Days of Our Lives - Wed. Aug. 18, 2010


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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Episode #11,399 Taped 6/16 Director – Albert Alarr

And the plot thickens. LOL. Brady sits in the crypt of Isabella Toscano Black, putting flowers in the container, telling her he wishes he could remember her, that somehow he feels that perhaps, if she was with them now, his life would be somewhat different than how it has turned out.

At the Cheatin Heart, Nicole is ordering Rafe to stand up for a pat down, to make sure he is not wearing a wire. He assures her he isn’t, asks if she doesn’t trust him. She replies there are 3 things one hears….the check’s in the mail, you can trust she stumbles and falls into his lap. Hmm, she doesn’t mind that too much, asks him if he minds if she hangs around that spot for a while. Nope, he doesn’t. She kisses him. A surprised Arianna walks in, wondering what the heck is going on, complaining about all the trouble Nicole caused her with Brady, and then figuring that with her brother, this is all about Sami. Rafe tells Nicole he is sorry about Arianna, telling his sister to more or less, butt out.
She goes off to the side after getting a drink, watching as Rafe deals with a rather tipsy Nicole. It is mentioned a few times it is only afternoon…..Rafe offers to get Nicole home safe and they leave. Arianna watches, puts her drink down, takes off.

Over at DiMansion, a repeat of EJ pulling his “let’s go upstairs and you can see what marriage is all about”, or some such. Father is out, kids are napping. They are upstairs, going at it hot and heavy, EJ’s discarding his jacket, heading towards a bedroom, I guess, when they are startled…as there stands little Johnny, clutching his stuffed toy, just looking at them. Next, we see Sami downstairs, holding the ever famous penguin, flashing back to shirtless Rafe finding it for her on the beach. EJ comes down, Johnny is fast asleep, he wants to resume where they left off, but tho Sami is kissing him back, he can tell something is off. She tells him that she thinks they should wait and have a real wedding night. LOL. EJ understands, then glances over at the penguin, and repeats that he understands…understands completely.

Brady is sitting at the Pub, downing a beer, in walks Sami, asking Pete if her gramma is there. She wants to get a doll Allie left…..she spots Brady, walks over, asking him if that is a beer in his hand. “is that an engagement ring on yours?” replies Brady. She mentions him always talking of sobriety, he reminds her this is not cocaine, just a beer, then launches into derision over her marrying into the DiMeras, a family of liars and killers. He tells her that when she was younger, she was always a spoiled little brat, then she met Rafe and changed, very much for the good, she grew up, but now she is back to being the same spoiled little brat she was before. Sami has heard enough, leaves, calling Rafe for the 3rd time, leaving a message. Outside, she bumps into Arianna, asking if she has seen her brother. Yep, saw him with Nicole, Arianna rushes off. Sami gleefully figures that Rafe must have gotten evidence on Nicole and is arresting her. This she has to see, she rushes off.

Justin & Adrienne sit in the Pub, talking of Hope, Bo, all that has gone on. Adrienne wonders how no one was aware of all that anger and hatred building up, how could that be. Justin doesn’t know, but this all has gotten him to thinking about them, him and Adrienne, their years together, their life.

At the courthouse, Bo tells Hope there has been a change in plans, she is adamant she is pleading guilty. Julie is giving Bo what for over all he did, what he put Hope thru. Hope sees Abe & Justin come in, is surprised. Judge Fitzpatrick comes in, mentions Hope is pleading guilty, she agrees. Hope’s attorney gives a list of witnesses to appear for the defense. The prosecution wants a continuance, Hope says no, not necessary. Prosecution notes the deal was for a sentence of 10 years, time off for good behavior. They now withdraw the deal, insisting on the full penalty for her serious crimes…assaulting 6 victims and the attempted murder of the Police Commissioner…30 years.
The judge asks if the prosecution has something to say, Jeff hesitates, Justin stands up, says he does. Then, both Justin & Abe testify as character witnesses for Hope. Arianna has slipped into the courtroom, and now she wants to say something She talks of being in prison for using and dealing drugs, a terrible place, but she survived it. She talks of being framed for her crimes by Hope Brady, and that no matter what, Hope should go to jail, if she did the crime, she should do the time. Justice should be equal here.

Rafe and Nicole arrive at her door, she is stumbling a lot, definitely needs help, isn’t too sure about inviting Rafe in for a nightcap. Fine with him, he talks a bit of them both caring about Sydney, both getting left out in the cold, both having to move on. Nicole smiles, tells him to come in. There is a bit of conversation about him liking her, he tells her she may lie, but doesn’t try to deny or cover it up. His cell goes off, he sees it from Sami, shuts off his phone. Nicole asks if he can do that, he tells her even FBI guys have to have a break. She pours them both drinks, more chit chat, then she tells lhim to take off all his clothes. Rafe is a bit reluctant, she teases him a bit, and he starts to unbutton his shirt. She sits on the bed, snapping her fingers, smiling and shaking her shoulders from side to side.

At the courthouse, it is now Bo who has something to say. He takes a lot of blame for what happened, talks of their daughter being kidnapped a few months ago (hey Bo, it is almost a year!) and having gone thru a lot. How Hope took their daughter away to try and get everything back to normal, how he himself did not realize this was temporary, and so he moved on with his own life, causing great pain to his wife and to his daughter. He tells of how the stress was making her unable to sleep, how she went to a doctor, was prescribed pills …..he gets rather angry here…and goes on at the effects it had on Hope without her knowledge. He promises to the court, and to Hope herself, that he will be there for her, no matter what.
Judge Fitzpatrick has taken everything into consideration, says the parade of character witnesses was a bit overdone, that Ms. Hernandez made valid points, and after deliberating about this, she is sentencing Hope to 2 years in prison, with mandatory psychiatric help. She leaves the courtroom, everyone is rather relieved. Julie & Doug are hugging Hope, who says a tearful good-bye to Daddy. (I just love Doug & Julie here). Hope has thanked Abe & Justin, Doug & Julie promise to bring Ciara to see her as often as they can. Hope says "I guess this is goodbye" to Bo….who tells her.."no, it is not goodbye… is I'll see ya soon, Fancy Face."

Finally we get to see some glimpses of the real Bo and Hope. Great write-up as usual. I am looking forward to the Rafe/Nicole scenes. They both have a sort of comic relief when they are together
I agree this is the real bo and hope. I wonder/HOPE that this is the end of Bo and Carly???

They have no chemistry and Bo should feel bad for a while before Hope comes back!

Does anyone know if Hope will be offscreen for a while?
Thanks for the write up!! I've been out of town & its great to be able to keep up when I cant watch!!
You are a life saver!
If I were in Hope's place, I would tell Bo to take his "Fancy Face" comment and hit the road. That won't wipe out the way he treated her and she doesn't need him.
I have no idea where story is headed, but I have noticed Carly & Bo have rarely been in a scene together for a while.
As to Hope, I don't think she will be absent, as there are indications in Crystal Ball about prison.
Judge Fitzpatrick.. isn't that the Judge that is in the DiMera's pocket? I don't think Hope will do much time in prison though. Something or someone will come forward to reduce any time. She needs a psychiatrist not a prison.
Brady bad-mouthing the DiMeras is kind of ironic since he is part DiMera now!

But the scene with him and Sami sounds great. Can't wait to see him tell her that she was a little brat.
Yes Judge Fitzpatick is the DiMera "in their pockets" judge. So I'm surprised Hope only got 2 years. I would think EJ would have talked to the Judge about giving Hope the fullest extent of the law.

I'm sure not liking Arianna right now,.......... There is no place for the character go.
Thank you, Barb. Looks like another good show.

rew, I loved that line, too. The writers are starting to have Brady take after Victor with the good snarky lines.

EJ is just too disgusting and smarmy for words.

Arianna can't get out of town fast enough for me.
Thanks for the write up. The show was great. Loved the Nicole and Rafe scenes. So well acted. Brady and Sami were amazing. Bo and Hope in court was super. Just sad that Bo said no it was not good bye, but see you soon Fancy Face. I so don't want them back together.
I don't want Bo and Hope back together either, at least not right now. I agree with those that said Hope doesn't need jail, she needs a psychiatrist. She needs to deal with her unresolved anger, her stress levels so that she can sleep, and her guilt over what she did while sleep walking under the influence of the sleeping pills.

In my opinion, Hope is not guilty of those crimes. She may have physically done them, but she is not guilty of them. The alter ego that emerged while she was sleep walking was not Hope.
Rafe and Nicole

This is a couple I can get into. She wants to do the right thing and he is into doing the right thing. He may have some secrets but nothing that I am sure is life threating. Sami seems to be wanting to move on from him and EJ from Nicole each character needs to get a clue and move on and this is a couple that I could get behind (Rafe and Nicole). They would make the soap interesting that is for sure something totally diffrent.
RATS! I'll have to get to the store and buy some tissues!!!
Bye, Arianna. Don't let the door hit you where ... well, you know the rest!
I'm so glad that Brady called Sami a brat. I might have to rewind and watch that scene a few times ;)

Can't wait to see it. Thanks for the write up!
I have always thought that Rafe and Nicole should be an interesting couple, he is too much man for Sami to handle, whereas Nicole could be the right fit for Rafe. He has been more animated in these scenes with Nicole than he has been with Sami (except in the safe-house).
But they have Rafe really caring for Sami's children and for some odd reason Sami too.

Looks like the long road home for Bo and Hope.

The one and only judge in Salem and she's in the DiMeara's pocket!
Well, well, Nicole sitting on the bed telling Rafe to take his clothes off and snapping her fingers.....for all of those that were all like "oooh, Rafe is such a jerk for treating Nicole badly", I guess now that we see how it's played out, that flies right out the window...!!!

Is Brady's mother going to make an appearance you think...???? Seems maybe she may from the scene in the crypt....!!!

Looking forward to seeing Doug and Julie but if Bo still has that same sooooo badly fitting ugly jacket on, I may tune out... :D :D