Days of Our Lives - Thu., Oct. 10, 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Kmansion: Victor tells Kristen (while Maggie looks on) that she's not welcome in his house. Brady informs them that Kristen's pregnancy is high-risk. Victor is displeased about this, threatens to fire Brady. Brady doesn't budge. Later, Maggie reviews who can't be CEO (Sonny, Philip, Xander) and Victor pledges to find someone better despite Brady's success.

Nurses Station: Lani and Eli talk about Gabi's reluctance to give Stefan's heart to Julie. Doug overhears. They recap for him that Kayla already told them Stefan's heart may be a match.

Stefan's Deathbed: Will and Sonny visit Gabi. Gabi understands that it's unfair to keep Stefan in this state (thanks to a talk with Rafe). She knows her husband is really gone. She just has to make preparations first. She asks them to stay with him, but they have to make a pitch for Julie before she leaves. This goes on for about 2000 scenes. They leave, promising that whatever her decision may be, it won't affect their love for her. Later, she's alone, talking to Stefan, and Doug enters. He makes a reasoned plea and won't judge her decision.

Rolf's lab: Hope wants to check with Kayla before giving Julie any of Rolf's drugs. He jabs her with the needle instead. Hope passes out. Rolf is seeking revenge for her murdering Stefano despite Stefano's not being guilty of torturing Bo. (Rolf believes Stefano rose again.) He taunts her while she's unconscious and later has sliced into her.

Nurses Station: Eli and Lani regret their mistakes. Will & Sonny come out (see below), they don't think anyone will convince Gabi. There's a lot of speculation. They have called in Rafe, who arrives as Sonny and Will are leaving to pick up Ari. Lani tells Rafe she's glad he's here. He will try to talk with Gabi.

Brady's Room: Kristen thanks Brady for quitting his job for her. He clarifies it's for his child. She kisses him and he sets boundaries.

Private Area: Will and Sonny fret about Julie.

Stefan's Deathbed: Gabi's upset that Rafe is now here to pitch for Julie. She sends him out.

Kmansion: Victor is about to call Sonny, see if he'll reconsider being CEO. Brady enters, offering up his key card. Victor says keep it, but look out for the disaster that Kristen will bring. Upstairs, Kristen talks to herself about Brady eventually folding.

Lab: Rolf delivers a monologue to an empty chair while holding Julie's rosary.

Chapel: Eli finds an unconscious Hope.

Stefan's Deathbed: Gabi has summoned Lani. She announces she's changed her mind on one condition.
Boy, lots of emotional conversations today. Doug did a wonderful job, expressing his sympathies to Gabi, understanding what she is going thru, as he will be also in that position tomorrow. Gabi ranted, raved, Will/Sonny pleaded, but not all that well.
So.......Maggie was in the room today when Brady spoke of Kristen moving in.......but wasn't there yesterday? Interesting. And Rolf "sliced" into Hope??? Where, and why?For what? Did he put in a chip? Take a blood sample? Won't Hope notice?? Too weird.
Wonder if Gabi called in Lani...instead of other family members...about her change of mind, because she wants Gabi to break it off with Eli. (her punishment for shooting Stefan??)
And Rolf is taking revenge on Hope because she shot Stefano "in cold blood" !!!!
Thanks Jason
Short memory: Today, brainless Brady referred to Rolf as a "sadistic freak" and a "lunatic." Has he forgotten that these descriptions could also apply to Kristen, the DiMera monster whom he wants to move under Victor's roof.

On target: Too often, Victor's one-liners are full or gratuitous cruelty, but today he was spot on when he called Kristen a "psychotic golddigger." If John Black, Marlena, Jeannie T.. Nicole, or any of Kristen's other past victims had been there, there might have been a lot more creative insults directed at the odious Salem witch.

Get with the program: Instead of expressing misplaced sympathy, Maggie should support Victor's refusal to allow Kristen in the K-mansion. If the psycho had the money to operate her Nashville resurrection factory and carry out her cruel and convoluted "Fake Nicole" plot, she must have more than enough cash to rent a plush townhouse and hire a small army of home healthcare aides.

Belated revenge: Revenge is a more-than-tired theme on Days, and Rolf's mad plan against Hope is one of the most ridiculous. It's crazy enough to have been cooked up by batty Vivian Alamain.

Ranting and raving: The Gabi vs. Julie's grieving family, which consists of her angry rants and their emotional appeals is getting tiresome. The only high point in this whole sad show was Doug who kept cool and maintained his dignity
I also thought I heard Eli refer to Hope as "Cuz." And I also think that the reason Gabi called Lani in was to tell her that the condition for donating Stefan's heart will be for her to break up with Eli. If Gabi can't be happy, NO ONE can.

I have had more than enough of Dr. Rolf. He could be amusing in very small doses since any story line with him is too over the top for me. But, he is taking up too much screen time now and I am worried that this may only be the beginning. I am guessing he inserted some kind of memory Princess Gina chip in Hope. I am hoping that this one comes with a better accent, because the last time we heard her attempt one, it was painful.

Also, there has been way too much talk of Stefano still being alive for there to be no action, which will be an epic fail. The most recent recast disaster will be mild in comparison if they try to do something with Stefano. I also think that they will bring back Stefan at some point and they will make up some heart swap story. Even though I am now retired and have been watching the show lately, I can see myself going back to the wonderful summaries on this board, which kept me posted for many years!
maybe Hope will be made to pay for killing Stefano....he IS dead!
Thanks, Jason.

Eli did call Hope cuz.

Nice to see pop up Rafe again.

The way Rolf talked, he knows Stefano is alive.

Poor Gabi. Everyone kept coming in and telling her to give
Stefan's heart to Julie. Can the spouse give the heart to anyone
they wants? What about people on a waiting list? Could someone
sue the hospital if they were next on the list and didn't get it?

Dr Rolf was funny. He called Hope his favorite pet. Then he
said "Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl?"

Victor told Brady he wasn't thinking with his brain. We've known
that for years.
Can the spouse give the heart to anyone they wants? What about people on a waiting list? Could someone sue the hospital if they were next on the list and didn't get it?
I believe you can do a direct donation, meaning you can specify who you want the organ to go to.
Eli did call Hope cuz.
Can someone tweet Ron Carlivati to tell him that Hope is Eli's great-aunt and not his cousin??
Regarding organ donations..... I know this is a tough call..... very difficult...... and per Days crack writing team they aren't dealing with this in any realistic way... since they don't do anything in a realistic manner why should this story be any different......

But by giving Julie the heart..... someone who could be in their teens.... or a new mother..... father of four..... whoever is at the top of the list will wait and their families will continue to pray for help..... while Julie has had a wonderful full life......
anyway... I'll stop.... organ donor and bone marrow donator.... my family knows what to do.....
And Rolf "sliced" into Hope??? Where, and why?For what? Did he put in a chip? Take a blood sample? Won't Hope notice?? Too weird.
I'm not sure; it looked like below her clavicle. Honestly I was so busy burning my Night Court DVDs and rolling my eyes, I couldn't tell.
Brady's success????
I made a joke elsewhere about Brady's success (because DiMera is bumbling) being similar to Days/Ron Carlivati's success (because GH had a big ratings drop for a few weeks).
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I agree with Dr. Baker Fan, only Doug has maintained his dignity in this situation everyone else, from Gabi on down the line, has turned Julie's predicament into a sideshow.

Did I mention Kayla should be removed from her position as Cheif of Staff for unethical behavior? She started this entire mess. Things should have been handled in a more delicate, professional fashion from the unset.
Biologically, Hope is Eli's great-aunt (since David was her nephew, even though he was older than Hope). And if we go strictly with the step-route, Eli would be her step-nephew because she and David would've been step-siblings, since David was Julie's son and Hope is Doug's daughter.

I'm not seeing where Hope and David (and Scotty and Eli) would be cousins in either scenario.
Brady: "You're asking me to choose between my career and my unborn child."

Me, in my brain, while at working and figuring out a really complicated piece of mathematical logic: "Like most women who had children in generations before me (and even in my own) have asked themselves or been asked." Hey writers, were you trying to be relevant, trying to put the shoe on the other gendered foot, or just stuck back in the 1960s/1970s?

Also, Brady, *what* career?