Days of Our Lives - Tues. May 11, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Episode #11,332 Taped 3/15 Director – Phil Sogard

Carly & Chloe both exit their apartments at the same time, have a rather awkward conversation, with Carly wanting to know exactly what Chloe means with her accusations, but Chloe just talks in her usual circles. She tells Carly she did not cover her tracks well at all, she knows what she did, yada, yada, won’t get away with it.

Sleazy motel clerk sits at a bar, downing a drink, flashing back to his confrontation with Chloe & Daniel, smiles, tells himself it was easy money to make, gets up and leaves. Outside, he is startled to have Daniel grab his shirt front, wanting to know the truth, and why he lied. Mr. Sleaze mumbles, denies, recognizes Daniel at last, more denying. Daniel is insistent, Sleaze is adamant, maybe the girlfriend is a bit crazy, making things up, yada, yada, yada, He manages to convince Daniel he has no idea what is going on, gets away, calls Vivian to tell her, and then says he is buying a ticket on a plane, leaving Salem forever.

Hope is in bed with a sleeping Ciara, leans over to kiss her, gets out of bed. Later, she is all dressed up, Ciara stirs, Hope pauses, Ciara settles back down, Hope murmurs “That’s a good girl. Then she says she will be back, and leaves. Next, she runs into Carly in the park, right near Benchie (boy Benchie hears a lot, lol) and is all peaches and cream, telling Carly she is happy to see her, wants her to know she doesn’t blame her for anything that happened, that it was all Bo, that she knows Carly is a good woman, wants to be friends, is glad to have run into her, has to leave, then hugs Carly and takes off. And before Carly can catch her breath from that encounter, along jogs Daniel, who stops, they both sit down, Carly asks if Chloe told him about their run in. Nope, but Daniel fills Carly in on the hysterical pregnancy which occurred just before Carly told them about his daughter….they do a bit of psycho babble on how this affected Chloe, he loves her, but she is seemingly now so insecure.

Vivian arrives at the hospital, badgers a reluctant Maxine to tell her where Victor is. Maxine says he did not want to be disturbed, Vivian throws her weight around as the fiance’, Maxine caves, nods towards the room. Vivian opens the door quietly, eavesdrops on Victor & Maggie talking about her helping Melanie to perhaps see Victor in a different light, how greatful he is. Vivian swoops into the room, telling Vic Maggie is right, he shouldn’t be gushing his thanks so much, and after an initial inquiry about Maggie being there, but being shut down as to real reason, Victor lets her know she is interrupting a private conversation they are having. Vivian just goes on and on, all about wedding plans, nuptials, etc, that she & Victor have to do, but Victor very nicely tells Viv once more he is having a one on one conversation with Maggie, she is interrupting, and to more or less……get lost. An uncomfortable Viv retreats outside, claiming the wedding planner is on the phone, but it is Mr. Sleaze, (see above). Maggie thinks Vivian is a bit peeved, Vic says peeved is her default demeanor. LOL. She thanks him for keeping her condition quiet, he says he knows he has a bad rep, but with people he admires and repects…he has their back. He smiles, will be back again….starts to leave, turns back, telling her she IS going to beat this.
Chloe arrives at the hospital, getting a phone call from Daniel, talking of their dinner date later, but learning that he would prefer to be at home. She is disappointed, Vivian eavesdrops, then calls Gus to follow Chloe.
Thus, later, when Daniel & Carly are talking on Benchie, Chloe happens to come upon then, does some eavesdropping herself, hears just a few words, which of course, gets her thinking wrongly, she takes off, Gus follows, calls Viv, tells her what happened. So…Chloe sits in Java, despondent, can’t reach Nicole, says she shouldn’t call Philip after what happened, but does it anyway, leaving a message that Carly won, Daniel believes her. In comes Viv & Gus, Viv moaning about Carly, nasty person, yada yada. Chloe hears her, Gus leaves, Viv comes up to Chloe, sorry cuz she knows Chloe thinks highly of Carly. Nope, she doesn’t, big troublemaker, Viv smiles. Sounds like they both have something in common.

Brady is on the sofa, head in Arianna’s lap, her massaging it, his headache is gone. Roman calls him down to the station to sign his statement, both go. Roman then has to leave, they promise to wait, get into an argument about Nicole. Brady hates that Arianna seems to bring Nicole up 24/7, but Arianna claims Nicole is constantly trying to insinuate herself between them. Blah, Blah, yada, yada, he kisses her, shutting her up, and they get more into it, Nicole walks in sees them, makes a face, scoots behind the blackboard, as they leave to take it home. She gets a thought and leaves.

Earlier, a jovial Dr. Baker comes happily bursting into the poker room, only to find a startled Nicole the only occupant. She babbles he is supposed to be dead. Baker assumes a sort of Aussie accent, telling her she is mistaking him for someone else, he gets that all the time, tries to leave, but Nicole is no dummy. She has his number, knows it is him, wants to know why he is not dead. Baker finally tells…..and guess what folks, Days actually shows us how it went down. LOL. He talks of how she blew the whistle on him to Stefano, who were supposed to send his goons after him. Nicole says they did, and both Sami & Rafe found you dead! Now Baker relates (and we see in flashback form) how he knew he did not have much time, rushed into his room with this piece of rope, pulled out this syringe, mutters this better work. He quickly injects himself with the hypo, packs it back up, shoves it under the bed, sits down in the chair, puts the rope around his neck, ties it, takes a deep breath and pulls at both ends. Nicole is amazed he injected himself with a drug to slow his heart rate, then strangled himself. LOL.
Now she wants to know about attacking EJ and Brady, Baker won’t say much, just that so what if they lost a few bucks, both are o.k. She wants to know why he targeted Brady, Baker is denying, starts to say “I didn’t…she”, then stops. Nicole hops onto that train, pulling out her video camera, but Baker won’t say anything more. She promises to go to the cops and tell all she knows (See above)

Brady & Arianna are back at the Kmansion, staggering thru the door, unable to keep their hands off each other. It is apparent where this is headed, his phone is ringing, but he ignores it, his lips locked with Arianna’s.

And now Baker is in his room, busily packing his clothes, when in come Hope. He says both need to be getting out of Dodge, Nicole is getting wise… but Hope doesn’t think so, she has plans and no one will suspect her. As they discuss this, he gets a phone call, it is Nicole, calling from the park/pier. She has decided not to tell the cops, but has his next assignment. His target is to be Arianna Hernandez.

Thanks for the write up.
Chloe is gettin on my last nerve. I cant wait for this to blow up on her & she will realize how childish & presumputious she is being.
And I so wish they would give Vivian a story that didnt involve revenge on Carly. It is so played out!!!
I hope Victor winds up NOT marrying Vivian!!!
Oh, this is getting good! Can't wait. Although I think it would be stupid for Nicole to want Baker to attack Arianna. I thought Nicole was trying to frame Ari, and this wouldn't exactly help her do that.
chloe babe I know you need someone to talk to, but I seriously think you need to give philip some breathing room. she needs to stop running to philip everytime she has a problem with daniel.

great writeup

oh and I so cant wait for the victor/maggie scenes.
Thank you , Barb.

I think Vivian is getting jealous of Victor having private time talking to Maggie.

Hey, Vivian, since when did you ever do what you were told??? Just go after Carly directly, and be done with it. This pussyfooting around with Chloe is for the birds.
Thanks. Barb, for your great (as always) writeup.

Thanks for the write up.
Chloe is gettin on my last nerve. I cant wait for this to blow up on her & she will realize how childish & presumputious she is being.
And I so wish they would give Vivian a story that didnt involve revenge on Carly. It is so played out!!!
I hope Victor winds up NOT marrying Vivian!!!
Chloe is on my nerves too. Enough already!

I wish they would write a storyline for Vivian that would make her disappear!
Chloe needs a reality check.... and Carly does too! Carly acts like she is so surprised every time Vivian does something...its just dumb. If I were Carly- when Chloe was blabbing about whatever I'd say "remember, Vivian hates me and will manipulate any situation to make me look bad- start with her first, if you really think she's innocent, then come talk to me".... (i guess that's too brilliant for even soap convo though right?)


Chloe - you don't need to call Philip!!! or maybe you do. you looney twit...hope Melanie gets a hold of both of you and I can't wait for that scene... and Daniel, honey, you are just clueless. Like, whatever. dumb.

SHEESH! lol. :) ahhhh, the stories are kind of getting good again. :) they aren't good unless they spark controversy and conversation! :)
Gotta say, enjoyed Baker/Nicole......I think Baker is a hoot. But Nicole and that video camera seems ridiculous.
Thanks Barb.

Carly is running in the park. At night. Alone. Can anyone tell me why Daniel was annointed as her protector if her behavior makes it appear as though she's not reall in any danger at all? Oh right. To make Chloe look like a tramp and ruin Melanie and Philip's chance at happiness. Someone please shoot the woman and put ME out of my misery and give Vivian something to DO. Unless she kills Carly quick, she's becoming quite ineffectual and foolish. Now as an interloper in Maggie and Victor's friendship? It's not looking good for Vivian, is it?