Days of Our Lives - Mon., Mar. 21, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Monday,March 21, 2016

Parents deal with the teens today, as Hope watches her daughter dancing on the bar at Club Edge, drinking all the while. When Ciara spots her mom, she drops the bottle from which she is drinking, Hope pulls the plug on the music. Hope asks what is going on here, Ciara gets down off the bar, Hope tells the kids the party is over, go home. Everyone leaves, Ciara is sorry, then opens up to her mom about how angry, upset, ashamed she is over what happened. Hope consoles her daughter, would take the pain away if she could, but Ciara is going to have to face it. Hope says she needs to see someone, counseling, a professional. Ciara says no, then o.k.
But she talks about having to go to trial, that in the warehouse, she wishes now ...she wanted to kill Chase. Stop him from doing the same to someone else, but she called her mom, yes, knows it was the right thing. But she will be on trial herself, did not go to the hospital right away, jury may let Chase off. Hope assures her Chase is not going to recant his confession.
Claire & Theo walk in the square, Claire bemoans not really helping Ciara, though she thought she was. The song she did for Ciara, was more for Claire herself, made Ciara so emotional. Theo assures her it touched everyone, was a beautiful song. Claire says she thinks her gramma (yes, folks, she refers to Hope as gramma!) might be upset with her. Theo tells of calling Hope, Claire says he did the right thing, they go back to the club to make sure all is o.k.
They interrupt Hope & Ciara, but time to go home. Ciara wonders when they get to go to THEIR home, Hope promises soon. Ciara privately appologizes to Theo for kissing him, it was inappropriate. But she is glad he is her friend. Claire remembers the birthday gifts, grabs them, helps Ciara carry them out. Hope thanks Theo for calling her, knows Theo cares about Ciara and thanks him for being such a good friend.

Shawn & Lanie are sharing a piece of pie in the square, talk of having left the Pub, Shawn says not because of Belle, it is Philip, who just rubs him the wrong way. He kisses Lanie, and later they are walking, & are spotted by Theo & Claire, who wonder when her dad & his sister got together.

Belle & Philip come into the apt., where a distracted Marlena is looking rather upset. She has something to tell Belle, Phil leaves, Marlena tells Belle of being "taken" with Arianna, saved by John.....Rafe's dad was shot, is o.k., tho, but now John was taken. Belle is frantic, wants to call Brady & Paul, Marlena says no. and is determined to go help Rafe & Steve rescue John. Belle wants to go, too. Nope, Marlena is a professional, has dealt with hostage situations, knows what she is doing, tho Rafe & Steve have no idea she is joining in...and will be back b y morning with her father. She has changed into all black clothes, including the standard Salem leather jacket.

Kayla & Steve are in the interrogation room, joining Roman & Joey, who is determined not to let his dad take the fall for him. But Roman is not going to let Joey do this. He tells Joey that this is his father's responsibility, Joey has his whole young life ahead of him, & that he intends to help Steve take care of all this. Lots of chatter, Joey is protesting loudly, bolts out, Steve runs after him. Kayla is thanking Roman, who tells her he has been in the law & order business a long time, and has realized that there are other ways to make sure justice is done.
Steve catches up with Joey, who is so insistent. He is going to tell someone else, someone who will listen to him, believe him. Steve talks of how Ava was crazy, out to destroy their family, and Joey protected them all, and this is what Steve is doing now. He talks of being gone all those years, when Joey needed a father to stand up for him, so let him stand up for him now. He also says if Joey continues with this, he will break his mother's heart. He gets Joey to promise to keep his mouth shut. He also says he has to go help a friend who is in trouble, will be back, not to worry.

Joey is walking in the square, along comes Jade, asking why he wasn't at the party, he asks why she isn't there now, learns Hope came & shut it down. He explains he was at the police station, which interests Jade. She is talking of dating a guy behind a glass window, he says they are not dating. She is flirting big time, begins laughing when he says why would she want a boyfriend who is only good at killing people. She thinks he sounds like the GodFather, makes fun, thinks Joey is exciting, kisses him.

Roman walks into the Pub bar when Philip is downing a drink, has one himself. They get into a small chat, Roman has his eye on Philip, knows he is seeing Belle, and even tho she is divorcing his nephew, Shawn, she is still family, and he knows Deimos K. has Philip in lhis pocket. roman downs his shot of booze and leaves.

Steve returns to the cop shop, finds Kayla alone in the interrogation room. She would be gone but Stephanie called, is doing fine, no she did not tell her, she lied. Is getting rather good at it. Steve is waiting for word from Rafe, calls Kayla sweetness, she doesn't want him to call her that. He can't call her anything else, says he thinks he has convinced Joey to keep his mouth shut. He tells Kayla he loves her, kisses her, she obviously kisses him back. She tells him "you had better come back"...she leaves the room.
Thank you, Poirot.

Today I watched pretty much live. So, people, welcome to the Gloom and Doom Days of our Lives. How depressing can this show get ? I'm sorry, I just don't enjoy it. Nobody is happy, there is too much drama going on at once. Again, balance is everything, and Days has none.

And I must say I find it disturbing to see young women liking "dangerous" guys ! Not such a great message to send out there. First, there was Ciara and her Valentine's Day fantasy type thing, with her sweet and dark side. Her dark side being reflected by her crush on Chase. Not saying that it excuses Chase for raping her, mind you, but I think that it was very poorly thought. Because by then, the writers knew Chase was going to rape Ciara. So bad move, bad message.

And now, we have this girl, thinking Joey is exciting because he actually killed someone. I'm sorry, to me, that is just sick !

So not enjoying Days right now. And I really don't know how everything will be resolved. Or if it even can.
Wait, wanting a dangerous guy, who might have killed someone, is a bad idea??? Excuse me while I tear up these letters I was writing to Charles Manson and Scott Peterson. :sarcasm:

Totally agree, TheWriter. Between Ciara's "bad girl fantasy" and Jade kind of being into the fact that Joey killed someone, no wonder these kids are all messed up.
Yeah, Ciara was bemoaning to her mom how she really liked Chase, trusted him, and now is hating herself for having had those feelings. But Ciara also realizes her mom did much the same with Aiden, who turned around and tried to kill her. When she says she wanted to kill Chase, Hope gets upset, telling her to never think like that. Also that the guilt she would have would never leave her. This causes Ciara to ask if Hope herself ever had to. Yep, another flashback of Hope shooting Stefano. Hope only says that it doesn't matter if the person killed is guilty or would never leave you.

So....didn't Hope kill a guy who was holding Nick prisoner, with Will in danger as well.......while Sonny took Gabi off and she had her baby. (sorry, the recollection is not good)
Days has basically turned into a show about mobs. You have Roman, chief of police, dealing out his own brand of up holding the law, young Joey believing he is good at killing people, Steve telling Joey he protected his family, Hope killing for revenge, Ciara wishing she had killed, Belle living it up on stolen money, Summer planning to con money, etc etc. Pathetic.
Holy cheese on crackers!! Claire referred to Hope (when talking to Theo) as "my grandma". WOW!!
Haha yeah at first I was like "who is her grandma?" Oh that's right, it's Hope!

Days has basically turned into a show about mobs. You have Roman, chief of police, dealing out his own brand of up holding the law, young Joey believing he is good at killing people, Steve telling Joey he protected his family, Hope killing for revenge, Ciara wishing she had killed, Belle living it up on stolen money, Summer planning to con money, etc etc. Pathetic.

All the Salem cops are gonna be fired. Bad enough Hope killed someone, and she and Rafe covered it up, but when someone confesses that they killed someone to Roman, he says "eh, that's okay, they deserved it". It's crazy.
Jade kind of being into the fact that Joey killed someone, no wonder these kids are all messed up.
Jade probably read Sami's new book, Finding Your Own Smoochy-Moochy: A Young Woman's Guide on Looking for and Finding Love in All the Wrong Places.
So....didn't Hope kill a guy who was holding Nick prisoner, with Will in danger as well.......while Sonny took Gabi off and she had her baby. (sorry, the recollection is not good)
Yes, she did. And if memory serves, she also gunned down the "real killer" of Mayor Marino at the hospital, right next to Maxine's nurses station.

As for the episode itself, pity poor little Joey who says he looking for somebody who cares about the truth. Good luck with that. If the unvarnished truth ever came out, half of the Salem P.D. would be in jail, so would most of the kidnapping Scooby gang, Steve for interfering with a police investigation, Belle for possession of stolen millions, and Shaggy Phil for stealing Titan's industrial property. The list just goes on and on. Only in Salem.
Ugh....these episodes are so weird lately with cliffhangers and then not picking up the next day. I expected to see more of John but I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday.

The only parts I liked were the mother/daughter conversations between Hope/Ciara and Marlena/Belle. I'm glad that Hope got Ciara to open up a bit more about the rape and told her she needs to get into counseling. Also, I know it's still the same day but I feel like I've been waiting forever for Belle (or Brady, for that matter) to find out about their father. Belle even mentioned Paul's name today. :eek:

Other than that, I was rather bored with the show. I mean, what can I say, another day, another Brady gets away with murder. Ho hum.:drunk:
It's official, Hope is Claire's grandma. Interesting later when she was Hope it was the
same old thing.

Interesting conversation Claire and Theo had with her dad and his sister on a date.

I think Philip said Shawn was her ex. Are they officially divorced? it's hard to tell in Salem,
when people date others when they aren't.

Today Closed captioning spelled Philip with two L's. Maybe it was in the script that way.

I loved Travis' excuse about Ciara drinking. He didn't give to her. Wasn't he supposed
to be watching the party to make sure it didn't happen?

So Roman doesn't care Joey killed Ava like Hope killed Stefano. I understand his frustration
with the whole situation, but it's still wrong.

Jade seems to like Joey since he admitted he killed Ava. I wonder who she's going to tell.

Salem has noisy bugs. They were annoying when Steve and Joey were in the park.

Stephanie was mentioned on the show.. I wonder she's doing these days.

Great kiss at the end with Steve and Kayla.
So not enjoying Days right now.
Oy, I'm with you. Jade - sicko. Joey - psycho. Roman - incompetent. Steve - loony.

And I'm sorry, what Chase did was WRONG. But why is he being painted as a serial rapist?

I just couldn't with the show today. I'd like that Roman was in a lot of scenes, if I didn't dislike this actor's portrayal.
I think I missed it, did Ciara end up getting a medical check? Can we rule out a rape baby now? Sorry, its unpleasant to discuss but knowing how much this show likes doom and gloom its a legitimate concern!
Can we rule out a rape baby now?

Unfortunately, no. :rolleyes:


I hope Ava will turn up alive. Joe/Steve would be pretty much off the hook re a murder charge, and as a bonus, there may be more dancing. :drunk:

Joe's big mouth will make Steve's attempt to rescue him, and Roman's looking-the-other-way technique, moot. And, Jade owns him (for the time being.). It's a good thing his family is moneyed.

Ciara may be sorry she asked Hope about people she may have killed. She would never feel the same way about her mother.

When I saw Marlena in that black leather, I knew she meant business! :)

Line of the day from Kayla, "Don't call me Sweetness!" :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Claire referred to Hope as her Grandma!!! Then this was negated when Hope referred to Claire and Theo as Ciara's "friends". :( I also didn't like how she said she was calling "their parents". Ummm Hope Claire's father is your SON! :rolleyes: I really wish Hope had called Shawn over to the Club to help talk to Ciara and to reassure Claire. Bad writing as usual.

As much as I enjoy Steve and Kayla, this storyline is getting repetitive now. And Kayla seems to be eating the show. I actually sometimes enjoy these 2 characters more when they are separate than together (i.e. Steve with John).
Yes, I believe she did kill that guy (I forget his name at the moment).
His name was Jensen. And yes, she did kill him.

Thanks for the write-up. An OK show. I'm glad Hope finally mentioned getting counseling for Ciara. I can't believe this wasn't among the first things talked about after Ciara told her the truth. But then again, Hope's character is being eroded away; she's been neglectful as a mother as of late. As for the teens, there's a lot of potential here for them if they'd drop the doom & gloom. To start with, I hope Roman can somehow just overlook the case against Ava. Be a corrupt cop again, as he was for Hope. Maybe it's not ethical, but Ava and Stefano are criminals and Hope/Rafe and Joey probably did Salem a favor by putting them to an end. I also wonder what Theo and Claire will do now that they know their parents are dating.

Some interesting conversations today with friends and family interacting, but the soap needs to have some positivity soon.