Days of Our Lives - Friday, Nov. 4, 2016

Eduardo and Dario: I'm hoping that this turns out to be some undercover sting type operation that Eduardo is running. Because I really don't want Eduardo to be a bad guy. But I doubt that's going to be case. I'm already trying to think of amusing nicknames for both him and the now clean shaven Dario. What a shame *sigh*.

Hope and Ciara: I thought these scenes were pretty good. I actually felt bad for Ciara when I've never really anything for either way. So I guess that's progress.

Theresa: So she is going to channel her inner Nancy Drew and take down Mateo's big bad cartel pretty much all by her lonesome with maybe a bit of help from the ISA? Sure, why not? *eye roll* I mean I'm sure in the world of Salem people have come up with even dumber plans and succeeded. :)
Well maybe since John will be off screen now for a while they can have (or say ) that he is off on an ISA job and he will be the one helping Theresa bring down the bad guys and she can come back. Well hopefully she will come back eventually.
I liked that Hope had subtle makeup and was wearing flats. You could see the height difference in her scenes with Rafe and Ciara. I thought the scenes with Ciara were pretty good. I would have liked a Shawn mention though. The scenes with Rafe made me cringe. I just have such a hard time believing they are suddenly in love, especially from her end.

I was confused by Ciara and Theo at the end. Where is Claire?

Liked seeing Jeannie T with her parents. Kim did call her Theresa once or twice as well. I think this entire storyline is stupid but I enjoy seeing Shane and Kim. Hopefully they will interact with their grandson and other characters while in Salem.

In my opinion, Chloe was 100% right in what she said to Nicole. She had no right to bring Deimos with her. And Nicole really does need to wake about him. She is losing sight of herself. I'm not sure where this is going but I hope Philip gets involved again.

I couldn't believe they used that alley set as the Chicago cafe. Is this going to be the new new blue wall room at the hospital?