Days of our Lives - Tuesday October 3, 2023


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Mar 24, 2009
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Now appearing in Wichita, Kansas
35 minutes of eye rolling.

Continuing session of Talia and Marlena. Angry Marlena tells Talia that she knows that about the fact that Talia slept with Shawn.

Replay of Jada telling Shawn that she won’t tell anyone that Shawn slept with Talia as Belle stands in the doorway. Belle looks happier.

Rafe is in the hotel room, he is calling Jada and updating her. Tripp enters the room.

In case you were worried about Ava and Harris, I know I was worried. They are still alive (damn) and in a small room with a twin-size bed. Harris brings the Mafia Princess up to speed. They are chained to a wall with a long leash. Susan walks in, thrilled that they found her.

Shawn wants to know what Belle is doing at the police station? Belle is deeply hurt.

Talia wants to know how Marlena found out? Gurl, the entire town will know by the end of the day. Talia is very sorry.

Rafe and Tripp have a stupid conversation. It’s been one day? Rafe thinks Ava and Harris went looking for Susan. Rafe hopes they are okay.

Susan and Ava have a conversation. Susan wants to know who Harris is? (he is staring) Harris says he knows Thomas Banks. Susan explains why she chose Ava. If you love Susan this is a great scene and conversation. Edmund enters the conversation.

Tripp makes fun of Rafe’s plan to find Ava and Harris. Which is the truth. They argue in the middle of this stupid argument. Rafe gets a phone call from London PD. Rafe tells Tripp go home. Tripp says no.

Edmund is keeping them in England. Susan walked out on Edmund. Flashback of Edmund watching the news from the states about Susan’s crash and death. Edmund got a phone call from someone, they brought Susan back to him. Two men brought Susan to Edmund; he has nursed her back to health.

More Tripp and Rafe wasting time.

More teary Talia with Marlena, she doesn’t want Marlena to tell anyone. Marlena is bound by doctor/patient confidentiality. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

Jada tries to explain things to Belle and Shawn. Belle responds with a slap to Shawn. This won’t go well.

Talia is still annoying but will change therapists.

Belle and Shawn have a conversation. Belle doesn’t want to have a sad *bleep* apology. Belle explains why when she cheated, they were all on a break. Shawn explains not when you slept with your professor in Maine. Then they continue to talk. Why is this a back burner story? Why are these two leaving the show they are so much more entertaining than Tripp and Wendy.

Rafe and Tripp standing in the dark. Rafe found the waiter and looked up the search history and they are on their way to Edmund’s house.

Edmund tells Ava and Harris that he doesn’t have the foggiest idea who these two men were. They just told him that no one must know where Susan is. Because Susan would be in danger. Susan now puts her spin on this story, in flashback form. Susan wants Roger in this flashback. Edmund is angry. Susan tells Edmund that she loves Roger not Edmund. Edmund now knows that Ava is the one who hurt his innocent Susan.

Talia is standing and staring into space when Jada walks up. Jada came to check on the gunshot victim, and warn Talia about Belle knowing about Shawn.

Shawn uses the "I was drunk, it didn’t mean anything" speech. Belle blames Shawn and they have a conversation. Belle won’t forgive Shawn.

Ava asks Susan what is Edmund going to do? A silly conversation. Edmund has killed before. Edmund has a gun???? In England, Rafe rings the doorbell, it sounds like a bicycle bell on a tricycle.

Susan explains that Edmund killed Penelope Kent because she looked like Kristen. (he thought Penelope was Kristen)

Rafe walks into Edmund’s apartment. Rafe shows him pictures of Ava and Harris. Edmund is upset that the woman who killed his Susan is out free?

Talia and Jada have a stupid conversation in the middle of the hospital.

Belle is being a pretty pretty princess and she has to leave, and Shawn can’t be with her. I hate the writing for these two.

Jada has flashbacks of waking with Shawn. Belle walks up, and tells Talia to go to hell. Belle had to make a special trip to do that.

Belle walks in and cries on Mommy’s shoulder.

Shawn is sad as he looks at a picture of Belle and has a flashback of when he tells Belle that he loves her and he can’t go on like this and they make up.

Jada comes in and rains on his parade. She wants to know if he wants to talk to her?

Dimitri is in recovery. And Rafe has a good lead on Harris and Ava.

Susan, Ava and Harris talk.

Edmund tells Rafe that Susan was blown up in a car crash. Edmund pulls his gun on Rafe and Tripp, because why not?
Egads..........Well, the fired guy's wife wrote this episode, he was exec producer.

Edmund sure is a changed man, isn't he? What kind of baloney is this about 2 strange men bringing Susan to Edmund, saying she is in danger. Huh? And so, to protect her, Edmund chains her leg to a wall, then knocks out Ava & Harris, chains their legs, too. Why? If the "bad guys" come, they are helpless, so how is that protecting Susan.

Ahhh, Tripp weasels his way to be at Rafe's side, and both are held at bay by Edmund's gun when they want to "look around".

The thing is, Rafe has no authority to do so. He might have got cooperation from Scotland Yard in the alerts for Susan, Ava, Harris......but he has nothing to say he can "look around" any private citizen's home.........and tho he is a cop, Tripp is NOT.

And then we have indignant Belle, who had affairs with others multiple times, was forgiven, but is upset and indignant upon learning Shawn slept with someone else ONCE while drunk, refuses to forgive.

Robin was right on the eyeballs hurt from all the eye rolling done watching this mish mash.
Thank you, Robin!

I agree that Rafe acted weird. Instead of announcing he wanted a look around, he should have pretended to leave and then got out his gun to intimidate Crumb and not give him a chance to take out HIS weapon. That room will be crowded with two more people in it if that is Crumb's plan, to add Rafe and Tripp to the mix. And a detective, in this case, police commissioner, should not let a civilian tag along, unsafe!

The Susan rescue needs to be explained. How did Susan get from Salem to London, and who are the guys who took her? What's up with Crumb?

Talia just needs to leave Salem. She overstayed her welcome.

Belle is acting superior and on her high horse. She cheated multiple times, Shawn just this once, but she has drawn her line in the sand.
I wonder if Leo will tell Dimitri when he wakes from his surgery to tell the police that Gwen shot him. And then Gwen will flee Salem to avoid being framed?

Alternatively, Dimitri may have either partial amnesia, not remembering the day’s events and who was in the room when he was shot. Or complete amnesia, not remembering who he is, who Leo is, who Gwen is. God only knows what Leo will tell him if that happens.

Why on earth did Jada and Shawn not see Vivian’s gun? Or at least detain her for questioning, given her history of shooting people?
It was funny, my closed captioning when Rafe was with Tripp and answered phone it said "Fernandez"

I gotta agree with Shawn. He has forgiven a lot of Belle's cheating. Yeah, it's bad that he cheated but she should forgive him.

Who in the world had Susan? This seems absolutely crazy. They took Susan and contacted Edmund, not Roger?
My CC also said "Fernandez". That should teach those actors to speak more clearly. LOL

(CC uses the audio, not the script, so at times, it can be pretty funny, but it also helps us when we ask ourselves "did I hear right"? LOLOL)
I watch Days on Cox Contour. They had Ana instead of Ava for the description of the show.

Thanks, robin.

Such an exciting episode. Not really and we can blame that man who had his wife write the script for how bad it was.

There must be something wrong with Belle. She thinks she can sleep with other men, but she was surprised Shawn would
do that to her. Good grief.

Thanks goodness the door was closed when Belle and Shawn had their discussion.

So two men took Susan to Edmund to protect her from Ava. Why didn't they take her to EJ or Roger?

Is Edmund a recluse since he's always in this bathrobe? Does he have staff?

Will Marlena confess to Belle she already knew Shawn cheated on her or will she keep quiet since Talia told
her doing her session?

The line of the day goes to Harris when he told Ava "I promise you before that creep touches a hair on your
head he'll have to kill me first." Is it wrong for us to want that to happen? :)
I wonder if Thomas or Sister Mary Moira had anything to do with Susan being whisked away to London?
I was thinking maybe Thomas as well.

I also thought of EJ.

He did the same thing with his daughter, let everyone think Sydney was missing/dead and the whole time he had her hidden with Anna.

So it would not surprise me if EJ is the one behind having his mother whisked off to London to keep her safe. I can’t think of anyone else who would have Susan in safe keeping (from Ava). Maybe Roger?
Belle really has no mercy on anyone. If “The Town Without Pity” had a mayor, she’d be it.

Poor, pathetic Shawn just can’t catch a break. It’s almost as if he has a sign on his back that says “kick me.”

Harris must not be the Seal Superman people think he is. By now he should have broken his chains with his bare hands and picked the lock with his teeth.

Edmund Crumb is really quite the weirdo. It wouldn’t be too surprising if like the London serial killer of the 1940s and 50s, John Reginald Christie, he has bodies buried under his flat’s floor, behind its walls, and in the back garden.
I agree that Rafe acted weird. Instead of announcing he wanted a look around, he should have pretended to leave and then got out his gun to intimidate Crumb and not give him a chance to take out HIS weapon.
Rafe was pretty silly today in service of duh plot, but he shouldn't have a gun. In anything close to explainable real life, he wouldn't be able to bring it with him into another country, and I don't see London police arming him. He's a cop in a foreign country who shouldn't even be wandering around like he's on police business without an escort from the local authorities—let alone letting lil baby Tripp tag along. (By the way, Shawn shouldn't have had a gun in Greece either to shoot his daddy. That was silly.)

One good thing, this plot is moving along. In the past, Rafe would have searched for two or three weeks of viewing time. We'd have to endure a couple of weeks of Ava and Susan being trapped together with Harris' stone-faced scowl. Hopefully, this will all be over soon.

I understand Belle being hurt. I get her feeling betrayed. I don't get her making excuses for all of her sexual extracurriculars. They could have just had her say, "I know what I've done in the past, but that doesn't excuse what you did. You still betrayed me, and I can't look at you."