Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug. 11, 2010

I think what Hope is doing is right in character for her. She has always been a kind, caring and gentle person and to know what she has done is devastating to her. No matter how this is resolved, Hope will have a lot of guilt for a very long time.
sadly, KathyLu, you're right.

I'd expect no less from Hope.

I just hope that she listens to reason and lets Victor/Doug/Julie hire a good defense lawyer to fight it so she's out sooner rather than later, and we can hear some juicy therapy sessions. :)
I think once she gets over the shock of what she has done, Hope will start thinking more clearly. She won't stay away from Ciara any longer than she has to. Hope is a strong woman and that will come back to the surface.
In the meantime, Sami, stop drinking that Salem Stupid Juice because it is pickling your brain. EJ never ever LIED to Sami??!! She IS nuts or deluded.

I told my cousin who watches the show too it is so stressful seeing all these characters having to share one brain and wondering who will get it each day. I hope rafe gets it very very soon
Hope keeps saying she doesn't want to drag Ciara through a court proceeding, so I think that is her reasoning right now. I hope someone talks some sense into her, like Victor. He just seems to be the voice of reason when it comes to his family (he has his charming moments).
Thanks for the write up Poirot. With Natasha here I have only been able to see bits and pieces of the show. Boy Sami is being so forgetful and I thought I had a poor memory. Love that Rafe and Sami were kissing. I so want them together.
Hope keeps saying she doesn't want to drag Ciara through a court proceeding, so I think that is her reasoning right now. I hope someone talks some sense into her, like Victor.

Exactly. Hope's been a cop long enough to know that the courts handle children with kid gloves. Everything possible is done to minimize the trauma. I wouldn't be surprised if, in a case like this, a child is questioned in a secluded location, like an office and the taped testimony shown in court. I do know that one has to be exceeding careful when questioning children so as to not ask a question that, in any way, puts an idea in their head.
Alert Alert Salem PD Blooper - Julie wasn't even allowed to hug Hope (her step daughter/sister) when she met her in the now infamous interegation room so says the officer in the room with them. Then after the Mayor tries some tuff love on Hope so she realizes she needs a lawyer, in comes the Mayor's wife Lexie she not only hugged her but there was no officer in the room. Then here comes the stream of others who shouldn't have been there. EJ who threatened the office to allow him in the room. Where the ole DiMera ugly came out of EJ when he told Hope "I remember what you did to me & what you did to my father". He's looking for revenge as usual. Where is the EJ Sami thinks has changed so much when he can't even have a single ioda of compassion for Sami's Aunt Hope. Then in rides Bo the hero to her rescue "are you threatening my wife", now he recognizes Hope is his wife. And last Brady who said the only sensible thing to Hope "don't look for the voice that says you can't come back". He's calling on personal experience to give her the most positive words I've heard since she was arrested. I loved a few less tears from Hope and we may have seen the light bulb come on that she needs to fight for herself. Great Epi!
Thanks for a smashing summary, Barb. Super show today! I just loved all the interactions and great dialogue. I even watched Sami in the scenes with Will because I like Will that much.

My favorites were:

Bo and Victor - I think it's the first time we ever heard Bo tell Victor he loves him. Yay!
Victor and Maggie - How sweet and cute and refreshing they are. Flirting and yet being completely honest about their awkward yet sincere friendship.
Abe and Hope - Abe was great! He said what we've been wanting someone to say to Hope, that she is doing more harm to her daughter by being away from her. (I still find it funny that Hope gets to keep her fleur de lis earrings.)
Brady and Hope - Good scenes and good insights into Brady's character and his past drug abuse.
Vivian and Gus - Vivian is back and plotting again!

I didn't watch Rafe or EJ, so I have no comment about their scenes.