Days of Our Lives - Tues., Oct. 8, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ben has a bad dream about Ciara being killed. He worries, she assures him, just a dream, she is fine. Lani & Eli talk about Julie needing a heart, Gabi having the power to give Stefan's heart, she is in a bad way, they have to wait a bit, Eli decides he is the one who should ask her. Rafe talks with Jordan, yes, he believes she did not try to run Ciara down, she takes David for a walk. She sits on a bench near where Ciara nearly was killed, along comes Kristen. (Earlier, she was munching away on some snacks, then she read of Stefan taking a bullet for his mother. She was taking to him, saying goodbye, even tho they were not close.) Kristen now wants to be friends with Jordan since neither one seems to have any, so they can tell each other secrets, etc. (weird conversation)..However, along comes Rolf who wants to talk to Kristen about her pregnancy. Kristen leaves, will finish the convo with Jordan later.

Gabi is still talking to Stefan, has called Rolf to come take a look, wants him to save Stefan, wake him up, continually bawling all the while. Rolf does a short exam, is clear there is no hope for Stefan. Gabi is enraged, Rolf has brought folks back from the dead.........he corrects her, no, not from the dead. Only those on the BRINK OF DEATH! She rants, raves, yells, Rafe comes in, tells Rolf to leave if he values his life.

He then reasons with Gabi, calms her down, explaining how she has to accept this, there is nothing that will bring Stefan back. He is gone. He leaves her alone, where she keeps talking to Stefan, crying, talking of how they just started their lives, how he always has all the answers, what does she do now?

Victor is sitting with Will & Sonny, Brady has come in, tells Vic Kristen is carrying his child. Vic thinks he is joking, nope serious. Vic is not happy, of course, says he has to convince Kristen to abort. Nope, Brady won't. He doesn't care about Kristen, but he does care about his kid. Will pipes up about Vic caring so much about family, how could he ask that. Vic chastises Brady for being unable to keep his pants zipped, and not being able to tell difference from Nicole & Kristen. Brady leaves, Vic is grumpy, Will remarks “that was fun”. Vic tells him to take his husband and leave.

Ben runs into Jordan, warning her to stay away from Ciara, or she will regret it. She denies trying to run her down, tells Ben for a former serial killer, he sure does make threats. He just says stay away from Ciara.

Rolf is telling Kristen he wants to schedule weekly checke-ups for her, he did the fertility treatments, wants to keep close eye. Brady arrives, is there a problem? No, Kristen explains, then says that to make it all easy, she will have Rolf move in with her. Over my dead body, replies Brady.

Ciara has comes to the hospital, gets in the elevator, focused on her phone. Jordan steps into the elevator, the doors are closing as Ciara realizes who is in there with her.

Rafe talks to Eli and Lani. She has been absolved by Internal Affairs, tells Rafe how sorry she is. He assures her no need, she was doing her job, did it right. Eli asks about Gabi, Rafe says she has calmed down, seems to have accepted it all.

Ben comes to see Victor. You owe me, old man, I am here to collect.

Eli opens the door to Stefan's room, asks if he can come in. Gabi sits staring at Stefan........sure! He does, says how sorry he is.......that's kind of you. A tear trickles down her face, then he says he has something to ask her. It is very important.
I had thought he meant giving her hormones so she could become pregnant??? I do think it would be soooooo great, and a wonderful twist, if Rolf managed to perhaps somehow use his own sperm to get her pregnant. You know, "just to see if it worked". LOLOLOL
I thought the same thing!! Would be so funny if Rolf was the daddy!! I am so glad that Rolf was contacted about Stefan. So brain dead is the line he can't cross?

I laughed when Victor said to Brady "can't you keep your pants zipped!?" Umm no, he cannot.

Ben's tattoo intrigued me. I couldn't read the last word, I could read "the only". Apparently the actor has it. It says The Only Son written in his mother's handwriting.

Will the kiss Lani and Rafe shared ever come to light?
Does everyone think the "secret" Jordan was going to tell David, with that smirk on her face, is that she DID try to run over Ciara? I think so, if stupid Kristen hadn't popped up and rudely interrupted. Was that a weird conversation that seemed to be so normal between 2 totally insane women??? That is going to be some scary friendship!
On a roll: Victor was in fine form today, expressing unseemly glee over the impending death of Stefan Zero and piling the insults on the hapless Brady. It's a good thing that Maggie wasn't home. Otherwise, it would have been no warm milk and home-baked cookies tonight for the old grouch.

Who knew?: So the Salem P.D. now has an internal affairs department, which has now cleared Lani in the Zero shooting? Any lawyer Gabi hires to file a lawsuit will be shouting "whitewash!"

Who's the daddy?: Kudos to those who suggested that Rolf could be the real father of Kristen's "love child." It would make for a great scene if when Kristen presents her bundle of joy to the supposed father, Brady, he blurts out: "Are you kidding. The kid is a dead ringer for Rolf? It's even has a goatee and cries with a German accent."

Convoluted reasoning: Rolf's explanation why he couldn't bring back Zero made absolutely no sense. Rolf has revived people who had been dead long enough for rigor mortis to have set in. Why couldn't he bring back Gabi's beloved who is still warm and breathing? Fie on the writers. Once they started bringing back the dead with gay abandon, they were eventually going to get themselves tied in knots.
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Thanks, Poirot.

A new day in Salem.

I enjoyed Victor's laugh when Brady told him about Kristen.

It's strange to me Will and Sonny always are in the living room listening
to other people's conversations. They need something else to do.

Is the father of Kristen's baby Dr Rolf? The way he talked about her
fertility treatment made me wonder about that.

I didn't realize when Dr Rolf gave the magic serum to people they
on the brink of death. And is it really too late for Stefan? Could Dr Rolf
already given him the shot when no one was looking?

Nice of Rafe finally see Gabi.
Only those on the BRINK OF DEATH!
This is the largest blob of hogwash they've ever asked us to swallow. Sure - with Will. But EJ bled out, Vivian was in a morgue, Jack etc., NONE had the shot Will had had to make him "appear" dead (as we established to my horror a few weeks ago). They were dead DEAD.
tells Ben for a former serial killer, he sure does make threats
This is why I like her & remain TEAM JORDAN all the way. Ben threatened Rory, one of the sweetest guys on earth, when it suited him.
Convoluted reasoning: Rolf's explanation why he couldn't bring back Zero made absolutely no sense. Rolf has revived people who had been dead long enough for rigor mortis to have set in. Why couldn't he bring back Gabi's beloved who is still warm and breathing? Fie on the writers. Once they started bringing back the dead with gay abandon, they were eventually going to get themselves tied in knots.

I can't decide if I'll be happy if they explain why Stefan can't be saved or if I'll be genuinely insulted that they think we've got gnatlike attention spans.
Turns out I'm the latter.
All I know is Kristen looked really good today. I give her and the makeup department a lot of credit for her looking pretty rough before but now that she's pregnant and happy she really looks better. I know the actress has been on another show but I've never been familiar with her until Days so I just know her as nutty mean Kristen.
This is the largest blob of hogwash they've ever asked us to swallow. Sure - with Will. But EJ bled out, Vivian was in a morgue, Jack etc., NONE had the shot Will had had to make him "appear" dead (as we established to my horror a few weeks ago). They were dead DEAD.


Makes no sense what so ever.... once you go down the zombie line... this refusal doesn't fly....
....Convoluted reasoning: Rolf's explanation why he couldn't bring back Zero made absolutely no sense. Rolf has revived people who had been dead long enough for rigor mortis to have set in. Why couldn't he bring back Gabi's beloved who is still warm and breathing? Fie on the writers. Once they started bringing back the dead with gay abandon, they were eventually going to get themselves tied in knots.

Hush, DrBakerFan he can't save Zero because it isn't in the script. Otherwise, Zero would be up and dancing before lunch with only a mild headache.:rotfl:
Did I miss something? Did all this with Ciara and Jordan happen off-screen??
Did all of what happen off-screen? Ciara and Jordan have had scenes since she's been released from Bayview. And Jordan was in the elevator when Ciara stepped into it.
Good point JM. I'd have actually accepted it if Rolf had said in his accent, "I'm sorry Mzz DiMera, but DA PLOT won't let me!" LOL

Yep, Jason, it's bad writing 101. A good writer or writers would have had Dr. Rolf somehow preoccupied until it was too late for him to make a difference (Julie was already given Zero's heart before his return). Watch this stipulation regarding Rolf's serum will be conveniently forgotten in a few months when an important character with brain damage needs to be saved.
Thanks for the summary!

Can the "fertility treatments" for Kristen mean that she's pregnant by an anonymous sperm donor? One can only hope...
Good thought - hope this might be a way out for Brady. But I still think Kristen should NOT have the blessing of motherhood!
She has NO business being a parent!

Ben's tattoo intrigued me. I couldn't read the last word, I could read "the only". Apparently the actor has it. It says The Only Son written in his mother's handwriting.
I'm so glad you cleared that up. I too wondered about it. Thanks!

Still can't stand to watch Kristen and/or Jordan. Both are just evil - in my opinion! And still not a Gabi fan - too much history I can't forget for some reason.

Victor is wicked BUT I just love him! He certainly isn't a "Caspar Milquetoast" like a lot of Salem residents!