Days of Our Lives - Monday, July 28th, 2008

I guess us medical types need a good laugh. I know I had posted about the ruptured AAA somewhere else but didn't know about the blood transfusion. They must not know about O- being a universal donor.

I saw the V-Tach on the monitor. The flat line on the bottom screen look like his arterial line needed zero balanced and calibrated. I didn't see a pressure bag hanging anywhere but thats the only thing that makes sense with 3 rhythms showing. In any case the V-Tach should have made some bells and whistles go off. They should have called a code and I am sure the algorithms have changed since I have been around but I seem to remember Shocking at 360J ever 2 minutes, CPR, Epinephrine or Vasopressin, Amiodarone, Lidocaine if you can't find Amniodarone, and Magnesium for torsades.

I saw Victor moving around and I really don't think he would have been able to if this was a real situation. Oh well, leave it to Days. LOL
@Nurse Hamster. You are right about the treatment for V-Tach. I also saw Victor moving, but put to to being that the actor was having problems to stay compleatly still.
How to solve the crime

I am new to the board - I've just finished Monday's show... I felt a need to write in to make sure I wasn't missing something...

In regards to the shooting at John's... I thought that John had not too long ago stated that he had surveillance cameras (? with sound) put in his home. Would that prove the whole thing that happened wasn't a set up? I'm actually surprised that Roman thought of that. If it had been a set up, it would have taken them a year to figure it out!

Thanks for your work, Poirot, you're the best.
:welcome: to the board ONE_DOOL_GIRL!

You would think any mansion would have surveillance cameras.
So, has anyone asked Morgan what the heck she was trying to get out of her huge purse...???

I've wondered that myself. It sure looked like she was going for a gun. I have to admit, that I like seeing the feistier Morgan return, even if it was to go off like a loose cannon at John.