Days of Our Lives - Wed., Aug. 23, 2017

Abby said Justin is working on her annulment. She can get an annulment. People who want to be re-married in the Church after raising a family, including kids, can get an annulment.
Speaking of annulments, and the Church, we haven't seen Father Louis for a very long time. I suspect that the Church finally complained about its portrayal in various Salem plot lines.
Thanks Poirot for the summary - you're the best!

Here's another thing that's driving me crazy and Justin mentioned it: Adrienne's mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. Why doesn't Adrienne just go to the prison infirmary and say "I am not Bonnie Lockhart and here's all the proof I need."?? Surely when confronted with the fact that the woman they think is Bonnie Lockhart has had medical procedures they know Bonnie Lockhart has not had, because she's been incarcerated in their facility for the past 10 years, the prison officials will have to put two and two together at that point, right?
I'm thinking the writers are not thinking this through OR they don't give us viewers enough credit for our thinking abilities! Again :whack:for the writers.

A couple of days ago I was thinking Kate and Roman might work well - NOW I've changed my belief. She is just too hateful, self-centered, egotistical, sneaky, meddling, and self-righteous --- Roman deserves better - in my opinion! I too wonder what is the reason she is so supportive of Gabi being with Chad - I mean really - let it go!

It looks like Brady is about to do something really stupid AGAIN!:rolleyes:
Liked the scene where Sonny and Chad each asked the other to be their best man!:clap:

I wondered about the burrito breakfast too. I guess the pub is adding more
ethnic food to go with the Wanchai Ferry.

Once again, Kat, you win the internet for the day:rotfl::rotfl:

This was a good show. I'm both disappointed in and feeling really sorry for Lucas. The pain he is going through, seemingly out of nowhere, and yet his viciousness that he directed at Eric. Really wish the writers didn't have him going through this, but at the same time it's good acting. But I have less sympathy for Brady. Why doesn't he get rid of that amulet? And why is he still drinking? Ridiculous.

The Chad/Paul/Abby/Sonny scenes were cute. I wonder if they will do a double wedding.

Did not see Kate and Andre's relationship becoming so hostile. I actually hope they can patch it up because I enjoyed their snark and interactions before.