Days of Our Lives - Thurs., Feb. 8, 2024


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May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Peacock blurb: Harris confronts Clyde about the recent drug bust; Sloan hopes for a quiet evening with Eric.

Show opens up at Patch Black office, Steve and John talk about John's encounter with Konstantin. Steve is upset John didn't tell him until now.

At the square, Everett and Stephanie sit down at an outside table. Stephanie is going on and on about how wonderful and amazing Everett is. She plans to take him out to dinner because she is so proud of him. She wants to celebrate his success at the Spectator and he says he is more interested in celebrating "us".

At Sloan and Eric's, Sloan is trying to get smoochy on the couch when the baby starts crying, so Eric runs off to take care of him. Sloan says "perfect timing" in a sarcastic way and pours herself a drink of wine.

At her AA meeting, Theresa is babbling on about her story. Brady walks in as she gets to the part that those close to her make her feel stronger and she is committed to following the steps to sobriety.

At Statesville, Harris is visiting Clyde. Harris shows him his picture on the cover of the Salem Spectator with an article linking him to the drug problem. Harris hints it could be an old article, from last time. Harris reads it to him. Harris then talks about recent events and wants to know if Clyde is really cool with the terrible things that has happened.

Back to Black Patch office, more arguing about what John did without Steve. John defends himself, blames "crazy day" on drug issue. Steve is frustrated, wants to know what's going on with John.

Back at the AA meeting, the leader closes the group meeting. Theresa asks if Brady was there to check on her? He says no, he also needed to be there.

Back to Eric and Sloan's, Jude is back to sleep and Eric returns to their sofa date. He notices that Sloan has already had a few drinks. They argue about it. She says she is just overwhelmed and Jude cries too much, she admits it's getting to her. She asks Eric if Jude frustrates him, too, and Eric says not really. He tries to encourage Sloan that Jude will grow up a bit soon and they can spend time just them. They kiss.

Eric is so sorry they haven't had much time lately for each other, and Sloan is very snappy about it. She feels like Eric's main concern is always Jude, that making sure he is ok is more important than her. Eric says he doesn't love her any less because he loves Jude. He is so grateful for her and loves her. They kiss again.

Back at Black Patch office, Steve continues to drill John. He presses to know what Marlena knows and finds out John lied to her. John says something is happening to him and he doesn't have a clue what it is.

Back to prison, Clyde and Harris continue to talk in circles. Clyde says Harris is a wannabe hero that is a failure and not even close to the truth. Harris pulls out an evidence bag and shows Clyde the burner phone found in his cell. Clyde claims to have never seen it before so must have been planted.

Back to Black Patch office, John tells the story of his conversation with Konstantin about the Pawn, pulling a gun on him and him accusing John of shooting a woman. John asks Steve if he has any idea what Konstantin could be talking about??

At the AA meeting, Theresa and Brady discuss their relationship with Tate. Brady feels like he hasn't been a very good dad, but Theresa was an amazing mother. He beats himself up for it. Theresa thinks he is being hard on himself. He says he screwed up with both of his kids and it hit him hard today, so he came to the meeting instead of drinking. Theresa hugs him. She thinks he is a wonderful father and his kids know how much he adores them. She gives him a pep talk. She feels lucky to share a child with him. He says that means a lot.

At the square date table, Everett feels like he is dreaming. He gives his love speech to Stephanie and her "incredible smile". She feels like she is dreaming, too. They both agree it's not a dream. He wants to take a full page color ad out in the paper and just write "I LOVE STEPHANIE JOHNSON" and wonders if that would be weird?

Stephanie wonders if Chad would be ok with that? They discuss how they will tell Chad about their love. They talk all cutesy. If you're into that, tune in! He doesn't have a letterman jacket she can wear because he was a nerd in school, she says maybe they'll make it despite that because she does have a thing for nerds, and winks at him.

Back to Eric and Sloan's, Eric walks back in after getting Jude to sleep again. Back to their couch date. Eric suggests they try co-sleeping and let Jude sleep with them. It would help Jude have less anxiety. Sloan snaps, she hates the idea and she only wants Eric and wants him to feel the same way. Eric is sorry he triggered her, she is still angry and saying she doesn't like that baby, "their son", coming in between them.

Back to Black Patch office, same argument, different minute marker in the show. John is losing it. He says Konstantin is haunting him. Steve yells at John not to let him get to him. John gives him a weird look, Steve questions it, and John wants to know everything Steve knows about the Pawn. Steve only wishes he had something to tell him, only thing he knows is that the Pawn was John but John is not that person anymore, they have to believe that.

Back in prison, Clyde and Harris keep their same meaningless conversation that gets no where.

AA meeting moments, Theresa and Brady continue their talk about what they've been through together. They discuss the kiss. She asks Brady if he felt anything when she kissed him? She felt something. Brady calls it a mistake. Theresa says maybe its her ego that needs to feel like she felt something.

Brady calls Theresa beautiful, reminds her that she has Alex. They should keep their relationship as uncomplicated as possible, for Tate's sake. He tells her he will always be there for her. She knows. She gives him another pep talk about how Tate does love him. They notice that everyone else has left, so they leave as well.

Back to Eric and Sloan's, Eric thinks she has been drinking too much. They argue about her drinking and the idea of co-sleeping. She only wants to have sex. Eric says they can do that. They start to kiss.

Back in prison again, Clyde is trying to convince Harris other angles he could follow instead of him. Harris tells him to go to Hell. He is angry. Clyde asks about his pretty little girlfriend.

At the square date, Everett and Stephanie are kissing. They stop and talk about Valentine's Day. She was going to wait until Valentine's Day, but wants to tell him she is falling in love with him.

Back to Eric and Sloan's, they stop kissing because Sloan smells the dinner burning. Eric says it's ok, he wasn't that hungry anyway. Neither is she, she just wants to have sex. They get busy and move to the bed.

Back to the square, Stephanie insists that Everett not say anything, but he insists. He is in love with her, too. They kiss. For Valentine's, Stephanie wants to double date with Rafe and Jada. Everett says he doesn't want to share her on that day, he wants her all to himself.

Back at Black Patch, Steve suggests they continue their conversation tomorrow. John is angry about not knowing what happened. Steve says we have to get that SOB out of their lives.

Back in prison, Clyde tells Harris when he goes for something, he never fails. Harris says they have that in common then. Clyde says that Harris is making a big mistake. Harris says he will take his chances and leaves, taking the burner phone with him. Clyde calls him an SOB.
Sloan obviously hates this baby because it interferes with her boinking time. And after she says all that, Eric still wants to boink her.

I feel bad for Stephanie. Chad didn't want to marry her so she moves on to Everett, who we all know is going to end up being a really bad guy. Brokenhearted again. But will she finally be pregnant?

Forgot to say can't wait for double date with Stephanie, Everett, Rafe and Jada.
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Thanks DaysLady for filling in the conversations I simply skipped. Today was another day of circle conversations or simply conversations that didn't amount to anything.

Steve had better come clean soon with John. I don't understand what he gains but denying he knows what Konny is talking about. Well, other than frustrating us so we keep watching. But this has stretched the boundaries a bit far for my patience.
Stephanie isn’t a woman. She’s a cardboard cutout of a love addict. It’s one thing to sleep with a bunch of dudes because you like sleeping with dudes (Sloan). It’s another to think you’re in love with every single one. Is she 12?

More convinced than ever that Everett is a drug lord and villain. She will date him. It will go horribly sideways. Chad (or Alex?) will rescue her. She will then sleep with whatever rescuer again, get pregnant, and wonder which man is her baby daddy. There will be threats, paternity tests, and kidnapping.

Sloan is at least a consistent character: a total narcissist who only wanted a baby because she’s lonely and wanted someone groomed to love her. It’s a shame the baby hasn’t been SORASed to an age he can provide her with attention and emotional comfort yet. Then she’d be more into him. That said, I do appreciate the on brand characterization. Eric seemed very put off today, but then has sex with her? Oh, how the priestly have fallen!
Yet another underwhelming episode from the writers:

— Stephanie heaping praise on Everett (was his beard twitching with joy?);
— Harris making a pointless prison visit to lying Clyde;
— John turning into an idiot (can’t Steve just find the pawn card and end this nonsense?);
— Wino Sloan moaning about the burdens or parenthood (pity her poor clients whose cases can’t be getting much attention);
— Brady propping up foolish Gwennie T. (woe is her).

This kind of stuff is enough to inspire nostalgia for the misadventures of Charlie Dale or Xander locking Nicole and Eric in a cage.
Thanks, DaysLady.

Cute line when Harris told Clyde they found a cell phone in his cell.

So Stephanie is already over Chad and wants to be with Everett. Big whoop.

Interesting to see Theresa at her therapy session with extras.

Poor Sloan. Jude is ruining her love life. That's what she gets for stealing Nicole's baby.

Poor John. There's something bothering him and he can't figure out what it is. Maybe Marlena
can hypnotize him.
Most tv shows/characters don't "get under my skin" until today. I've never wanted to slap someone until I heard Sloan and her woe is me my baby comes first. What is wrong with Eric, does he even hear her? I've never had children but I've got nieces and nephews I couldn't love more. But Sloan, really? I realize she didn't have her 9 months of bonding with the baby before it was born (as I assume most women do) but dang Sloan! :tsk::tsk::tsk:

If Eric had a brain, he would be afraid of what Sloan might do to Jude when she's had enough.
My wish, my dream...........

That NBC would arrange with Corday to run a separate program.........Days of Our Lives from Day One. Yes, I mean Nov. 8th, 1965.............and just continue as if it just began.

Wanna bet it would be a big success?
Thanks for the write-up.

Egads, what a bad show. Truly, every episode these days seems to be full of filler conversations, mainly either between two characters (or a couple) that nobody likes, or about a storyline everyone hates or is indifferent towards. I really hope better days are ahead, but I doubt it.
Most tv shows/characters don't "get under my skin" until today. I've never wanted to slap someone until I heard Sloan and her woe is me my baby comes first. What is wrong with Eric, does he even hear her? I've never had children but I've got nieces and nephews I couldn't love more. But Sloan, really? I realize she didn't have her 9 months of bonding with the baby before it was born (as I assume most women do) but dang Sloan! :tsk::tsk::tsk:

If Eric had a brain, he would be afraid of what Sloan might do to Jude when she's had enough.
In normal circumstances/real life, you wouldn't leave your baby alone with Sloan after the way she behaved today. It, to me (also a childless person), was borderline unhinged. Nicole was right to steal the baby when horny pouts on stilts left the kid alone in his stroller.
I agree with Nameless. I am very concerned for Jude's well being. Killer moms come to mind. I would not be at all surprised if she drugs Jude or physically abuses him in the future. She will probably even tell Eric it's his fault for not giving her more attention than Jude.
Regarding the burner phone, is Ava Harris' girlfriend? I thought she was with Stefan. Too many pairings on this show.
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Ava and Harris are secretly into each other and I guess "in love", but she and Stefan are pretending to be hooking up as a cover for their involvement in the drug business. Although, they did actually have sex the other day after some ridiculous sexy talk. :rolleyes: