Days of our Lives - Monday, January 8, 2024


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
38 minutes lots of caffeine will help.

I know it’s nighttime, not sure if it’s nighttime New Year’s Eve Day or January 2nd. The time portal is difficult to figure out tonight.

Stefan's on the phone with Gabi, who is still in the infirmary. The prison is on lockdown for the next 48 hours, due to a fight. Stefan will visit. He has to have a serious talk with her soon.

Chad arrives at the Spectator offices. Everett is burning the midnight oil. He tells Chad that he ran into his brothers arguing. This has aroused his suspicion.

Nicole is arranging Holly’s blankets around her. Maggie walks in. She’s wanted to come ever since she heard about it.

Ava comes home; she missed seeing Wendy leave. Tripp tells Ava he’s not going to China because he’s worried about her.

Gabi is still in pain and Stefan needs to talk to her. The prison guards hang up the phone. Stefan continues to drink heavily.

Maggie brings Holly a newly made blanket. Maggie knits at night as she can’t sleep. She calls Holly her precious granddaughter. Holly is like Nicole and Maggie’s son Daniel, who left us too soon (not really, he could have left earlier). Don’t take people you love for granted; life is fragile.

Everett has discovered that EJ was at one time a drug dealer. Chad agrees with that and adds, yep it’s what got him killed. That bit of news takes Everett by surprise, I mean EJ does look alive currently. Chad doesn’t think that EJ would dabble in drugs. Stefan owns the bistro, and that is where the central of the drug activity is.

Ava tries to get away from Tripp who is questioning her happiness over him moving to China. The “OLD” Ava wouldn’t be so willing to have her son move 8000 miles away. Tripp is going to keep Ava safe. In the middle of this drivel, Wendy busts into the apartment.

Everett tells Chad he can’t figure out why Stefan and EJ were standing in back of the Bistro, at the docks, arguing. Stephanie comes in, they are having a PR meeting to discuss how to bring more “eyes” to the paper. Chad leaves and Everett apologizes for any discomfort seeing the two of them together might have brought Stephanie. Stephanie says it’s okay, as Chad leaves. She and Chad have said their piece and moved on.

Wendy simply couldn’t leave a good thing. She has to stay with her Tripp. Ava leaves after trying to make small talk.

Nicole asks Maggie if she’d seen any signs that Holly was using. Our daily Public Service Messages on how bad drugs are. Maggie asks Nicole if she believes that Tate is the one to blame?

Ava saunters into the DiMera living room, Stefan is sitting at the chess table drinking. Harold is working tonight, he let her in. No change in Holly’s condition. Ava tells Stefan of Tripp and Wendy staying stateside. Chad walks in, he still has his keys and says he's “looking” for one of Charlotte’s favorite dolls. Chad demands to know what Ava is doing at the house?

Everett and Stephanie eat and talk of passion, pickle ball and watermelon mojitos.

Ava and Tripp stand and talk, Wendy is picking at Tripp’s scab of a brain demanding to know why he isn’t as happy she is that she is staying with him? Wendy is certain that Tripp doesn’t want her.

Nicole doesn’t blame Tate, she blames herself. Paulina comes in with flowers, fake orchids because you can’t have real flowers in the ICU. The mayor gives a mini speech about drugs being bad. Paulina has a coughing fit.

Chad, Ava and Stefan chat. Stefan says they have business to do. Chad outs Everett as the investigative reporter doing a deep dive on the drug traffic and Chad wants to know why his family's name keeps coming up?

Everett worked the heroin trade in Seattle. One of his best friends died by overdose, Everett found him, he was a great pianist and songwriter. Deep diving into Salem’s problems is triggering (his word) for him.

Paulina tells Holly they are praying for her, sending white light and whatever other doohickies they can think of. It’s Holly’s bath time, so they all go out to the nurses' center and chat.

Wendy and Tripp yada yada angrily and then of course have fantastic make up time.

Paulina, Maggie and Nicole talk. Maggie is sure that Paulina is really sick and is not telling her doctor everything. Bath is over, so Maggie and Nicole return to the room.

Chad accuses Ava knowing the ins and outs of the drug running before she learned her ABC’s. Ava says what should I say, I can’t stay away from DiMera, then she goes over and plants one on Stefan.

More dinner chat with Everett and Stephanie. Everett can continue knowing Stephanie’s by his side.

Tripp and Wendy stop kissing, she calls home to tell them she is staying in Salem.

Maggie wants to have a spa day when Holly goes home. Salem Inn is doing high tea now. Victor loved high tea, and the tiny cucumber sandwiches.

Wendy's speaking Mandarin, per the screen, explaining that she simply can’t leave Tripp. Tripp says that didn’t go well, did it? Wendy says nope. A discussion of love and "in love" and parents. Tripp is happy Wendy is home. She lights up his life, and yes, it’s corny. Wendy counters with Tripp, you are the man of my dreams.

Back at the paper, Stephanie says that she may be going back to Seattle to visit her brother. They chat on if Everett will ever return to Seattle? Nope. Stephanie leaves.

At the DiMansion, Ava and Stefan are still deep in their kissy face. Chad leaves with a threat. Ava tells Stefan he’d better become more interested in her if he wants to stay alive.
Daniel, who left us too soon (not really, he could have left earlier).
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Maggie walks in. She’s wanted to come ever since she heard about it.
Wow, it's nice the writers remembered teenage Holly has a grandmother.
yep it’s what got him [EJ] killed. That bit of news takes Everett by surprise, I mean EJ does look alive currently.

Everett has a lot to learn about the dead/undead/zombies/resurrected in Salem.
Harold is working tonight,
When is that poor man going to be able to retire??? He and poor Henderson are going to work until they drop dead at their respective mansions.
Thank you, Robin! You managed to create something out of nothing!!

We keep hearing about Holly being an angel, sweet, precious, etc., but the teen-aged Holly was introduced to us as none of these things. She no sooner met Tate than she was offering him weed. The writers missed an opportunity here. We know she likes books. Why not have her be a great student who likes to help people and who would have been delighted to give Tate a tour of Salem and become his friend, instead of being someone who likes to smoke pot and go after her step-brother?

Maybe she will be redeemed if and when she recovers from the coma. Will the new and improved Holly want to have high tea with Nicole and Maggie? While we did see her show compassion for the loss of her baby brother, and sweetly held Jude, that side of her has not been front and center.

I do want to say that I think Holly's portrayer, Ashley Puzemis, is a fine actress and doing a great job, but so disappointed that she is being depicted this way. All for the sake of a drug ring story line? Could have been handled differently.

Paulina is going to collapse before she sees the doctor for the biopsy, and the longer she waits, the worse she will get.

Wendy sure was losing it with Tripp, I thought she was going to walk out before he could explain his mindset to her.

Ava put it on way too thick with Stefan. Please don't let this go too far. For once, let someone be faithful!
I'm not sure why, but Everett gave me some weird vibes today. Is it a coincidence that he showed up in time for the drugs? His story about his friend's overdose, how long were he and Stephanie together in Seattle? She didn't know about this? I could be completely wrong in my thoughts but maybe Everett knows more about the drugs than he's letting on? Haven't decided how I feel about him yet, but I do hope that, again, I'm overthinking this.
I assume the plan is Everett won't be a good guy since I can't imagine the actor has long term plans to stay. I do wonder how a reporter for a newspaper has managed to not run into Jada at this point but the writers certainly aren't wondering about that.

Sad to see Wendy and Tripp are sticking around. I'd hoped he would change his mind and move away. Too many characters and no good stories for them.
Thanks, robin.

I'm surprised Everett didn't ask Chad what he meant about EJ being killed the last time he was dealing with drugs.
Everett looked at Chad oddly, but didn't say anything.

Why did we have to see Paulina at hospital with Nicole instead of Abe?

I agree with Tripp, there are no words Wendy isn't leaving. And why didn't Wendy leave to visit her parents? She
doesn't have to move there. She can gone awhile, a long while. :)

Wow, Ava kissing Stefan. I'm with Chad. I don't care either.
The real reasons Trippy didn’t want to go to China include:

— the only Chinese word he thinks he knows is “Wendy”;
— he thinks everyone only eats egg rolls chop suey, and chow mein;
— the Chinese government is full of scary Communists;
— a Chinese hospital would expect him to do real work.

Everett won’t go back to Seattle because:

— nobody gives him special treatment for looking like Nick Fallon;
— he’s afraid that Mt. Saint Helens might erupt again;
— he absolutely hates rainy weather (it never rains in Salem).
— the weather is so wet that green algae sometimes grows in his beard.

Speaking of Everett, he should drop his investigation of the drug trade and get into the more exciting topic of zombies.

Finally people should get a grip and realize that Holly is no more of an angel than Sami ever was.
I have a question for readers. If it is New Year's Day, evening, how many of you have been in ICU and have received a bath within 24 hours of being admitted? My significant other spent 4 days in the ICU with undetermined bleeding and was never given a bath. My Dad broke his hip then dislocated it and was hospitalized for some time. Per the lawsuit we filed, he NEVER got a bath. Couldn't they have used a "we need to do more testing on Holly" other than she needs a bath excuse?

Is Arizona just an out of date place for ICU treatment?
My guess? Wendy was abducted on the way to the airport and injected with a chip. Rolf or someone is controlling her behavior. She’s now a pawn in some scheme to get Ava. Maybe Clyde will use Wendy to hold Tripp hostage. Otherwise who cares about any of this? I didn’t care she was leaving. I don’t care she’s staying. They’ve spent zero time investing in this “couple” since they got together. They have no chemistry.
So Tripp still has a little bit of the Salem brain, but it’s apparently shifting over to Chad and Everett. Stefan seemed really off his game today. I guess he was supposed to just be tired and annoyed. It was also funny that Chad pretty much reacted to Ava kissing Stefan with a “meh, whatever.”

Agree with others who posted that Wendy could have just gone to visit her family for a couple of weeks. There was no need for the big dramatic goodbye with a reunion 2 hours later. It would be one thing if this was some big well-loved super couple, but there is nothing exciting about them together. I really like the actor playing Tripp and think he’s done a nice job with the stories they’ve thrown at him over the years. Kind of wish there was still a bit of the tough guy he was when he first came to Salem in him but now he’s just the new super doc.
Thanks for the summary. Paulina was a bit out of place in the show, but it's a filler episode full of Tripp and Wendy, so I shouldn't be shocked.

Much as I loathe yet another drug storyline on this show, I do like the idea of Chad and Everett working together to uncover the truth of the matter. They have good, non-romantic chemistry that the show should explore.

I'm happy Nicole and Maggie shared scenes, and that someone remembered Holly has a grandma. This was a touching part of the show. I also don't mind Ava and Stefan's interactions, though they could both have used a better plot.