Days of Our Lives - Mon Dec 24, 2012 (fiction)

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Jan 20, 2012
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DAYS OF OUR LIVES - 2012 December 24 (Monday) Wherein Christmas is selebrated, Salem-style...

Sami enters her office at AllBright Cosmetics, and is stunned to see Nicole sitting at her desk. Sami gets a little snippy; Nicole explains that she needed some papers on the Bentley Account, and since Sami wasn't there, and Nicole is her boss, she helped herself. Sami points out that it's Christmastime, and it's only 7AM. Nicole points out that a true bloodthirsty executive doesn't stop, not even for Christmas. Sami acknowledges this, apologises for being late on the Bentley Account, and takes her seat as Nicole leaves. Nicole has a smug grin on her face, and Sami scowls and groans under her breath as Nicole walks out.

An alarm goes off; Sonny's arm reaches for it, but then he realises it's on the other side of the bed. Dustin grabs it, and starts to get out of bed. Sonny asks if he really has to go in today; Dustin says he does, there's a big backlogging project and some work in the evidence room that the boss wants finished before the New Year. Sonny laughs that that gives Dustin a whole week, and pulls him back into bed with a long kiss.

At Basic Black, John is rushing past an open door when he stops at Kate's old office. Kate is sitting at her desk, packing boxes. John stops to scold her; Kate admits she made a mistake in trying to accept the position for AllBright Fashions, and John was right to fire her. But she has personal effects in the office and she wants to get them. John asks if he can look through the box; Kate agrees, defeated. He skims the top of the box; a picture of Max & Chelsea's wedding, a picture of all of her kids together at Rex & Mimi's wedding; nothing major here. Kate asks if he really thinks she would steal from him. Of course I do, that's why I set up the sting operation that got you fired, Kate, John replies. He is just disappointed for Lucas, because Kate's working at Basic Black meant a lot to Lucas. Kate tells John that it means a lot to her son that he can work with John on this project. John smirks, laughs off her attempt to butter him up, and tells her to be out of the building in five minutes. He'll be gone in less than fifteen, and she shouldn't be here then. He leaves, and Kate is left, dejected.

In the visiting area of Statesville Prison, Kristen walks up to a booth and sits down. EJ is sitting across from her, angry as always. What does she want now? he asks in his smug, holier-than-thou way. Kristen wanted to visit her brother, she replies. You're no sister of mine, EJ snaps back. Kristen says she will always consider EJ to be her brother. In fact, it's because of brothers that she's here. Are you visiting your jail-bird brother, Peter? EJ asks jabbingly. Kristen shakes her head, and says she visited Peter just a few weeks ago, and called him yesterday. And she reminds EJ that he's in prison for the murder of Stefano. Any connection we had, died with him, EJ asserts. Kristen disagrees, and says she loves him. EJ says he only had one sister that he ever loved, Lexie, and nobody can replace her. Kristen assures EJ that she's not trying to replace Lexie, whom she also loved. She is here about their brother, Giorgio. EJ knows nothing about this. He was named in our father's will, Kristen reminds EJ. But there's no record of him for the last decade. EJ is sure he doesn't know. Kristen asks if EJ's sure. Please, make my job easier, she begs the smug one. EJ says he really doesn't know anything, but if he did, he wouldn't tell her, because he hates her. Kristen says fine, I'll find out what I need to know about Giorgo from the files at the mansion. She leaves, wishing EJ a Merry Christmas as she passes.

Zoom in on the Brady Pub, with a rare “Closed” sign in its window. In the kitchen, Caroline is busily preparing the bird for the Christmas Dinner. There’s a knock at the back door, and she washes her hands before opening it. Gabi is there, asking if she can pick up her final paycheck. Caroline looks over her cautiously, and says if she helps with the stuffing, she can. Gabi is flummoxed as Caroline hands her an apron. She shrugs, but puts down her purse and dons the apron in a few smooth moves. Caroline begins instructing her on how to prepare the stuffing, and Gabi is following directions well. Caroline casually asks what Gabi’s doing for Thanksgiving. She reports that she hasn’t any plans; she’s required to do a publicity shoot tomorrow, which won’t leave her enough time to make it to her mother’s house and back. How does your mother feel about that, Caroline wonders. Gabi admits that her mother is sad, but excited, and they can use the extra money. Caroline is surprised that Gabi still sends money to her mother. Gabi admits that it’s hard sometimes, but she doesn’t mind. Caroline loads the oven and notes a downturned expression on Gabi’s face. How do you feel about missing Thanksgiving with your mother? Caroline asks her. Before Gabi can answer, Caroline offers to let her join their festivities. Rafe will be there anyway, Caroline points out. Gabi quickly accepts.

[opening sequence]

At AllBright Cosmetics, Nicole is sitting at her desk looking at her computer when Sami approaches her open doorway, knocking timidly. Nicole asks her to come in, and before she can ask for them, Sami offers her the Bentley papers. Nicole is impressed; this work should have taken longer. “You can really accomplish things when you put your mind to it, Sami,” Nicole kids. Sami suppresses her urge to roll her eyes, barely, and says she’s working on the Wellington account next. Nicole insists that that’s not necessary. Sami immediately begins to protest that she’s capable of doing the work, but Nicole raises her hand to calm her. Nicole tells her that it’s Christmastime, and she says this is a day to spend with family. She’ll take care of the Wellington account and anything else that needs to be done, on one condition. Sami braces for the bad news. Nicole goes on to ask if Sami would mind taking Alex for the day. Sami is startled; Nicole adds that it was supposed to be Rafe’s day anyway, but Rafe wasn’t sure about bringing the baby to the Bradys’. Sami accepts the offer; Nicole gives her a big hug, and we see Sami’s eyes widen with surprise. Nicole tells Sami that she really wants the past to be the past. Sami doesn’t know what to say, but is glad to help Rafe spend time with his godson. Nicole tells her secretary that she’ll be going to the Company Daycare with Sami, but will be back in about fifteen minutes. She then tells her secretary to take the rest of the day off, and she and Sami board the elevator.

Caroline needles Gabi as they chop vegetables about whether or not Will will have "company" with him at the Brady Christmas; Gabi says she doesn't think so, and she's not sure if he's even going to make it. Will shows up and Caroline lays into him...he admits he's having late lunch/early dinner with Kate, Lucas, and Billie, and then going to the Hortons'. Caroline understands; it would be really silly to eat three dinners. Gabi watches Caroline as she breathes a big sigh of uneasy relief, but lets it pass.

Maggie is pacing about the Kiriakis living room nervously. Henderson enters, and offers to help her with whatever she needs. Maggie insists he’s already doing more than enough. Henderson is shocked, and exits quickly. A few minutes later, Victor enters and asks what’s wrong. Maggie admits she's unnerved about not preparing any Christmas meals; Henderson is preparing the Kiriakis' dinner, while Doug & Julie are cooking the Hortons'. She has nothing to do. This is not her life. Victor puts his arms around her, and says if it would make her feel better, he’ll send Henderson home. Maggie doesn’t really want that, she admits. Her children are grown, the family is scattered, and she doesn’t even feel like a Horton anymore. Victor chuckles a bit, and says there’s a part of Maggie that will always be Maggie Horton, even though she is Maggie Kiriakis. They kiss, and he tells her to stay Maggie Horton at heart...after all, he fell in love with Maggie Horton. After another kiss, Maggie tells him she’ll be heading over to Alice’s house shortly as they walk toward the foyer. Even if they don’t need her help, she’ll be there, she laughs. Victor asks how long he has her; she reminds him that she’ll be back for dinner here, and then replies that she’ll be leaving in about an hour. Victor smiles sneakily and says that gives them time for some “festivities.” Maggie laughs and blushes as he pulls her close to him, and leads her up the stairs.

Abe and Dustin preside over a pretty quiet cop shop. Abe was just stopping in, and asks about Dustin's plans. Dustin is going to volunteer at a soup kitchen; Abe asks if they need more help, and Dustin says they always do. Abe admits he's not comfortable going home for the first Christmas without Lexie, and says he'll be down to volunteer shortly. He gives Dustin the rest of the day off. Dustin agrees to go home after he's finished reorganising the evidence room. Abe says okay, tells Dustin to check in with Sergeant Kramer if there are any issues, and says he’ll see him later.
Kate rushes through the Horton Town Square, past a gaggle of shoppers whom she brushes rudely. She apologises over her shoulder as she passes under the arch, makes her way up the steps, and comes out on the other side of the patio. She dashes for the door of The Winery, enters, and searches frantically for her children. She passes by the maître d’, brushing him off as she sees them. She goes to their table and sits in between Billie and Lucas; Will is across from her. She apologies for being late, but nobody seems to mind. They chat about Billie’s recent trip to the UK. How is Chelsea doing? Billie talks about being a grandmother, how unbelievable it is that Chelsea, her daughter, is even old enough to have a baby (*wink*), and needles Kate about being a great-grandmother. Kate laughs it off, does she look like a great-grandmother? They laugh. Will is anxious during this talk. Lucas asks him what's up, but he doesn't want to talk about it now. The waiter comes over to take their orders; they all agree to eat lightly, since they have other plans later this evening. Billie grabs Kate’s hand and says she’s really glad that they have this time together. Lucas breathes heavily as he tells Kate that he’s sorry he put her in the position at Basic Black, the position of temptation. Kate tells Lucas that she is responsible for what she did; and she reinforces that she loves Lucas for trying to help her when she was down-and-out. The waiter brings some wine (cider for Will), and they toast, “To family.” Fade out on the clock, which reads 2PM.

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Fade in on a clock that reads 5PM. T is sitting alone in his apartment, which is in complete disarray. He is eating cold pizza and watching a lame horror movie. His cell phone rings; a big smile crosses his face as he tells whoever’s on the other line to hurry over. He hangs up and begins to tidy up.

At the closed pub, Rafe is cradling Alex as Sami has her arm around her husband, and is gently playing with Alex’s nose as the baby grasps at her finger. Sami has a wonderful look on her face, and the group moves to a table. Gabi and Caroline come out from the kitchen, with Sydney in front of them. She runs to her mother, who picks her up so she can look at Alex, whom she calls “brother.” Sami and Rafe exchange nervous glances, but brush it off. Sydney begins playing with Alex’s fingers as Sami has to move her onto the chair on her own. She can hear Johnny and Allie bounding down the stairs. They’re all made up in winter gear. “Are you ready to go to your dad’s?” Sami asks. Johnny looks confused, but nods as Allie enthusiastically agrees that she’s ready. “Your dad, Lucas, will be here any minute.” Close-up of Johnny’s still-perplexed face.

Outside the Pub, Lucas is approaching the door when it opens and Sami rushes out. Sami informs Lucas about her blunder, and they discuss when the right time will be to talk to Johnny about EJ not being his father. They speculate that maybe he’s young enough, they won’t have to. Lucas wonders if Johnny’s asked about EJ, and Sami says he used to ask every night, but now it’s more like twice a week. Lucas thinks that’s good; maybe he’ll forget EJ on his own. He can’t resist adding, “Even though that’s not easy for some people.” Sami rolls her eyes, but before she can retort, the door swings open and Caroline ushers Johnny and Allie out the door. Allie leaps into Lucas’ arms and Johnny gives him a hug. The kids say their good-byes to Caroline and Sami, and then Allie excitedly begins to tell Johnny about how fun Horton Christmases are. Sami leans on Caroline as they head back into the Pub.

Kate is standing at the door to T’s apartment, but before she can knock, it swings open and T, dressed in an A-shirt and jeans, bumps into her. He’s carrying a garbage bag and has to rush past her. Kate is left alone for a minute, as she notices that some juice oozed onto her slacks. T returns and apologises, he didn’t know she’d get here so quickly. Kate says it’s no big deal, it’s not like she has a high-powered job to get to anyway. T is unsure of how to respond as Kate plops down on T’s couch; he warily asks her if she wants a beer. She declines and there’s a brief awkward moment before Kate says she’s glad that T is in town, but surprised. Don’t you have family nearby? T explains that he does...but he doesn’t. Kate is intrigued; T is confused. Did Kate just want to talk? Kate says she’s just curious. T grabs a beer and explains that his mother and father divorced when he was a teenager, and he and his brother fought with his mom so much that she eventually had no choice but to send them to live with their dad. T realises now how hard that decision was, and how he wishes he could take it back, but he was a dumb teenager. Kate tells him to go easy on himself as she swipes the beer from his hand and takes a swig. When she doesn’t give it back, T gets up to get another one. “What about your father?” asks Kate. T groans and says, “My father is a hateful b-word. He wanted to possess us, not love us. It only mattered that he had us, and mom didn’t. And we played into his hands completely,” T explains. Kate can relate to that; she’s been in that position more than once. T asks, “Really?” Kate nods, and looks him dead in the eye as she asks if he wants to hear about it. T’s eyes widen, and Kate laughs. “Where is your mother now?” she asks. T admits he doesn’t know; he tried to call her in Hawai’i, at her last phone number, but that was almost 10 years ago. He also sent a letter, but never heard anything back from her, nor did the letter get returned. He worries that she must hate him for what he did. Kate assures him that no mother would ever be able to hate her child. She may be out there looking for you, Kate suggests. T shrugs as he grabs a shirt from behind him (neatly slung over the couch) and starts to don it. Kate reaches out to stop him and says, “I’m sorry for bringing the conversation to a weird place. But you know why I’m here. And you won’t be needing that.” T’s goofy smile fills his face as Kate closes in on him, pushing him back on the couch.

Lucas arrives at the HORTON CHRISTMAS. After greeting Maggie, Melissa, Abby, Hope, and Nick, Lucas asks where Bo and Ciara are. Ciara was shaking her presents and almost got caught, and in her attempt to hide, scraped her knee, Hope explains. Bo’s upstairs making it better. Lucas grins and then he turns to Will to discuss the issue that bothered him at Dinner. Will wants kids, but is afraid he'll never have any. Lucas reminds him that he's very young, and kids are a lot easier to come by nowadays for gay couples. First, I need to be part of a couple, Will laments. It'll happen, Lucas assures him, when it's right. Lucas then laughs at his own sage advice, joking that he's the last person to ask about Love. Will jokes that he’d be better off asking his mom; Lucas laughs but then admonishes him for speaking that way about Sami. They grin and hug, and go in to the living room. The family is laughing and chatting when the phone rings. Maggie grabs it, hoping it's Sarah. It's for Nick; he is thrilled that it's his grandma, Marie, and mother, Jessica. He moves to a private corner of the room as the family continues hanging the ornaments of the absent family members, including Shawn-D, Belle, Claire, Mike, Jeremy, Jennifer, Jack, JJ, Tommy, Jr., Sandy, Bill, Laura, Addie, Marie, Josh, Steve, Ben, and Jessica. Maggie hands a box to Lucas and asks him to hang Tom & Alice's ornaments. He gets a little misty-eyed as he asks, "Really?" Maggie says he's a Horton, by blood and by name, the torchbearer for the family in Salem. He takes them slowly, opens the box, and fights back tears as he places them at the top of the tree. Julie comes in, and announces that dinner will be ready in about forty minutes. They'll hang the rest of the ornaments later, after dinner. Johnny asks what they will do until then, and Lucas explains that it's a Horton tradition to have a prayer and enjoy time playing games as a family. Johnny asks if he's a Horton now. Lucas and Will exchange looks; Lucas is clearly dumbstruck. Will quickly says, "Yes, Johnny, you are a Horton. You always will be. Just like me, and Allie." Johnny smiles.
Meanwhile at the Kiriakis mansion, John and Marlena are smoochy under the mistletoe; Brady asks them to give it a rest and they call him a grinch. Brady says he should kick them out of the mansion, jokingly, and Victor buds in, saying he'll do no such thing. John is his good friend, and part of his family. John thanks Victor for the sentiment, and they take a moment as a group to remember Isabella. Across the room, Daniel is downing drinks like there's no tomorrow, and Adrienne asks him to slow it down if he's planning to drive. Maggie's letting him crash here tonight, he explains. Adrienne grabs a big bottle and says, "Then drink up!" as she pours him another drink, along with one for herself. Where is Maggie?" she asks. Daniel says she's at the Hortons, and he just couldn't bring himself to go. Even if he is Maggie's son, he's no Horton. Justin walks in and wonders why Daniel's drinking so hard. He laments his life the past few months. He screwed things up with Nicole, Melanie left town and he hardly hears from her anymore, and his career is going nowhere. He just needs to relax. Justin hugs Sonny and Adrienne closely to him, and says, "At times like these, it's important to have your family close. Maggie is your family now, and we are, too, Daniel." Daniel thanks Justin for the sentiment, and then his phone rings. It's Melanie, so he rushes away to take it. Justin looks a little worried as Daniel steps away, a bit drunk. Adrienne assures him that the Doctor will be fine, as she sits down with another drink. Justin pulls Sonny aside and asks if Dustin will be joining them. Sonny says no, Dustin's working at the Salem PD and then going to serve supper in a soup kitchen. Justin remarks that that is a very noble gesture, but is there any other reason? Sonny grimaces.

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At the Prison, EJ is in the food line, drudging through as he is served his Holiday meal. He sits at a table, alone, and pokes at what he presumes is the dressing (stuffing) with his spoon. He then takes a bite of the turkey and grimaces. Without thinking, he says aloud, “This is absolutely the worst meal I’ve ever consumed.” A large convict behind him grabs the tray from him, and as EJ is protesting, starts gobbling down the meal without a word. (No pun intended.) He then shoves the empty tray back in EJ’s direction. He did leave some scraps. EJ studies the plate, and the nearby prisoners, contemplating his next move.

At the Brady Pub, Caroline is working on setting the table for the family, and Gabi is helping her. Sami, Rafe, Alex, and Sydney come in through the Pub’s front door as Kayla, Steve (on a special one-day leave from Y&R...hey, I can dream, can’t I?), and Joey come down the stairs. Rafe jokes that Steve shouldn’t have run that red light, and Kayla insists it was yellow when they passed the line. They laugh. Where’s Kim? asks Caroline; Kayla replies that Kim and Shane are enjoying some time together after their long flight, but will be down in just a little while. Good, Caroline declares, because dinner’s almost ready. Sami seats Sydney at the table and Rafe asks about a high chair for Alex. Roman enters from the kitchen, and Caroline immediately tells him to go to the storage room and get Sydney’s old highchair for Alex. Roman obeys. After emerging a few moments later, he helps Rafe manœuvre Alex into the seat, lamenting that he’s not able to spend this time with his new grandson, Freddie. Does Carrie really let you call him that? Sami wonders. Roman grins as he says, “No, but I’m the grampa, so I do it anyway.” The family laughs. Caroline and Gabi bring in the turkey to “Ooh!”s and “Aah!”s.

Cameron, Abe, and Theo have finished up their dinner at the Road House Café and are enjoying some pie when Theo asks why they are eating here. Abe quickly explains, “Well your brother Brandon is just passing through town, so we thought it was easier to meet him here.” Theo doesn’t quite buy it, and asks why it was easier for three people to drive for 25 minutes than for one person. Cameron chuckles, and Abe explains that Brandon likes the pie here, and Brandon’s mother used to work here, so the place has good memories for him. Theo seems to accept this. Abe thinks to himself, and our house has too many memories of’s too soon for me to have a happy holiday without you, my love.... He sheds a few tears, and Cameron hands him some napkins to dab them with. Theo is colouring a placemat and doesn’t take notice. Cameron thanks Abe for inviting him, and asks what they are to do now. Abe tells him about his plan to volunteer at the soup kitchen; Cameron likes that idea and wants to come along. Abe encourages him, and says that he also asked Brandon, but he had to be moving on. They pay their bill and huddle Theo out of the booth to the car.

Nicole is diligently working in her AllBright Cosmetics office, typing away. She gets a look of satisfaction on her face as she says to herself, “That’s all I can do on the Wellington project for now. What next?” She looks at some files in her drawer and then a folder in her inbox before deciding what to work on. She makes a few mouse clicks and we see on the screen, “BASIC BLACK COLLABORATION - FASHION SCENTS.” How can I make this profitable for both sides, she wonders. Thinking aloud, she adds, “My boss only approved this project because he felt it would be too expensive for AllBright Fashions. But if the cost is too great, I’ll surely lose Basic Black, and probably my job. Come on, Nicole, step up.” She stares at her computer screen, biting her lip.

At T’s apartment, Kate is sleeping in bed with T. She begins to dream....

»Kate is wandering through a meadow, walking toward the moonlight endlessly. Suddenly she becomes aware of a great mist covering the ground, and after she looks up from the mist, the moon has vanished. She hears a woman’s voice, cackling at her, and she looks behind her. Kristen is made up in a regal dress, complete with expensive necklace and a shimmering tiara. Kristen announces that she is going to be Kate’s guide on a journey of discovery...Kate looks less than convinced. Why you? she wonders. Kristen replies that since Kate has never SUCCESSFULLY killed anybody - not for a lack of trying - they needed SOMEBODY to be the guide, and I seem to be topping your enemy list right now. Kate glares at her, and wonders if she’s going to tell her that she’ll be visited by three spirits this night. Kristen smiles and says, “Well, little miss know-it-all, I’m glad you understand what’s going on. Now I don’t have to spend anymore time here than I already have!” There’s a flash, and Kate is suddenly in T’s apartment, which is smoky, as she looks at herself sleeping in T’s bed. This is going to be a LOOONG night, she thinks.

Lucas and Melissa talk about the recent DNA test results that proved he fathered Johnny; he laments the time he lost, and Melissa admits she feels badly for EJ. She loved Mickey and he was really the only man she ever considered to be a father. She's a little shocked that Lucas and Sami haven't told EJ or Johnny the truth yet. Lucas says that Sami's reluctant because EJ has this hold on her, and for Johnny, he only knows EJ as a loving father, not the real dirtbag he is. Lucas admits it's going to be difficult to adjust Johnny to the idea that he's his father, but no matter what it takes, he'll be there for his kids.

[ad break/halftime]
At the office, Nicole continues diligently working on the budget for the Fashion Scents collaboration with Basic Black. She gets an idea, and quickly picks up her cell phone, whipping off an email.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Brady is throwing back an adult beverage when he is startled when his phone beeps. “That’s my work email - who’s working today?” he asks as Victor scowls at him for not silencing his phone. Brady apologises, and steps to the foyer to check it. “Nicole - you’re working on Christmas?” He starts to compose a reply, but stops and starts to call instead.

Kate continues to dream in her bed.
»Kate is in T’s dingy apartment, which is filled with fog. We hear Kristen’s voice resonating, “You will be visited by three spirits....” T is not disturbed by this noise. The fog begins to clear away, and now Kate is outside a small house. She recognises it, and gasps. We see that she is watching a scene of Billie, Austin, and herself at a past Christmas. Billie must be about three years old, Kate thinks. “Three and a half, you whore!” hisses a voice behind her. She turns and is face-to-face with Curtis!

Kristen is in her room at the DiMera mansion, speaking on the telephone. She tells Rickie that she loves her, and wishes they could spend Christmas together. She’ll be up very, very soon, she promises. To close the call, she says, “Mommy gives you kisses....” She is teary-eyed as she hangs up the phone. She thinks to herself, There’s no way I can risk your father finding you, Rickie...and he knows how badly I’d want to be with you at Christmastime. I’ll visit you soon, sweetheart, as she gazes longingly at a photo on her desk.

[ad break]

Kate and T are in bed together, both soundly asleep, as Kate’s dream continues.

»A panicked Kate attempts to rush away from Curtis, who grabs her menacingly and says, “You came here to’re going to watch!” as he forcefully pushes her against the window. (Hey, with no EJ, someone has to be violent to women or it just wouldn’t be DAYS.) Kate is crying. “I don’t want to watch it, I lived it,” she protests, to Curtis’ deaf ears. Inside, we see Kate put the youngsters to bed, then quietly slip back out into the main room. She disappears for a second, and then re-enters in a sexier outfit. She approaches the front door, and exits into the night. “You couldn’t even stay home on Christmas, could you? Your children meant so little to you...all you wanted was money,” Curtis hisses. Kate is visibly shaken, near tears. Was this the night she was going to meet Bill Horton? Or was she turning tricks? She can’t remember. “You’ve forgotten your roots, Katie,” chides Curtis. “You don’t remember where you came from.” Kate starts to protest, but Curtis stops her, saying, “And don’t pretend that you’re any better now. I know all about your little deals with Stefano. You have nicer clothes now, but you’re still a whore!” Kate moves to slap him, but she is knocked over. Not by a punch - Curtis has vanished, and the little cottage is gone, too. Kate is alone in a field as a mist comes in.

At the Brady Pub, Hope is standing outside. Kayla comes outside and asks what’s the matter. She says that Bo got a call, and he had to rush off. Kayla reminds her that criminals do not take time off for Christmas; even if Bo’s no longer a cop, he’s still one at heart. Hope knows this, but prefers to wait outside for him. Kayla says he might not be back for hours; Hope agrees and acquiesces to her sister-in-law’s desire to go back inside.

Kate dreams gently in T’s bed.

»Kate, in her dreamy flowing gown, is walking through the field where the Ghost of Curtis left her. She is chilly, and a fog rises up. “Too bad you no longer have that wonderful fur coat I bought you, my dear,” booms a familiar voice as the smoke channels away to reveal Stefano, looking very much like the Ghost of Christmas Present. Kate tells Stefano that she’s in no mood to hear what he has to say. Behind her, another voice booms, “How about what I have to say?” It’s Victor. Kate looks confused. Victor is in normal garb, and looking a bit testy. He snipes that he’s so unimportant to Kate now, that he doesn’t even rate being one of the Ghosts. I’ve certainly played a large part in your present, I would think, he insists to Kate. Stefano laughs and says he’ll gladly give the part to Victor, he is finished with “Katerina.” This appears to hurt Kate, who is shocked when she looks around and Victor is gone. She calls to him, but Stefano responds that there is work to be done. Suddenly they are outside the Kiriakis mansion, watching as the family inside celebrates happily. “Look, they don’t even need you. All the work you did to make yourself a part of Victor’s life, useless.” Kate turns around to yell at him, but he points behind her, saying, “Look.” She turns around again, and is shocked - they are on a fire escape in a Chicago neighborhood. “Chloe and Philip!” she gasps - although we don’t see them - we learn that they are happily enjoying Christmas together, with Parker, as a family. Kate closes her eyes to fight back tears, and when she opens them, we are outside a Swiss chalet, and through the window Kate watches as Carrie and Austin gleefully celebrate baby Freddie’s first Christmas. Another fight with tears, and we are outside the Horton House, looking in on the happy celebration, centred around Will and Lucas. Stefano taunts, “Nobody needs you, Katerina. I can show you Billie, Rex, any one of your children - they do not need you. I did not need you. Basic Black did not need you. You may as well be dead.” There’s a crack of thunder, and Kate falls to the ground.

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Nicole is taking a break when her cellphone rings. She grabs it after seeing it’s Brady. “Did you look at the numbers?” Cut to Brady, who is shocked she’s working, he’s not going to look at the numbers until Wednesday afternoon at the earliest, please come over and enjoy Christmas with us. Bring Alex.” Back to Nicole, who politely declines the invite. Rafe needs some time with Alex, she explains, and I have a lot of work to do. Back to Brady, who admits he admires Nicole’s work ethic, but he’s not buying the ploy. Nicole insists there’s no ploy, and if she didn’t work, she’d rather have Christmas on a train trestle than spend 45 seconds at Victor’s mausoleum...on Christmas. But thanks again, Brady. She hangs up the phone. On the other end, Brady is shocked, and stares blankly at his phone. Has Nicole really changed?

Kate continues to dream.

»Kate gets up from the ground, and cleans herself up. A weak voice announces from behind her, “I am the Ghost of Christmas Future.” She turns; the figure is cloaked in a hood, and there is an excess of smoke surrounding it. She can’t make out if it’s a male or female figure. Kate snarks, You must be here to show me what fate awaits me if I don’t mend my ways. Let’s go. The figure points, and she looks behind her to see an aged Lucas, surrounded by family, walking up a cemetery hill. Kate and the Ghost are suddenly in front of the group, and she notices (but we don’t get to see) an aged Billie, Austin, Philip, Rex, and Cassie. What is this? Kate asks. The figure points behind her, and she turns to see her own grave. She shrugs, and snips that it’s a disappointing and anti-climactic reveal. But she is startled when the throng of individuals passes by her grave, disperses, and Lucas and his family go to another funeral nearby. Kate zooms closer, supernaturally, and is shocked to see that Victor is being honoured by Lucas, Billie, Chelsea, and Philip! After a moment of despair, Kate laughs it off, declaring that there’s no way she and Victor are going to die that close to each time, at least. The figure appears to laugh, weakly, and says that there is one fate that Kate fears more than any other. What’s that? Kate asks. The figure removes its hood, and we see Kate - aged, nipped, tucked, re-tucked, but still wrinkled, and as the cloak drops we see she is wearing her shiny white suit from earlier, but it is mangled, torn, and dirty. “Nothing came easily to me,” old Kate creaks, “I worked for what I had, but it was taken away. I spent too much time on things - and little time on people. The time I did spend on people, I spent meddling in my sons’ and daughter’s love lives...and they all abandoned me because of it. I am alone, I live alone, I will die alone.” Kate is clearly disturbed by the look and words of this wretched creature, which staggers toward her, through her, and falls facefirst into the grave of Kate Roberts. Kate screams, “NOOOOOO!” but she cannot wake up. She is alone in a void...waiting....

At the Prison, EJ is in his cell, moping. A guard comes to the door, and asks, “What do you want, DiMera?” EJ says that his supper was stolen, and he was unable to eat. The guard laughs and says, “Tough turkey. You need to learn to stand up for yourself, and be a man.” EJ scowls as the guard moves away, and EJ realises he is powerless.
Melissa and Maggie talk about Nathan's choice to take Jannings as his last name. Maggie is glad that, whatever went down between Pete and Melissa, they were able to move past it for the sake of their son. It took awhile, Melissa admits, but things are back on track. She regrets the mistakes she made in her relationship with Pete, but is happy that they're back together and well married. Maggie and Melissa share a long hug; Maggie begs her to come to the Kiriakis celebration. Melissa politely declines, although she wouldn't mind getting to spend more time with her new brother. Maggie asks if she's heard from Sarah yet, and Melissa says no. They hug again and Maggie tears up; they pull away, and we see Melissa is teary, too. Maggie leaves. Melissa rejoins the family as they are getting ready for dinner. Will is corralling Johnny and Allie, Lucas is trying to cut the turkey, and Doug and Julie are carrying out more food. Doug sits at the head of the table, and Julie across from him. Hope and Ciara sit to Julie's left; Melissa is to her right, next to Lucas and Johnny & Allie. Nick sits in between Ciara and Will, who is to Doug's left (Allie is on Doug's right) after Nick comes in from the living room; he apologises for taking so long on the phone talking with his mother. Doug kids him that he should really get a cellphone. Nick laughs it off, saying they're too expensive and too much of a headache. Will looks a bit sad for Nick. Lucas is having trouble cutting the turkey, so Doug offers his help. The family is laughing as they serve the meal. Fade out as Christmas bells jingle.

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Kate wakes up from her dream with a start; T is not disturbed. Kate looks around the room nervously, before silently slipping out of bed, grabbing her clothes, and silently leaving T sleeping in his bed.

A pan over the Brady family Christmas, as the family members sing a religious song. Lots of shots of Sydney, and Rafe holding Alex.

Lucas and Allie are working tirelessly to teach Johnny the Horton family traditions as each present Horton hangs his/her ornament. Doug, Julie, Melissa, and Hope hang their ornaments and Doug sings a Christmas song. (Bo & Ciara’s ornaments are on the tree now, too.)

Kate is standing outside the Diner, holding an application in her hand. "It's time to get back to basics," she thinks to herself, as she walks to the bus stop.

Meanwhile at the prison, EJ looks woefully at a picture of himself with Samanther, Sydney, and Johnny. He thinks to himself, I know Johnny is really my son. The DNA test had to prove that, or Samantha surely would have told me by now. A single tear is on his face as he looks at the picture. He remembers eating Chex Mix with Samanther on the beach, and some happy times with Johnny. I know that boy is my son.

Back at the Horton house, Doug and Julie are continuing their songs as the family huddles together. After their song is done, Julie dramatically pauses and says there’s something she almost forgot! She leaves quickly, and returns with a small box. “There’s one more ornament for the tree.” She says that there's a tradition that Tom and Alice started for the family members, and she intends to keep it alive. She hands the box to Lucas; he opens it and begins to tear up. Will asks, “What is it, Dad?” Lucas pulls out an ornament with the name JOHNNY. Allie cheers, and Johnny doesn’t quite understand what to do as Lucas hands him the ornament, fighting back tears. Allie takes Johnny’s hand and guides him to the tree, and he hangs the ornament next to hers. At this point, Will is also sobbing softly at the scene. The twins rush back from the tree, and Lucas, Will, Johnny, and Allie embrace in a big hug. There’s not a dry eye in the Horton house.



EDITOR'S NOTE: Please keep in mind that this story takes place in the timeline I created for the show which started during the Olympic hiatus, and takes nothing that aired on NBC into account after the return. Hopefully some enjoy this!
Kate reaches out to stop him and says, “I’m sorry for bringing the conversation to a weird place. But you know why I’m here. And you won’t be needing that.” T’s goofy smile fills his face as Kate closes in on him, pushing him back on the couch.
Kate sure is getting desperate.... my goodness...I am so glad that, even if just in your story, Johnny is in actuality a Horton, just like Allie. I really enjoyed the Chrisstmas Carol. aka the Christmas of Kate.
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