Days of Our Lives - Friday, June 6th, 2008

i really like Chelsea! I feel sorry for her just think of all that she has been through-losing her adoptive parents, not knowing she was adopted, her mother sleeping with her boyfriend, hitting her little brother and killing him and not meaning to, her dad almost dying, her grandpa that she hasn't known that long dying, going through a major surgery and her mother across the country, and having a evil grandmother like Kate! She has had a lot on her plate give the poor girl a break!

DOUL is really moving slow and it is getting old. I am ready for some action!

I would love for John to divorce Marlana and hook up with Ava! That would cause some action, wouldn't it?

Oh well this is my first time to post and I know alot of the regulars will not like what I say so sorry!

:welcome: Vicki - I don't think this is a site where regulars get upset overly much about what another poster says. This is a place where all DOOL fans can get together and post their opinions. Again :welcome: to this site.
For some reason I thought Chelsea was told she MIGHT not be able to have kids. But I guess I am wrong about that. You are right about her facing the fact she can't have them. I forgot all about that scene with the Dr.
I love it in today's epi when Lucas was talking about Nicole and Rolf said that she's not the smartest schnitzel in the picnic basket. Too funny! I love Rolf! I wonder how Bryan Dattilo (Lucas) kept a straight face because he's supposed to be such a jokester.

I love the name but dont care for the couple to be together. After all this time of watching EJ/Sami/Lucas last year they are hooking EJ up with Nicole. I guess we will be watching EJ/Nicole and Lucas/and ?? hook up, and Sami will realize she is alone. EJ can do well with anyone on screen but I would like to see him eventually with Sami, but it takes two.

I love Rolf, he is great.
:welcome: Vicki - I don't think this is a site where regulars get upset overly much about what another poster says. This is a place where all DOOL fans can get together and post their opinions. Again :welcome: to this site.

What I like about this site, is that everyone has an opinion, but everyone is freindly and respectful of others. I have seen other sites, where the members are rude and nasty. Haven't seen that here, and it makes this site fun. (Sorry, litle off topic)
Age differences and Maturity: DOOL

Everyone keeps talking about Chelsea's and Dan's age difference and Chelsea's immaturity. Have yall forgotten Chelsea's step-grandparents on Hope's side of the family: Doug and Julie (or Chelsea's Aunt - however you want to look at it) - my gosh, Doug was married to Julie's mother - Addie!!!! Then he married Julie - talk about age different!!!!!! Julie was very immature and vindictive back then. They have stayed married all these years and are very happy (in real life too!) Hope and Bo have already been mentioned and there was a big diff. in age just not as big as Chelsea and Dan or Doug and Julie, and Hope was very infatuated with Bo and very immature - loved it though when Bo rescued her on his bike from her almost fatal marriage right at the church (sorry off topic!) Have yall forgotten Kayla and back then it was Patch. Pay more attention to the flash backs and you can really she the age differences. They just don't show up now as much since they are all older!!!!! What about Caroline & Shawn & Victor!!!!!! Yes, they were all friends, but Shawn & Victor were obviously older than Caroline!!!

Please give Chelsea and Dan a break. They will end up together - watch and see! He tried to fool her w/his "made up story of hooking up w/another - unavailable - woman", but admitted she had insight into him like nobody else ever had - also told her how much he admired her - over & over and when he said "whew" and put his hand over his mouth - my heart melted - LOL!!! He did not say it was over between them - just that he wanted to work out the death of his wife and not being able to commit to available women by himself w/o her help. I thought she was VERY MATURE when she told him fine and that she wouldn't chase after him anymore and turned and walked off - leaving him staring after her. I'm telling you - Dan's hooked. So is Chelsea - she just doesn't realize he is hooked on her - she misunderstood the conversation!!!!

I don't think DOOL is stupid enough to have Lexie have another affair.....and I think Daniel wanted to make himself and Chelsea think he was interested in someone else - Lexie, but he realized that it is all about her being worried over Theo - her being a great Mom and that changed his mind! If you were watching close enough, when Abe came to Lexie in the hospital and told her he agreed Theo needed to be tested and they hugged; the above conversation between Daniel and Chelsea was going on at the same time and they were back to back in person and within seeing and hearing range!

That's all Folks!!!! I know yall are glad!!!!
Oops! Left One Out!

Sorry, but I left out Abe and Lexie - granted Lexie NEVER ages, but there is definitely a HUGE age difference there!!!!! If not, why do they always pair her w/such younger lovers!!!! Of course, there marriage has been very rocky to say the least!!!!!!!
The thing is not age in years.......but maturity levels. I know couples personally who are 15-25 years apart in age, but are much much closer in age maturity wise.
Chelsea is acting like a love sick high school teen with a crush on teacher. But I will say Daniel talks like he is still Moondoggie out on the beach.

Julie was not immature when she married Doug at last, but their romance went thru some rocky times. Patch is only a few years older than Kayla, the same goes for Bo & Hope. Kayla was already a nurse when she met up with Patch, and Bo probably was more mature than Hope when they met, since he just got out of the Merchant Marines, while Hope was not yet 18.

Days made it clear at some point that Caroline, Shawn & Victor all were in school together, until Victor was sent away to Greece. So they are all the same age. As I said, the difference in ages does not count as much as the difference in the level of maturity. Chelsea has a long way to go. In 3, 4, 5 years, she may be a lot better, and who could care less.
So true Barb. Also, something that really irks me on how ridiculous Daniel is...why is Chelsea interested in him anyway? I know we all comment on how in the world he would like Chelsea but he comes across as some kind of middle aged creep trying to capture his youth. I realize everyone seems to find him hot (which that wore off on me the minute he started talking like a teenager from an early 80s flick) but most of the time the reason a girl like Chelsea is attracted to an older guy is because of the advantages dating a man like that can bring. He could take her to good restaurants, maybe even whisk her away to romantic getaways. His conversational skills should mean he's a great listener and he can give wonderful advice to her problems, so far all we've heard is mainly Daniel do all the talking since Chelsea is so lovesick. What does Daniel bring to the table that any guy HER AGE doesn't already bring except they have one advantage, YOUTH and VIGOR?

Seriously, I've never seen a more poorly planned love story than Chan.
For some reason in soaps.. I never consider age... i mean... they could always add a few years.. or take away a needed at anytime... for me its usually a matter of the characters click.. and... well. .Dr. Dan... i think any one can click with him.... :) yum yum...

Ciara.. could they have gotten a more perfect little girl to portray Bo and Hope??? OMG.. I LOVE HER!!!.. She's sooo adorable!... and.. such a comfortable little actress amongst the grown ups!!.. I really enjoyed watching her on screen..and kept looking for her int he back ground!..

( I have a 4 year old..and 18 month old..little girls.. and I am constantly amazed by them!)

NuJohn is great...!!.. I really like him. He's adding so much to the what seems like a goody two shoes old John! I really like him... and. its kinda disappointing to see how his old friends immediately thinks he's guilty ..before proven so..but. I guess.. its a dimera thing..:)

Thanks for the wonderful write ups Pirot!!! you're very appreciated ...!!!