Days of Our Lives - Tues. , April 21, 2020


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Gabi is back, and then some. Sheesh! At DiMera home, Chad & Abby are talking over recent events, he is himself again, tells her how he & Tony destroyed the Stefano chip, but he worries Rolf may have copies, who knows 2, 10??? The door from the tunnels opens, they both are scared it is Stefano, but Tony appears, having gone for bottle of champagne. He is all smiles, Anna comes in, they are leaving Salem today in a couple hrs., miss life in Europe. Meanwhile, Gabi is looking at pic of Stefan, missing him, gets a call from "Simon", she babbles about some shipment, learns it was cancelled, has a fit, but Simon ended the call.

At DiMansion, Gabi bursts in on the 4, demanding to know about the shipment being cancelled, Chad did, is head of company......and thus Gabi babbles her rants and raves non-stop, claiming she is just as much a DiMera as they are, going on and on and on. Everyone just listens, smiles a bit, Tony opens the champagne, pours 4 glasses, ignoring her babbling, she finally rushes out, going to do something or other. (yes, she is in her usual see all, tight fitting hooker garb). At one point she told Anna that when she goes back to Europe she would send her samples of all the latest lines, so Anna would look fashionable, lol. No thank you, Anna doesn't need Gabi's designs at all to look Chic. Ha. With Gabi gone, Abby suggests keeping enemy close, let Gabi run Gabi Chic. So now the 4 toast to themselves, the future success of a better DiMera reputation, and the departure of Gabi Hernandez.

Abe is sitting in Julie's Place, Kate joins him, he says he is waiting for a job applicant, she says that is her. (Guess the mayor has no office, either, huh?) So, Abe goes on about all the people suffering because of the Gina/Steveano stuff, all who were hurt, and how Kate knew, could have put a stop, but never said a word. So they go back & forth, Kate noting how Abe was ineffectual in preventing innocent men from going to prison, an innocent man nearly put to death, people drugged, etc. She reminds him he himself was doing P.R. for the DiMera family, they talk of Theo nearly spending life in wheelchair because of Kate....accusations back and forth. Finally Kate says people of Salem lost faith in Abe, and in next election he will be toast. She is great P.R. person, can make him look good, blah, blah, blah. He finally says her 5 min. are up, she leaves, but saying he is making a mistake. Alone he ponders this.

Hope comes to see Steve, bringing flowers she saw at nurses' station for him. He doesn't want to read the card. They talk over having not been themselves, things they did, and tho were not themselves, as Hope says, it was her hands that pushed Jennifer over that balcony. Steve moans about what he did to Kayla, Justin told him, and how he told Kayla to go be with him. He feels she will be happier, safer with Justin, that life with him has been hard on her. He finally looks at the card with the flowers, from Anna, sorry for destroying his eye with her spike heel. Steve smiles, if she had not done that, he would never have got into police custody, had surgery, had the chip removed and been returned to himself. He talks of when he was young, fight with Bo, lost the eye to begin with. They share a couple memories, but Hope then talks of how she hopes she will still be good friends with Kayla, how she wasn't there the past year for her, Ciara, Shawn, Claire...and how she still doesn't feel quite like her old self, doesn't know if she ever will again.

Justin finds Kayla crying on the bench. She tells him about talking to Steve, who pushed her towards Justin, how he learned what he had done to her while possessed by Stefano. Justin says nothing, asks who told him, Kayla says it was John. Kayla goes on about making her decisions for her, how she raised Stephanie alone, became a doctor, worked hard, is now chief of staff, did it herself, how Steve doesn't seem to realize she can make her own decisions. Justin starts yammering about how he doesn't want to be default guy, the one she goes with because she cannot be with Steve. She assures him she wants him, Steve is her past, Justin her now. Take me home right now. Kiss. Hand in hand they walk off.

Gabi has come into office, at DiMera, yakking on phone to Mr. Shin, how she will be so good for the company, yada, yada. She hangs up, turns, seeing someone is sitting in the big chair behind the desk, facing away from her. Only upper part of back of head visible, dark hair. She murmurs "Stefan"???
Yay Abe for giving it to Kate. Though it looks like she again has talked herself out of trouble and into a job. I couldn't believe her "I was under Stefano's spell too". Geesh, take responsibility for your actions.

Why, why, why do they have to so much flashback when it was just a couple days ago?

Does Abigail have an issue with toasting with a man that looks exactly like a man she killed? I remember when she first saw him on the Days app series she kinda freaked.

Gabi was certainly annoying today.

So Kayla is going home with Justin. I know this is Salem so now I am concerned that she will get pregnant. Please no!
Gabi is such a clown. I liked how everyone just ignored that gold digger and her silly little rant.

Days has had a lot of boring triangles over the years, but Justin/Kayla/Steve might be the worst one ever. And it's on every single day. Make it stop.
Abigail: She was on target today when she suggested that the devious Dr. Rolf has spare Stefano chips. Accordingly, he could at some future time spring a new, improved Phoenix on Salem, one who has forgotten his Marlena obsession, won't use his family to do his dirty work, and will play a passable game of chess. (Based on his boards that were shown on camera, Steve-ano couldn't play a lick.)

Kate: If nothing else, this one has plenty of nerve. If Abe needs a spokesperson who will provide an aura of truthfulness and authenticity, that person certainly isn't Ms. Blue Chunk who is the personification of lies, self-dealing, and back-stabbing.

Tony: If that bottle of champagne is typical of whats in the DiMera cellar, it must be overrated. That bottle he pulled out today looked as if it was right off the shelf of Sam's Salem Discount Wine and Liquors. Can't the DiMeras get themselves some high-end bottles of Dom Perignon?

Gabi: Like Kate she has lots of nerve as well as a very large mouth and horribly annoying manner. Dimwitted D.A. Giddens should void her plea deal and start working to send her back to the big house. In the meantime, Chad should locate the nearest dumpster and put Gabi and her GabiChic fashions into it.

The new home of Gabi and GabiChic.
Thanks, Poirot.

There were too many flashbacks today especially since most were
from last week.

It was nice of Anna to send Steve flowers and tell him sorry she poked
out his eye with her shoe.

Sorry to see Tony and Anna leave. If Anna and Tony come visit again,
I hope they bring Carrie and Noah with them.

Will Abe change his mind and hire Kate? I hope not.

Steve called Hope his partner in crime.
I guess they weren't it today, but I was thinking about John/Marlena/Orpheus/Steve and I thought senior citizens acting like teenagers. So stupid.