Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Apr. 29, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, April 29, 2010
Episode #11,324 Taped 3/2/10 Director – Noel Maxam

Today is another confrontation day, so bear with me. Dr. Baker has come up to Hope on the dock, so happy to see her, but she doesn’t know him. He is about to say something, when along comes a cop, he takes off, but not far, standing so he can hear the cop call her “detective” which surprises him, and the cop telling Hope how EJ’s bank account was cleared out, Hope says he should freeze his other accounts, the cop mentioning no one on video, the culprit covered his tracks pretty well. Baker soaks it all in, and takes off. Hope looks after him, commenting how weird that guy was. Baker goes to his room, packs a suitcase, tells himself he should have stayed dead, zips it shut, saying Sayonara, Salem.

Nicole has her mike up close to EJ in bed, as he talks of remembering he somehow knew the man who accosted him on the pier…saying it is an associate of Nicole’s, then accusing her of setting him up, of being the culprit. Nicole tells Arianna to shut the camera off, nope, not a chance. Nik & EJ go back & forth a bit, each talking of “paying back” the other, until finally Nicole takes the camera away from Arianna, who talks about the great story this is. Nicole pulls the tape out, then rips the tape from the cassette, saying “oops, wonder how that happened, handing the camera back to Arianna, telling her to leave. Arianna refuses, but EJ asks nicely to give them a moment. Arianna leaves, EJ & Nikki have a few words about him blaming her, and in walks Hope, ready to question the victim. She learns EJ has remembered something, asks Nicole to leave, she refuses, wanting to hear what EJ says about her. Hope just tells her she is questioning the victim, to go. Nik leaves, EJ tells her about hazily remembering the man was connected to Nicole, but he saw nothing. Hope says he was hit on the back of the head, wound looks like the butt of a gun, sort of like hers, pointing to it. And from the angle of the wound, the person was shorter than EJ (isn’t nearly everyone??? Lol) so could have been a woman. She mentions his bank account being empties, EJ knows, bank called him, no, Nicole doesn’t know his passwords, he changed them all long ago. They decide the motive was definitely money. Hope leaves.

Out in the hall, Arianna is happy to run into Brady, there for a board meeting. She tells him what happened with the story, he defends Nicole, they argue about her as always, she leaves as Nicole comes out. Oh, her hero is there, she tells her tale of woe, going into big hug, cuz she needs a friend. Brady reminds her this is exactly why he told her not to come back to Salem. These kind of things will happen. She figures she needs an alibi, wants Brady to lie that he came over to her place. Arianna has returned, but stands off, listening, as Brady refuses, will not lie to the cops, making her realize that they probably feel she hired someone. Nicole wonders if perhaps he is right and she should just go away. She thanks him, leaves, Arianna comes up, tells Brady he is a good friend to Nicole, she can see that. And that she not only loves him, but likes him as well. Kiss.

At DiMansion, Stefano is telling Sydney how whoever did this to Elvis will have to pay, the DiMeras retaliate when someone harms one of their own. Kate is all upset over Madeline having come there, tells Stefano how she threatened her. Stefano will take care of it, calls Madeline.

Over at Java, Will & Chad are trying to study, Mia is watching. They are having a problem with the project, Will wonders if they should ask Mia, Chad says no. Meanwhile, Mia has a bouquet of lilacs in her hands, goes up to talk to Madeline, babbling about seeing lilacs at her house, loving them ever since, and going to put them on Grace’s grave, does Madeline want to come along. Nope, has an engagment, Mia chatters about the Woods family feeling she is not good enough for Chad, has been hinting for Madeline to put in a good word for her. Madeline refuses. Chad & Will have been observing. Madeline’s phone goes off, she ignores it. Mia comes on to a new hunky young guy working there, asking for a favor, wanting him to kiss her. Tis his lucky day, he says, obliges, she slaps his face. He wonders what that is all about, Will comes up, telling the guy it was for his & Chad’s benefit…then tells Mia it did not work. They don’t care. Later, Mia comes up to Will, spits out that it wasn’t for his benefit, but for Chad’s. She could care less about Will.

Stefano meets up with Madeline on the docks, warning her about threatening his wife and family, next time he will not be so gracious. There will be no next time retorts Madeline, warning him to stay away from her family completely, she can retaliate herself, and he knows she can and will. Over at DiMansion, Kate is pouring herself a drink, looks down startled, and is upset when she sees both her hands all bloody. It fades away, they are clean, as Will comes up behind her, she jumps a foot. He says the study group broke up early, wasn’t going so good. Kate thinks that is just as well, as he should probably not be hanging around with the Woods family.

Sami has come into Rafe’s office, wanting to talk to him, tells him about Will coming to see her, that he is suspicious, Stefano seems to have an ulterior motive for wanting her to move in there with the kids. Rafe tells her he talked to Stefano, who claims EJ says he wants his kids there so he can keep an eye on them, not trusting Sami with her own kids. And now, Rafe tries to make Sami see the light, telling her that EJ not only wants his kids, but her, too. She denies, he asks if EJ has not made a move on her, she evades that question, even tho she flashes back to EJ grabbing her as he lay on the docks, pulling her close. They quietly argue. She is not stupid, she claims, and figures EJ just wants to be close with his children. And she figures with Stefano & Kate both there, she can watch their antics, and also that Kate doesn’t try to snow Will. Rafe thinks Will is too smart for that, but Sami wonders if he might be as impulsive as she was in her youth.
Rafe gets a call, asks if sure, says he will be on the next flight out. Sami realizes he is going out of town, he asks if she can hold off til he returns, tho he doesn’t know when. Sami gets ticked off, tells him to have a nice flight, and leaves.
She goes to visit EJ, bringing him a milk shake, he assures her he is fine, says this whole thing has made him think more about his kids, spending time with them. And so, has she made a decision about coming to live with him.

Rafe is at the cop shop, on a lap top, evidently getting info on Anna DiMera, who has been spotted. Yep, that is her (must be a pic). The cop watching with him talks of how Anna lied to Rafe previously. He agrees, she lied right to my face, but this time, she is going to tell me the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me, God.

Thanks for the write up Barb!!
Nothing super thrilling but sounds pretty good. I dont mind seeing the banter between everyone....except for Mia...she needs to get over herself. Glad Chad & Will are not giving her the time of day.

I think it's funny that Arianna didnt want to stop the camera. Nicole had to be mad!! It made me smile!
The camera had tape?

Do they still use tape in video cameras? I thought they were all digital now... Philip needs to spring for some new equipment for his TV station!

Thanks for the write-up, Barb! You do such a fantastic job!
I am liking the direction of the Stefano/Kate/Madeline storyline. Its definitely going in a direction that is worth watching for once.
Thanks for the write up Barb!!
Nothing super thrilling but sounds pretty good. I dont mind seeing the banter between everyone....except for Mia...she needs to get over herself. Glad Chad & Will are not giving her the time of day.

I think it's funny that Arianna didnt want to stop the camera. Nicole had to be mad!! It made me smile!

This pretty much sums it up for me! Just when I was enjoying everything, they had to give us some more Mia 'tude. I don't care how they write her out, just let her disappear unexplained. Ugh. She is beyond dumb.
I am liking the direction of the Stefano/Kate/Madeline storyline. Its definitely going in a direction that is worth watching for once.

Kate's vision of blood on her hands may have something to do with Chad's birth, just a thought. But another child for Kate, she has six already (Lucas, Billie, Austin, Philip and the twins Cassie & Rex) and if I remember correctly none of her pregnancies were on camera. Maybe Philip since Vivian carried him if that counts. The story is very interesting.
"The secret Madeline knows about Kate could change Chad's life forever" according to Days Cafe today.

Maybe the secret is that Madeline doesn't really know who Chad's father is b/c Madeline was also a hooker and her DA husband doesn't know and thinks that Chad is his! Or maybe the DA does know and thats why he treats him so badly??
I don't think the secret between Kate, Stephano, and Madeline is anything that could harm Madeline or why would she tell? :idea:
Thank you, Barb. Geez, I may have to watch the Mia stuff just to see Will shoot her down.
Do I sense another pregnancy with Mia and Chad? Providing she can get him to sleep with her, but that's never been a problem with anyone on the show.

Thanks Barb. I find my daily dose of the Salem Spectator a lot more entertaining than watching the show. The creativity and wit I once saw on DOOL just doesn't seem to be there anymore . . the plots just keep repeating themselves while the characters play hot potato with the Salem Brain. I feel bad for the actors themselves.
Over at DiMansion, Kate is pouring herself a drink, looks down startled, and is upset when she sees both her hands all bloody. It fades away, they are clean, as Will comes up behind her, she jumps a foot. He says the study group broke up early, wasn’t going so good. Kate thinks that is just as well, as he should probably not be hanging around with the Woods family

Wonder how the bloody hands is going to play into the Kate/Madeline story? Could end up being very interesting
Blood on her hands....??? Yikes, what did Kate do...?? I just love the nastiness of that woman....!!!