Days of Our Lives - Mon., Dec. 18, 2017


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Western Wisconsin
At DiMansion, Chad plays the recording of Kate's confession. She tries to worm out of it, Chad silences her. Steve gloats (rightfully in my opinion) about neutralizing Kate, warns her away from trying anything like that with her or his family again. He leaves. Chad recaps, wants to hear it from Kate again. Chad lays into her for her actions to cover her own hide instead of showing concern for Theo. Chad says she's lucky that Stefano isn't alive to seek vengeance for what she's done.

At the Police Station, Jennifer and Abby are waiting outside as Rafe/JJ are recapping the IA investigation in his office. Jennifer is grateful that Lani came to support JJ.

In Rafe's office, Internal Affairs has cleared Det Jack Patrick Deveraux of any wrongdoing. Abe glowers. He will still pursue charges through the DA, despite the report recommending against that. Abe growls that this isn't over, blah blah. Rafe tries to talk calmly through this, JJ is silent. Abe is furious when Rafe announces that JJ is to be reinstated. Abe calls this a travesty and lets slip that he got Eli's opinion on the matter. Rafe says this is inappropriate. Rafe and JJ go out to the working area, where Jennifer gets the news and hugs JJ. Lani wonders where Abe is (he left out the back), and is sure Abe will eventually accept what happened. Lani wants to put everything behind them when Theo gets better. JJ isn't sure he can ever do that.

In the Private area, Ciara flashes back to a fuzzy one-shot of Rafe's side of his conversation with Sami. Hope rushes up, having been summoned by her. Hope wonders about the conversation she had "this morning" in the townhouse with Shawn-D, wherein she learned Ciara wants to ruin Claire's life. What happened? Ciara goes on about Bo dying, Aiden trying to kill Hope, being raped, and now Hope's moved on to another guy. Hope thought Ciara liked Rafe, is confused by Ciara's attitude. Ciara lashes out, but Hope just comforts her. She says grief comes in waves, but it gets better. Ciara's line of reasoning is that she cut out Theo because of what happened with Chase, and Claire had moved in and blocked the letter by the time Ciara was ready. Hope is on both kids' side, infuriating Ciara.

In the Square, Claire mopes as Tripp brings her food. They wonder what happened to Ciara in Hong Kong to change her character so drastically (they use more colorful words). Later, Tripp tells Claire how Ciara overheard Claire talking about fighting with Theo, which is what apparently makes Claire responsible in Ciara's eyes for the "accident." Claire gets a text from Kayla, the operation is over.

At the hospital, Valerie and Kayla inform Abe that the operation didn't go as planned, and is not repeatable. This is not a setback; they are right where they were before the procedure. Claire rushes in, and reads the faces of the adults. The doctors prescribe time and prayer.

That's it, folks. Train crash news preempted the rest of my show. I did glean from Twitter that Kate doesn't get fried (but DOES get fired), and that Ciara doesn't tell Hope anything, but Rafe seems to realize that Ciara knows what happened between him & Sami.
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Certain Salemites deserve a big round of applause.

:clap:Steve & Chad: Their exposure of Kate's role in the Theo affair rendered her virtually speechless. When was the last time this happened?

:clap:Claire: She was right on point about Teen Ciara 2's nasty, childish blathering about boyfriends while Theo lay in a coma a short distance away: She didn't grow up in Hong Kong.

Others fare less well.

:angry::angry: Angry Abe: He's done himself no good with his angry, vindictive remarks about JJ. Based on what was seen on-screen, Internal Affairs made the right call when it exonerated Jenny's son. Unless Theo awakens soon, Abe is going to ruin his reputation with his foolish vendetta.

:sick::sick: Ciara: Despite Hope's pep talk, the awful Teen Ciara 2 hasn't reconsidered her ways. If she keeps it up, she'll end up more unpopular than Kate or Sami.

:confused: Stefano: What would he have done to his misbehaving Katarina? Would he, like Chad, have limited himself to ousting her as CEO and booting her out of the DiMansion or would he have gone nuclear and called in Sergio and Ricardo to administer some rough DiMera "justice?"
Ahhh, so Hope gets a call from Rafe, right at a very important point in the conversation with Ciara, and takes off. Ciara was right are no longer on the force, why do you have to rush down there? Oh, she had to read the report from the IA??? Give us all a break. And Abe, swearing to Theo he will get vengence. Huh? If Abe doesn't watch it, he is going to lose his job as mayor.
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Today was well done and great acting especially by Abe and Ciara. I am sure a lot of members here were happy to see Kate's world slowly come crashing down and become exposed. However Chad truly went on easy on her I felt. So I wonder if the official word is that Stefano is dead since his portrait is being talked to and now Chad has referred to Stefano as dead?

I have to say I am liking the New Ciara, she has a lot of spunk and sass. Some viewers may find it annoying another Sami 2.0 but I however feel this is ten times better then wallflower boring doormat Ciara we had been given a snooze fest. I'm not sure if its the hair and the eyes but the actress of Ciara reminds me of Miley Cyrus.

As for Abe, I never thought the writers could ever really write him in a way to make him unlikeable. Abe is becoming over the top with his wanting revenge as the proper channels were taking showing JJ wasn't responsible. Let alone Theo truly was at fault and the one committing a crime in the first place.
Abe is going to have a lot of apologizing to do. His anger is so over the top. He was a cop. I believe in the past he has shot someone he shouldn't have?? He knows how it works so him acting like JJ is just a white cop shooting a black kid is crazy. Him throwing his weight around and yelling at Rafe, you are not doing your job, commissioner! IA cleared JJ, as they should have. Abe needs to stop this. It's getting really old. Time for Theo to wake up and tell daddy dearest that yes, I was committing a criminal act!!

Hope. Honestly, the only time I have ever liked Hope was when she was with Aiden. You know, before they ruined him. But Ciara is obviously very upset, wants to tell her something. Oops, sorry my phone. Oh Rafe, oh I have to go honey, we'll talk about this later. Really!? What kind of mother is that?
Totally agree about the ridiculousness of " We'll finish this conversation later". It was beyond stupid. Also, I have heard Ciara called Ciara Alice at least the times since she came back. That is Hope coming down hard on her daughter. Blah, blah and more blah!

The fact that it appears Kate is not going to be outed to Abe as the one who put his son in this situation means he will be beating this horse for many a moon. Good acting by Chad. Isn't Kayla aware how despondent JJ is and she knows Kate is responsible? If JJ keeps going down this road of destruction, Kayla, Steve and Chad will have themselves to blame. Abigail and Jennifer probably will not react well.
Thanks, Jason.

It was interesting to hear Chad call Steve "Steven"

I don't think Chad told Abby what Kate did. Will he later or he will he try
to keep it a secret?

At the end, Abe told Theo how JJ got off from shooting him. He told him not to
worry he'll do whatever it takes to get justice. Lani and Val were listening. I
hope Val talks to him about it later.

Hope talked to Rafe about Ciara and what happened between them. It
interesting to watch his face remembering Ciara talking to him after Sami
left. He's probably wondering if Ciara heard part of his conversation with Sami.
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It was interesting to hear Chad call Steve "Steven"

I bet this was an accidental ad lib since the actor's name is also Stephen.

I'm also on the annoyed with Hope train. Rafe's call wasn't urgent. I did however like that she didn't take sides between Ciara and Claire. What I need to happen though is for them to acknowledge Claire's relationship to Hope and Ciara in these conversations. It's kind of frustrating that they keep skirting around it by giving us scenes with either Hope and Ciara, Hope and Shawn or Ciara and Claire. It would be more meaningful to see all of them together.

I need for Rafe to ask Brady to call Abe out on his over the top anger. Seriously, take a seat Abe!!! I liked how calm JJ and Rafe were while Abe was ranting. Also, liked how JJ had a lot of support from Rafe, Jen, Abby and Lani.

Team Claire all the way. Also, Team Claire and Tripp all the way. There's got to be a reason why they are not airing Theo. We've hardly seen him in the past month and yet this story centers around him. We saw Rafe way more when he was in the coma. Something is off.

I liked that Kaya and Jen were texting each other updates even if the timing was off.

I was not satisfied at all with the outcome of the Kate scenes. Since when does Abe care about Kate???

Fashion Notes:
--Abby's green jacket clashed with her green dress. I'm glad she removed the jacket back at the DiMansion.
--Jen really needs to dye her hair
--I don't understand why Chad suddenly has a beard. Not a fan.
--I need Ciara's hair to be straightened a bit. I thought I could handle it but I can't. Sorry not sorry.
Ahhh, so Hope gets a call from Rafe, right at a very important point in the convualersation with Ciara, and takes off.
This made Rafe and Hope very unpopular in my Twitter feed today.

I've always been a fan of Claire, even during that rough period where they cornered her into the "wannabe star" storyline. She's far more interesting than the other teens introduced but she drifted too much. (Also not having an unrelated teen that's stayed in the mix has hurt ALL the teen stories.) I'm not sure what the writers can do, if anything, to get me to like Ciara. Maybe she needs to bring Pinky back. Maybe she needs to spill it and propel the plot. Or maybe she should get a job where she can do interesting things.

I'm really not even sure I'd like this "revenge" plotline if I actually agreed with her...ahem, logic.
I believe in the past he has shot someone he shouldn't have??
Abe has shot two individuals and paralyzed them. When he was young, he shot and paralyzed an 8 year old boy named Larry. Years later, he accidentally shot and paralyzed Brady Black (back when he was played by Kyle Lowder). So Abe has been in JJ's shoes, twice.
Thanks for the episode. Yup, all-around good episode today. Although I am getting sick of Abe. That said, this is the most storyline he's had in years. So I will say I'm happy about that.
It was interesting to hear Chad call Steve "Steven"
Mistake or not, I think this is kind of fitting for Chad to call him Steven. I don't know why, but it felt right.
--I don't understand why Chad suddenly has a beard. Not a fan.
Pardon the pun, but I think it might grow on you. I rather like it, although it was a bit of a surprise, and I think it's part of a greater plan to adjust our mental aging of the characters so that we can have room for the teenset being in their 20s now.

As for Abe, he's going to lose everything if he doesn't back off, but it's nice to see the actor getting some scenes to chew through. I agree with daysdegrassi, he's been underutilized these past few years.
Very tired of Abe's angry growly voice. I'm with the others, someone please bring up his past with the shootings!

Who would even take the Dimera company serious, every other month someone is stepping down or stepping up!

Actor playing JJ doing a good job of looking forlorn - there is a sadness in his eyes!

Liking Claire and Tripp, hoping it stays on the course it is on now, very believable.