Days of Our Lives - Wed., Feb. 20, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Good show today. Replay of Chad proposing to Abby, her saying yes, some chatter about marrying today as they leave tonight, but first.......round 2. (fun scenes)

(missed a couple minutes of beginning as NY weatherperson had to cut in to tell everyone it there was some light snow going on). Haley is doing something with Kate, who seems really fine, Haley comments about her chart saying she overdosed, understands, been there herself. Kate fills in about the nasty woman who injected her, etc, etc.

Julie & Jennifer are talking, with Jen having evidently filled Julie in on Chad & Abby back together. Jen is a bit worried, Julie is thinking very positively. Abby comes down, has good news and bad news, which first. Oh, the bad. So she tells of moving to Paris. Jen is all upset, too soon, too fast, tries to get her to let Chad go now, she later. Nope, she gives all her reasons. Jen if being negative, until Julie reminds her that not too long ago, she & Jack wanted a fresh start, and moved to London with their 2 little ones. It is what they needed, all went well, Abby & Chad deserve the same. Jen concedes, then they have Abby tell the good news, and learn of the upcoming nuptials. The women are all excited, Abby says TODAY, Julie is immediately full of what she can do, flowers, the house, food. Jen wants to get hold of JJ, he has to know........Abby asks her to please ask dad to come. She agrees.

JJ & Jack are talking about Haley, JJ wanting to be sure Jack says nothing, but Jack is worried about protecting JJ. He could get in trouble, harboring an undocumented alien, and it is more important he protect his son. Haley walks in, they pretend to have been talking of something else, but Jen arrives, Haley leaves the room to give them privacy. Jen tells of the reconciliation and upcoming nuptials, JJ is so happy, she says Abby wants you both there. Jack starts to decline, citing how he screwed up when he came and baby was missing. Jen says Abby asked for him specifically to come. JJ shags them out, he has to get ready. Jack wants to finish their talk, JJ said we can, later. They leave, Haley comes out, wants to know what JJ & his dad were talking about, JJ says oh, he told him about their kiss, and since he'd already told Jack of previous hurts, his dad did not want him hurt again.

Chad has gone to see Kate, tells her all the news, says he has no family any more, except her, if Abby forgave him, he can forgive Kate for what she did. Asks her to the wedding, Kate promises she would not miss it, they are discharging her soon.

Leo shows up at the cop shop, sees his mother & Marlena, who wonders why he is there. In comes Eli with Will & Sonny. Marlena is NOT a happy camper, & Eli won't say what the charges are. He takes the guys to the interrogation room. Marlena warns Leo he will not get away with whatever this is. He stalks off, Diana about to follow him, Marlena stops her, she claims her son needs her. Marlena is not buying any of it, comments Diana had just said she wanted to talk of Leo, Diana takes off after him.

The guys have told Eli their story, he has the documentation from Leo all spread out, they explain it all, he does believe them, but they have no proof. He goes to talk to Hope.

Chad arrives, touching scenes between the 3 friends, as Chad says his good byes to each, and to both. He offers to stay, help them, they decline, will be fine. They get hugs, forehead kisses, even a group hug. He has offered to get a lawyer, Sonny is going to call his dad. Again, goodbye, good luck.

Julie has been busy, tells Abby flowers on their way, she called chef at club, canapes and champagne, found 3 dresses in Abby's closet, laid them on her bed, shows where folks will sit, stand, where Abby comes in, and the officiate stands next to Chad. Uh, oh, they have to get someone to perform the ceremony. Abby hopes Julie will. She was ordained to do Hope & Rafe's, did not get to do so, wants her to do hers and Chad's. She goes on how Julie helped her so much, was always in her corner, and encouraged her to forgive Chad. She is so happy now, and would be honored if Julie would consent. Julie is overwhelmed, says yes.

Jen comes in with Jack, Julie so happy to see him, he does not remember her, she says usually people say she is unforgettable, but introduces herself. They shake hands.

And then, it is time, Kate has arrived, sits in an easy chair, JJ in another, Jen is holding the baby, (no idea about Thomas). Chad stands with Julie, as Abby, in a white pants suit, comes thru the doorway. The wedding begins.
Haley comes out, wants to know what JJ & his dad were talking about,
Grrrr. One of my pet peeves. IT IS NONE OF HER BUSINESS! In my entire life I have NEVER asked anyone "What were you guys talking about?" Where do people get the idea they have any right to ask -- or to get an answer?
Julie was so pretty at the beginning. Pretty color and the jewelry!

I wish I was Chad/Abigail fan then i would be loving this. I expected more than a pantsuit though! Julie's sooner than Jen imagines, a hint of maybe tomorrow during Abigail's wedding? Hey Will got his memories back during a wedding.

Chad really? Forgiving scheming, conniving Kate for lying about Abigail's DID and Charlotte's paternity? Inviting her to the wedding! Maybe check with Abigail, ya know the one that got put in the looney bin because of Kate's lies, she may not be as forgiving as you!!

Seriously Will? You had one night with Sonny and that is totally worth it if they have to go to jail now? Personally I'm loving it. It's better story than Sonny being married to Leo. That was quite the good bye with Chad. Is Gabi going to get a big sappy good bye and be forgiven? I'm thinking no.

Does Haley really believe that's what JJ and Jack were talking about? Their kiss?

I am not at all liking the interactions between Marlena and Diana.
How about a little courtesy?: Kate was remarkably rude to the hapless Haley today. If she treats waiters, waitresses, and bartenders this way, her vodka martinis and pricey entrees are sure to have some human saliva as an extra, secret ingredient.

Get a grip: Probably because of the influence of Eve, poor Jack has lost his common sense along with his memory. Nobody gets in trouble with the authorities for putting a roof over the head of an undocumented alien who arrived in this country as a child.

Same old Salem P.D.: Eli is asking all the wrong questions about the Leo-Will-Sonny situation. He ought to be concentrating on whether any of Leo's photos prove that anyone tried to kill him. He also might inquire about how such photos came to exist. In any case, it's a good thing that Melinda is no longer D.A. If the Ben-obsessed Hope went to her with the evidence that the Salem P.D. has now and suggested prosecuting Will and Sonny, she'd be on the receiving end of another Melinda tantrum about the incompetence of the local cops.

Quit while you're ahead: Scheming Diana saw Marlena in action today. If she has any sense, she'll now realize that she's outgunned, give up her nasty plans, and go back where she came from.
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Thanks Poirot.

JJ lied to Haley about telling his dad about her. One day, she'll
find out the truth.

Everything is set. The flowers, outfit, food, family, and official.
Did someone remember the marriage license?

Will and Sonny shouldn't be too upset. They can be in prison together.

Will and Sonny are lucky, Trask is no longer DA. Too bad Justin will
be their lawyer.

We shouldn't be surprised Hope didn't let Will and Sonny go. The
Salem PD
has to show the public they can do their job after the fiasco of Ben getting
Eli's gun and saving Ciara.

I hope I can handle tomorrow's show. I cried when Chad was saying
goodbye to Will and Sonny.
I'm glad they showed a goodbye between Chad, Will and Sonny. The characters have a lot of history and it was nice to see that it was remembered. I would have preferred that Jack had his memories back when Abby left. I also would have liked him to have interactions with his grandchildren before he left but maybe he will have some sort of an interaction with them before they leave. But I'm happy he was there.
Thanks for the summary!
I don't like Chad including Kate on his "Forgiveness" list - but loved the scene with Will and Sonny - bro love! Held back tears today, but quite sure tomorrow the ducts will flow!