Days of Our Lives - Tues., Sept. 13, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

And it is the Brady & Theresa's wedding day. Lots of little scenes all over Salem as folks meet, greet, or get ready. Eve is gushing over how beautiful Theresa looks in her dress, as Theresa goes on about the happiest day of her life. Eve gets a bit worked up as she forgot the ol something old, new, borrowed & blue, but improvises, saying she is the something old, gives her a blue checkbook or wallet or something, saying it is borrowed & blue, and then a makeup brush she had just purchased that morning, so "new". They say how much they love each other, Theresa happy that Eve is there, yada, yada.

John, looking so handsome in his tux, picks up Marlena at the hospital. Small talk, happy talk, kissing, etc. Nicole (lovely pink color of her dress, but...looks like a maternity one to me) sits with Deimos, more small talk about how nice he has been, letting Vic & Maggie moving back in, allowing the wedding, etc. etc.

Chloe sits with Philip, a bit worried about Deimos, Philip is reassuring, promises all will know that they are the parents of the beautiful baby she is carrying. He has to leave for the wedding, Chloe says tell Brady I wish him all the best. She later is shopping, spots Deimos & Nicole. Deimos makes a crack about her shopping for his baby on the sale racks, Nicole admonishes him, he apologizes. Nicole talks to Chloe alone, warning her that she is going to be running into Deimos all over, being Salem is such a small town. Perhaps it would be easier for her if she moved away, she can do her music anywhere. Chloe agrees, but says Philip is against it, being his family & work are here. Nicole suggests she try harder.

Nicole leaves, And of course, Deimos runs into Chloe later, talks of their situation, she comments how he lied to her, he tries to be civil, asks if that is better, she tells him she is sorry he doesn't believe her about Philip, have a good life.

At the Kmansion, Brady can't believe all that was done on short notice, thanks Maggie & Vic, over and over, is happy all is squared away between them all, and that Maggie agreed to move back in. Outside, Sonny arrives, hesitates at the door, Paul arrives, they exchange some small talk, mostly about last time Sonny was there, was for his wedding to Will, who he thinks about every day. Sonny is o.k., they both go in, Vic is so happy Sonny could come, and readily agrees to Sonny's suggestion that Justin be brought back into the business at the firm's attorney. Philip arrives, isn't planning on staying, wanted to wish Brady & Theresa well. Vic is short, curt and unforgiving with Philip, telling him that tho he has made up with Deimos, he isn't his son. Philip is, and it makes what he did worse, and unforgivable. Brady tries, to no avail, to get them to patch things up, just for today. No dice. Brady tells Phil about Belle leaving for Hong Kong with Shawn. Phil leaves. John & Marlena arrive, happy to see everyone, knows John is happy to have both his sons there.

At the cop shop, Roman is filling Abe in on the identities of 2 of the convicts, Xander & Clyde. He hasn't got all the info on the 3rd one, mentions that anotherof the prisoners died, had a broken neck. Roman gets word that Xander & Clyde were arrested in Missouri (and even mentions the van was headed west....thought it had crashed??) . Roman texts Brady (who texts Theresa), John, Victor. He is waiting for the pics of the 3rd guy, another cop tells him the name is Milo Harp. Roman is puzzled, sits down at the computer to look the guy up. And of course the pic comes in, Roman keeps missing seeing it.

And now word comes that the search for the 3 convicts has been expanded to 3 more counties, the ones arrested in Missouri were bank robbers, the report they were the escapees was a mistake. Again, Roman notifies everyone.

Nicole shows up at Theresa's, last minute stuff, makeup, veil, they are grabbing everything to leave, Theresa take a last gulp of her can of soda, spills some on her dress. Eve has a stain pen, but Theresa shoos them all out, take Tate, Brady has his outfit. She will get the stain out, be along in a few minutes.
She takes off the dress, works on it a bit. Outside the door, we see a hand, some sort of crowbar slipped in between the door to get in.

At the cop shop, Roman has not turned up any info yet on the computer, is complaining that they have to see pics of all the guys. Abe is ordering overtime for everyone, wants these guys caught. roman opens a file.....see the pic of Milo Harp. He frowns...I know this guy, and that is not his name.

At the Kmansion, everyone is there, Brady is getting worried, Nicole & Eve say it will all be o.k. Theresa will be alone in just a bit. In fact, Nicole hears a car. She pushes Tate's carriage to the other side of the room, Eve goes out to check as Theresa isn't coming in, the men line up expectantly, Brady with a big grin. There is a commotion, Eve's voice is heard, a bit garbled, the door bursts open, and Orpheus has one arm around Eve's neck, the other is pointing a gun at everyone. He notes they all look surprised, were they expecting someone else?

Theresa has the dress back on, looks at herself in the mirror. Stain all gone. She takes a framed picture off the mantel, smiles as she gazes at it, kisses her finger and presses it on the picture, looks up, gasps, drops the pic. In the mirror behind her, we see Xander, just looking at her.
Does look like exciting stuff coming up. Not romance since things are not looking good for Theresa on her wedding day but hopefully that works out. I have to say I'm really a Theresa fan now. She looks spectacular! But would her sister and best friend really leave her there to get the stain out?
I agree, that was so ridiculous to have Eve and Nicole just leave Jeannie T. to try and get that stain out herself. Plus, saying she'd drive herself over to the K-Mansion herself. One would think the Kiriakis limo was on hand for shuttling the bride and her bridal party around.

It really is too bad that they couldn't have had Shane and Kim there. The excuse that they didn't have time to make arrangements is ridiculous. Shane is like Bruce Wayne (Batman) rich. They'd have chartered a plane to be there, for crying out loud.
But they did add that the original plans were for a 5 minute civil ceremony at the courthouse. (Which makes one wonder why Jeannie T. needed a fancy designer wedding gown for that! )

I also wondered how the heck Xander knew exactly WHERE Theresa was now living...........same goes for Orpheus at the Kmansion.

Now, Clyde could have told the guys the last piece, but not even Clyde knew where Brady & Theresa were living. Also wonder how they knew about the wedding. LOLOL
Poirot, good point about Xander knowing Jeannie T.'s latest address. And where did he get that pry bar? Did he answer an eBay ad for used burglar tools? And here are a few more questions.

If Victor was at all worried about the escaped convicts why didn't he put a few of his thugs on duty? And if they weren't enough, Chad would have gladly lent him veteran DiMera enforcers/bodyguards, Ricardo and Sergio.

Why didn't Nicole think that the X-man wouldn't come back to Salem? Bad guys return to Salem like the swallows return to Capistrano.

What does high alert mean at the Salem P.D. -- shorter donut and coffee breaks, no napping on duty, and less on-duty time spent on personal business?

Now that Philly K. has gotten a haircut, who's next, Rory? If he did, he'd probably get a CEO position in short order.
But they did add that the original plans were for a 5 minute civil ceremony at the courthouse.
But that's what I mean, even though it was changed to a full blown mini wedding at the K-Mansion at the last minute, the Donovans are wealthy enough to have chartered a private plane to get there.
I'm glad Philip got a haircut. He's not Shaggy now :)

I guess Salem cops are all over since the police in Missouri thought they
caught Xander and Clyde there.

I wondered too how Orpheus and Xander knew where to go to find their victims.

I enjoyed the John and Marlena scenes :love:

Thanks for the summary. Another great episode. Yes, it was a bit silly that Eve and Nicole left Theresa like that, or the reason why Shane and Kim weren't coming. But I can't help but feel that the real Days is on its way back!! Also, glad Philip got a haircut. About time!! I can't wait for tomorrow's show!
He frowns...I know this guy, and that is not his name.
I will give the writers 1 billion points if Orpheus doesn't recognise Roman. :wink:

Sonny and Paul seemed tacked on, but not terrible.

Jeannie T separating from her friends - dumb.

I'm glad somebody told Orpheus that the "Roman" he battled last time was "John Black." I wonder if he knows Roman now looks like the Salem Strangler's brother?

Nicole came off as paranoid and jealous with Chloe. I like her and Deimos, and her+Deimos, but this doesn't track for me.

Wow, Alexander (the regular one) got mentioned. Justin's visiting him.

The Marlena/John scenes are fantastic.

Belle couldn't postpone her move across the globe for five hours to attend her brother's wedding? STUPID.
Finally someone noticed JJ's name. I wonder where the actor took the picture and if we will
see it later?
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I'm willing to ignore all the niggly bits (Belle skipping the wedding, the bad guys knowing where everyone would be, Eve & Nicole leaving Theresa, the lack of Kim & Shanne) because the pacing was GREAT. Stuff happened! People interacted! Families! Friends!

I binge watched 6 episodes today and I have only tiny, minor complaints. Overall, in my opinion, this is a massive improvement
Regarding katmouse's picture in post #12: Who's JJ Horton? Blooper much?

Jack has been gone for so long other than a ghost, the writers have forgotten the last name "Deveareux". More times than not, I've heard Jennifer referred to as "Jennifer Horton" even though I'm pretty sure legally she is Deveareux.