Days of Our Lives - Tuesday, Jan. 23, 2024


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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40 minutes of blah, blah, blah and here, there and everywhere.

Paulina and Abe are at the nurses' station. They're waiting on the doctor to see them since she is in surgery. Chanel arrives. Abe tells Paulina that she's a top doctor. Paulina is anxious. Abe offers her a paper. Paulina wants to read the Spectator.

Chad and Everett are in the Spectator office. Chad tells Everett he still has to have the mayor give approval of the story on her. They talk about the drug expose. Everett says there's pictures of drug dealers. Everett is surprised Chad's brother isn't on the list.

Xander is at home when Sarah comes in with bags. He is surprised since Sarah doesn't like to shop. She bought some items for a Scottish meal and whiskey. Xander says Victoria is napping. He's happy someone else can cook and happy she's there. Sarah goes to put the groceries away.

Ava tells a customer goodbye and thanks for coming. She tells Stefan it was a bad lunch crowd. Stephanie arrives to do PR work for the Bistro. (does Stephanie know the history with her dad and Ava?) Ava says there were three people for lunch. She can't believe they went from five stars at New Year's Eve to zero stars.

Paulina reads article on her tablet about MLK Day. The three of them talk about how good a day it was. Paulina's phone buzzes. The doctor is ready to see her. Abe helps her up and carries her purse. All three walk to the office.

Sarah reminds Xander she has to go to the hospital to work. Xander tells Sarah he plans to take Victoria to the office when she wakes up since he wants to check up on things. He trusts Chad, but says you miss the small stuff when you're not there. Xander wants to check on expenses. Sarah reminds him what happened last time when he only thought about profits. He says he's a new me. Sarah's happy to hear that. She gets close to him and then she gets up to go to work. He wishes her a good day. Sarah leaves.

Stephanie suggests they post pictures of the New Year's Eve party. Ava wants to write fake reviews. Stephanie nixes that idea. They want people to forget about Holly and the drug raid. They want everyone to erase that from their minds (calling Dr. Rolf). Stephanie says she'll take down negative reviews. They also might consider filing a lawsuit against the police. She goes on about having promotions and doing favors for regular Bistro customers. Then Everett is brought up and he works for the paper. Stefan remembers Chad works there. He's going to see him before he visits Gabi. He kisses Ava goodbye (yuck).

Abe, Chanel and Paulina come back out to nurses' station. They have to wait on Paulina's prescription for pain. Paulina says she doesn't like Dr. Siegel. Abe says she can get another doctor, but she will get the best treatment. Paulina says she's been reading up on cancer. Thirty eight minutes later, they're still waiting on Paulina's medicine. Paulina asks Abe if he talked to Nicole. He talked to her before she left town with Holly. Chanel gets up and goes to the nurses' station. She calls Johnny and says him she needs him. Sarah comes up. Chanel tells Sarah her mom has cancer and she doesn't like the doctor. Sarah says she'll look at her records.

Chad isn't happy Everett brought up Stefan. Everett says he's part of the DiMera family and Ava's family is involved with things like that too. Xander walks in the office with Victoria. He says he came by to say hello. Chad shows him something on the laptop and says they want to sponsor the geocache hunt on Valentine's Day. Xander says no since they already did a sponsorship this month. Xander wants to talk about the numbers and why $5000 cash was taken out.

Everett says it was for him to pay off informants. Leo walks in and walks over to Victoria's car seat. Doll-in-Blanket cries on cue. Xander tells Leo he doesn't squander money and they all tell Leo he had a great piece on MLK Day. Leo says he saw a councilman on New Year's Eve drop his phone. He says there are lot of great photos. They all look at phone (men being men). Xander says gossip sells. Stefan walks in and wants to talk to Chad in private.

After Stefan leaves, Ava brings up Harris with Stephanie. Stephanie tells her it was a mistake to kiss him and nothing else happened. She says Harris is a good guy (and stupid). Ava says she broke it off with him because of that, but she was already seeing Stefan on the side. Stefan can't have conjugal visits with Gabi. Ava tells Stephanie she can have Harris. Stephanie wants to get back to business.

Sarah takes Paulina, Abe and Chanel to a room to talk. Sarah mentions Paulina has thyroid cancer. Sarah tries to reassure Paulina about her prognosis and over 90% of thyroid cancer patients are alive after five years. Sarah tells Paulina she can talk to Dr. Evans or another psychologist. (Marlena's not the only one). Sarah mentions the cancer is not on her lymph nodes and she can have surgery this week.

Chad and Stefan are talking in a hallway. Stefan doesn't want the Bistro included in the drug raids article. He says it's bad press. Stefan wants Chad to look at the facts and they haven't done anything illegal. (liar, liar pants on fire) He doesn't want Holly mentioned either, even though she was found at the back of the Bistro. Chad isn't sure and Stefan reminds Chad that he was falsely accused at the necktie killer.

Paulina wants Sarah to be her doctor. Sarah says she would love to, but Paulina needs a specialist. Sarah says Paulina can still come to her if she needs a doctor or a friend. Sarah says she has to leave on her rounds and Paulina's medication is at the desk. Sarah leaves. Abe asks Paulina if she feels better? Paulina says she's lucky she has the best two people on her side. Paulina gets into group hug with Abe and Chanel.

Xander is checking on Victoria, and Everett is reminding Leo the blind item (councilman's phone) needs to stay a blind item. Chad comes back in. He says Stefan wants the Bistro out of the drug story. Xander can't believe Chad agreed to it. Chad wants Holly's overdose out of article. (why bother, everyone in Salem already knows about that) Chad doesn't want to print that in case Stefan is innocent. Everett is upset that Chad wants it all out of the article. Chad reminds them he calls the shots and yells to get back to work. Victoria cries. Chad tells Xander to stay in his own lane. Xander gets Victoria and leaves. Leo sits on a desk acting innocent. Everett says it's an insult of the integrity of the paper. Chad doesn't care.

Stephanie wants to shake hands with Ava to seal the deal. Stefan walks in. Stefan says Chad agreed to keep the Bistro out of the Spectator story. Stephanie is pleased. She tells them she'll get the budget and proposal ready and she'll bring it back tomorrow. Ava says this makes them happy and kisses Stefan. Stephanie leaves.

Stefan and Ava agree they are good liars and they want to celebrate. Ava wants to know how the visit with Gabi went? Gabi's back in her cell and will keep her ears open. Stefan says Lucas is in the prison infirmary. Stefan says Clyde's men did it and now Lucas will want revenge. Stefan says he told Gabi about the fake affair, but she's not happy about it. Ava and Stefan open a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Ava finds a voicemail from Rafe. He wants to see them today. Ava drinks from a glass and Stefan drinks from the champagne bottle.
It's well known on this board that I like Xander but today's scenes with Sarah were serious gag inducing. I am so glad they remembered he owned half the paper. Interesting that he's the numbers guy for the paper. I was surprised to see that he agreed with Chad to keep the Bistro out of the drug story. He knew Holly too. He was her stepfather for a half minute.

I don't remember Lucas being a successful revenge guy. So pinning their hopes on him seems very lame for Ava and Stefan. Better to get Kate riled up enough to do something about her former lover.

Very interesting about reviews and only good stuff regarding fired guy.
Why has a drug raid hurt the Bistro’s business? It didn’t bother anyone when Bo Brady gunned down mob boss Martino Vitali at the Pub in front of customers.

Now that Paulina knows her diagnosis, hopefully it will make her stronger and quieter. And if she is looking for a more compassionate physician than Dr. Siegel, she should find somebody who practices Love Doctor Jonas’s type of compassion.

Everett really was worked up about Xander’s decision to kill the drug raid story. Even his beard was quivering with indignation.
Welcome brisbydog!

The Spectator is officially the worst newspaper ever. First they have to ask the mayor for permission to run a story and then they agree to just drop the Bistro from a story. And their crack reporter or editor or whatever he is hasn't even managed to run into his ex wife who's one of about 4 cops on the payroll.
Some strange things today what I'm blaming on writers who don't know the characters they're writing for.

There is no way Stephanie would have agreed to meet Ava. Given her history with Steve and Kayla, she should have hung up on her. Instead, we have her in a gossip session about their love lives. Weird.

I don't think I've ever received a text when I'm already IN the doctor's office saying they'll see me now. Has University Hospital graduated to an Olive Garden-style reservation system for their patients?

Chad caving to Stefan was out of character. Good for Everett for calling him out about journalistic integrity.

It was nice of Sarah to take a second look at Paulina's records, but if she was going to consult with them, shouldn't they have gone into an exam room and not the staff lounge?

I know budgets have been slashed for years at Days, but what random group of furniture did they throw together to make the Spectator office out of? I guess a couple of cubicles in front of what looks like a recycled apartment set makes an office.

Leo made a reference to Julie's Place. Guess it's still open even though we haven't seen it since Devil-Doug locked Julie in the freezer!
Welcome Brisby!

Thanks for the summary. Another shoddy episode. Not reporting as a newspaper? Removing bad reviews? Good Lord, they should all be fired immediately.

I’m glad we know what is wrong with Paulina. Can she have surgery now so we can move on? Abe still needs his own recovery arc. It’s been long enough.