to go back to the cabin for one more look around, found this accelerant, took to lab, partial print on it, which is Ben’s. Rafe just cannot believe it. Ben & Sami get into a short lived verbal sparring match, Rafe is taking her back to her cell himself, Hope wants to call a guard, he says they are busy. (yes, he takes her to hospital, deal being she is in his custody, no taking off to find Kristen, or go searching for EJ). Hope asks Ben if he wants a phone to call his lawyer. No need, won’t need one, not guilty. She pulls something out, says his print on it, he says never saw it before. She calls him a liar, he is going to prison, no insanity plea since Doctor swore many times he is fine now. Ben notes that psychopath Kristen is on the loose, her good friend Marlena on death bed, but she ignores all that to take a drive to the woods.

At the hospital family is gathering. Will comes to John, says Paul is having tests, tells John his memory is back, John hugs, is happy for him. Claire arrives with Belle, hugs John, he ignores Belle, but tells Claire of Justin going to try and convince board, but it is a very long shot, and everyone needs to say goodbye to their mother. Claire doesn’t know what to say, Belle goes with her in the room. And thus, each member of her family goes in, one at a time, to have a final talk with Marlena, and tissues needed. Claire talks of how she babbles on and on, but Marlena always listened, is going to try and be a good person from now on. She leaves, Belle is upset, has been so far away, wishes they could have talked, she hates what her mom is having her do. Doesn’t want it. (everyone is in tears, John breaks our hearts). Will comes in, talks of how he knows his mom did this to her, how he could never talk of things to his mom, but could with Marlena, but is afraid he is becoming like his mom, chaos reigns wherever he goes, whatever he does.

Brady & Eric are talking together of when they were little, & Marlena made them do this “grateful” thing every single day, they hated it. But Brady does it now with Tate. They are glad they made peace, and have each other back. Brady is with Marlena, talking of when he was so young, saying to her she was not his real mom. But he was wrong, she was, still is. She is the only mother he has had, loves her. Eric’s turn, like others, he holds Marlena’s hand as he pours out his love for his mom, something he has not done as often as he should have.

Sami comes in, talks of shrieking about Kristen doing this, but “it was me”, I did this. Doesn’t know how a good person like her mom ended up with a daughter like Sami. She mentions when she found John & her mom together, she feels that from that moment, she never wanted to be like her mother. But her mom is like a fortress, no matter what Sami put her through, she never crumbled, and now she prays every day to be just like Marlena, for her own kids. She knows her mom is fighting, keep fighting, we need you. She starts singing Rockabye Mama, then lays her head on Marlena’s tummy, crying out “Mommy”.

John is with her, he is in tears. He recalls a time when there, at the hospital, Marlena was talking a troubled kid off the roof, and fell instead. He looks upward, asking if God has one more miracle for them, and tells Marlena he wants to finalize their vows. But to do that, you have to come back, NOW. Come back!

Will is talking to Sami, who doesn’t know how she will get thru this. He reminds her she said the same about Grace, but did get thru it. She starts saying that was different, then realizes he remembers! He says yes he does, she is smiling, miracles do happen.

John is talking on phone to Carrie, has filled her in. He makes sure Austin is with her, give a big hug to my grandson.

Ben is alone in the interrogation room, whistling a bit, door opens, in comes Ciara, who has slipped in past the cops. “What are you doing here”

Later, John & Kayla come out of the room, the judge has refused their request, the hospital board is honoring the directive. Kayla says she will be turning off the monitors. John says he is going to chapel to ask God’s blessing, everyone goes along. Claire says she has never seen anyone die, Belle tells her to go home, she will call her later. everyone is outside Marlena’s door. Kayla has been attending to Marlena, now says just immediate family come in, Eric, Belle & Sami are standing together, Kayla has removed the breathing apparatus. John is standing to the side, Eric says a prayer, Amen. John says his Amen. Kayla turns, and shuts off the machines, The hissing noise stops. Camera on Marlena, eyes closed,
Oh jeez, I'm going to need a box of tissues. I've watched these characters so long they are like part of my family, deranged and crazy, but still family. I better save this one for the weekend.
Today's show had a weird look, like it was shot on film instead of video tape or digital. (for the first half; the second half looked normal)

I liked John talking to Carrie like she was another one of his kids, calling her Pumpkin and telling her to give "his grandson" a hug from him.

Funny the way the writers made it sound like Eric and Brady grew up together, when they didn't. That's not to say Marlena didn't have a "go around the table and say what you're thankful for" rule whenever they were together, but they made it sound like it was something they did together as kids.

Also liked the nods to the past, like Belle talking about how her birth blew up the family because she was John's and not Roman's baby. Will mentioning Grace to Sami. And of course, Sami mentioning the tabletop tryst.

Heather is going to squeal like a fangirl when she hears Brady's speech to Marlena calling her his mother.
To think the Commissioner of Police actually went looking to see if Sami was in her cell!!!!
I guess helping her hide the body of a man she just killed is not worse than taking Sami (in handcuffs) to see her dying mother.
I've hadn't really been able to watch the hospital story because I've found it hits too close to home. In less then a month will be the 16th anniversary of my mom's passing and my family was in the position of having to decide whether or not to continue life support. She had her feelings on the matter clear and so my dad. siblings and I wee in agreement..

I know "Days" is just a silly, melodramatic daytime TV show and if this stuff aired a few months later or a few months earlier it probably wouldn't get to me but for it to air at this particular time of year I've had to give it a pass.
The touching scenes at Marlena's bedside were well done, but elsewhere it was all too typically Salem.

Justin: When is this guy going to get his legal act together? He should have tried a little forum shopping to get Judge Karen Fitzpatrick to hear his motion for an injunction. The words "Stefano would want you do this," would have caused her old pro-DiMera reflexes to have kick in and the no-life-support provision in the living will would have been history.

Hope: This witch should just buy a broom and start practicing her cackling. In one episode, she managed some gratuitous nastiness towards Rafe and Sami and cooked up some fake evidence against Ben. As I said in my post yesterday, she should be fired ASAP.

LIttle Trippy: If he wants to score points with Ciara, he should give up his negativity about Ben and join his fan club. Imagine how pleased Ciara would have been with him if he's said: "Give it up Hope. Everyone knows you faked the evidence against Ben. Why don't you go back to the police station and resume making Rafe Hernandez miserable."

Finally, all the misery John's been through in this life and all the problems he and Marlena have overcome, the Almighty should grant him his miracle. That's a fact.
Troy, was wondering where you were........we get worried! Am glad you posted, just know that you are not alone in how you feel, or in decisions that were difficult to make. Been years since my mom passed, my dad, too......and my sister. When I do a summary on certain days......and type the has to stop for a minute. This storyline has really given the actors a chance to show what they are capable of doing. Also, the mentions of history have been just wonderful. Things viewers have complained that have been ignored over the years. (like Marlena being the only mother Brady has really known, Sami being so reckless at times, referrring to seeing John & her mother together (the infamous conference table top)...and more.
The story is not over for sure......Sending you a hug. and a smile ...:)
I am hoping and hoping that Hope did indeed plant that evidence and she gets caught and gets what's coming to her!! It sure is looking like Sami will break up her and Rafe. She's not gonna be happy that he lied about where he was taking Sami. I thought Rafe looked a little less gray today.

The Marlena good bye were sad.
Thanks, Poirot.

Troy, we're all thinking about you.

Did anyone notice Rafe said DJ and not the other? Closed captioning
showed DJ too.

So Hope found new evidence at the cabin. Did she put it there or did
someone else?

I enjoyed the bedside goodbye scenes with family members.

It was great when Brady called Marlena mom and that he was an
obnoxious teenager.

Sami was the one that made me cry when she sang to her mom then
called her "Mommy"

John made me cry too when he was asking God for a miracle.

Line of the day goes to Will when he talked to Sami "I had a strange life"
But he was wrong, she was, still is.
Well knock me over with a feather! (And I'm sure the shock will cause a delay in Heather4CU's posting, too.)
Funny the way the writers made it sound like Eric and Brady grew up together, when they didn't.
With the way they've been SORAS'd, this is one of the most plausible things I've heard. Brady is being played as old as Eric, even though they were born 10 years apart and aged 4 years apart.
Near end.....was odd when everyone trouped off to chapel, and in 2 seconds were coming back, with Claire not wanting to stay.
LIttle Trippy: If he wants to score points with Ciara, he should give up his negativity about Ben and join his fan club. Imagine how pleased Ciara would have been with him if he's said: "Give it up Hope. Everyone knows you faked the evidence against Ben. Why don't you go back to the police station and resume making Rafe Hernandez miserable."
Somebody tell Tripp that Hope killed Ava, please.

As good as the bedside scenes were, they have no impact, so...let's move to the next shock. Quickly.
Troy, was wondering where you were........we get worried! Am glad you posted, just know that you are not alone in how you feel, or in decisions that were difficult to make. Been years since my mom passed, my dad, too......and my sister. When I do a summary on certain days......and type the has to stop for a minute. This storyline has really given the actors a chance to show what they are capable of doing. Also, the mentions of history have been just wonderful. Things viewers have complained that have been ignored over the years. (like Marlena being the only mother Brady has really known, Sami being so reckless at times, referrring to seeing John & her mother together (the infamous conference table top)...and more.
The story is not over for sure......Sending you a hug. and a smile ...:)

Thank you for the kind words Poirot, your kind words are much appreciated.. I was hesitant to post something so personal but then I realized it's not good to keep things like that bottled up so I'm glad I got off my chest. Plus I kind of felt I should explain why I haven't watching and posting after promising I wouldn't disappear.

Sending a hug and smile back at you: :)
As good as the bedside scenes were, they have no impact, so...let's move to the next shock. Quickly.
I think Marlena will emit one of her famous gasps, and all will be well again. I just hope it's not the same noise she makes when John touches her.
liked John talking to Carrie like she was another one of his kids, calling her Pumpkin and telling her to give "his grandson" a hug from him.

The great thing about this scene was you actually felt like Carrie was there even though she wasn't. And loved everything John said to her too.

Heather is going to squeal like a fangirl when she hears Brady's speech to Marlena calling her his mother.


Did anyone notice Rafe said DJ and not the other?


It was great when Brady called Marlena mom

This was the only thing he didn't do. I actually thought he was going to call her mom at the end but he just hesitated instead.

And I'm sure the shock will cause a delay in Heather4CU's posting, too.)

Lol just a busy weekend

Best episode I've seen in years. My only wish was that Brady was in the room at the end too. And it would have been nice to have Shawn lingering in the background too to support his wife and daughter. He seemed to have gotten lost on the way to the hospital with them.

I really liked how Sami glanced at Rafe as soon as Will mentioned Grace since Rafe was her father at the time. Back when Sami had common sense and hated EJ.

I didn't cry at all because as Jason said it's common sense Marlena isn't going to die.