Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 30, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Jennifer is at the Pub with Adrienne, talking about her efforts to help Jack, and Eve's determination to thwart those efforts, lie to Jack, fill him with untruths, etc. Adrienne is sympathetic, but supportive, urging Jen not to give up.

Eve tries to get Jack away from his tablet, where he is reading up on Xander Cook. She tries to distract him, but he is curious since he saw Xander yesterday. Why was Xander here? She says he was trying to “get lucky”, did not succeed, she has eyes for only one man. She really comes on to Jack, ,kissing him passionately, but he pushes her away, still talking of Xander, who brought him to Eve. Why? He is a mercenary, what did he want from you. Then Jack talks excitedly about Dr. Rolf, a serum that could restore his memory, Xander might know about it, did he mention it to you. She says no, he goes on about a diary Dr. Rolf kept, had the formula. She gets uncomfortable, asks where he heard that, he says Jennifer, she calls Jen “nosy Jennifer Rosie”. He goes on about Seth Burns having it, now can't find it, etc. She plays dumb, he is rushing out, has to get some air. He goes to the Pub, Adrienne jumps up, so happy to see him. Yes, he knows she is his sister, he met her New Year's Eve. He keeps glancing at Jen, turns down Adrienne's invite to join them, and rushes out of there. Adrienne apologizes to Jen, she came on too strong to Jack. Nope, Jen figures it was her, not Adrienne. She sadly notes it was almost easier when he was thought to be dead, because Jack is here.....but so far away.

Eric is watching a game on TV, intent on it, Rex comes out asking if some Sushi place is still good. Nope, closed up, try Beldens, no reservations, maybe a long wait. Rex is trying small talk, yaks again about him & Sarah, Eric is not replying much. Rex then asks if it would bother Eric if he brought Sarah back there after their date. Thanks goodness Roman finally arrives, brought wings, nachos, etc. so they all can watch the game. Rex continues to be a bit annoying, Eric silent, Roman realizing something going on. Eric gets up, has to pay some bills, leaves. Rex fills Roman in, zzzzzz, eventually Rex leaves to go pick up Sarah.

Marlena is on phone with Sami, assuring her Will is fine, will keep eye on him, only mentions all going o.k. For Sami, big support team for her there. She hangs up, Sarah comes in, using the excuse she has a 16 year old patient in ER, agitated, disoriented, could she go see. Fine, send me his file, I will go talk to him. Sarah hangs around, Marlena realizes something else, Sarah talks of having a falling out with Eric, mentions back with Rex, blah, blah, blah. Marlena says she knows how much friendship means to Eric, things should work out. Later, Sarah is at nurses' desk when Rex shows up, asks if she is hungry, is so looking forward to tonight. So is she.

Tripp & Claire are naked on the sofa, afterglow, sheet over them, glad they have apt. to themselves, knock at door. Evidently both quickly dress, Claire opens to Ben, who knows Ciara is out of the country, but needs to talk to her. Tripp comes up, sharp comments. Ben tells him evidently he doesn't know....Claire talked him into working with him to break up him & Ciara. Claire denies, Tripp angry, she finally admits, he leaves. She yells at Ben, who reminds her she cares about no one but herself. He seems to almost be threatening her, has hold of her wrist. She says to let go, he is hurting her, he does, says he would not ever hurt her, doesn't care if she hates him, if the whole town hates him, the whole world, just not Ciara. She is mad at him, he has to fix it. He needs to fix this. He leaves.

Eric comes out, finding roman watching the game alone. Roman says Rex told him what happened with Sarah, Xander, about Noel, etc. The guys continue to watch the game.

Haley is straightening up the apt., offering to make dinner again tonight, won't set off smoke alarm. JJ says she doesn't have to do that, they talk, he doesn't understand how Mel could abandon her like this. Haley defends Melinda, who paid for her schooling, gave her shelter. JJ says there must be some way to fix this situation of Haley (undocumented immigrant), Haley assures him there isn't. They argue a bit, she regrets ever telling him about this, should have kept quiet. (he was suggesting Justin could help) She gets her coat, leaves, don't worry about me.

She sits in the park, Tripp comes along. They exchange greetings, can tell something is bothering the other, tell a bit in generalities. Finally he says the cafe he works at promised him a free meal because of the burn to his arm, he asks Haley to join him. She never refuses free food, off they go.

JJ is strumming his guitar, answers a knock at the door. It is Jack! Hi Dad. Jack tells him he doesn't remember him, nor anyone else in town, but somehow feels some kind of connection to him. He says you are my son.......MY SON! JJ asks him to come in, Jack feels JJ is someone he can actually talk to, they sit. Jack sees JJ is bothered by something, JJ admits it is the girl from New Year's Eve. He finally found out what was troubling her, Jack is listening. No, he promised he would not say anything. Jack tells him he hopes JJ knows he can trust him, that he may not remember him, but he is his son. JJ says he really would like to talk to someone about this.
Well I hope Claire learned her lesson. Never scheme with someone who can become unhinged at any moment and turn on you lol. I hope Tripp forgives her. Those two are the lesser evil compared to Tripp and Haley. The scenes with Roman and his sons were so awkward. I’m not really mad at Eric today. He just wanted some time to himself and his annoying family members weren’t having it. Two episodes in a row of Sarah whining to others ughh
I hate that they keep going to Ben's dark side.

Is Rex that dense that he doesn't know why Eric is so mad? He hasn't even had the thought cross his mind that Eric's feelings for Sarah are more than friends.

Oh JJ. After promising Haley, are you going to blab to dad, who is Melinda's opponent? Maybe he won't. We'll see.
I am conflicted today, because I really like Ben, even Crazy Ben, as he was today. He is obviously slipping back into the dark side, which is where I don't like where this is going. He "needs" Ciara to make him better, and that is not ever her job. If they are taking him back to insanity, then I don't want them together, because he is not healthy enough to have a real relationship. This is way different from the "bad boy" Bo or Jack who were "healed" by the love of good women. This is a disease and once they go back there, which I think they did today, in the scenes with Claire, I don't know that the show can bring him back.

And, enough with Sarah whining to Eric's mother, for crying out loud, about being his friend. I really wish she would have been on the list of characters who were leaving or only here for a short visit. Yuck!
Eric: Everyday in every way, he cements his status as Salem's official town grinch. What can you say about a man who didn't smile today when presented with a portion of the Pub's tasty garbage-can nachos?

Justin: In an earlier post today, I said that I'd throw things at the TV if JJ mentioned Justin as a possible lawyer for Haley. If she engages bumbling Justin, she'll be on a fast track to deportation.

JJ: Why does he think that Haley's undocumented status would cause a scandal for Melinda? As I've said before, in a town where rapists, kidnappers, and murderers often roam free, jaded Salemites couldn't care less about an undocumented person.

Marlena: As usual, the good doctor was too polite. When big-mouth Sarah came into her office for more whining about Rex and Eric, Doc Evans should have suggested that she get over herself and get back to her patient.

Eve: Please make her go away. Today, when she was coming on to Jack, he should have said: "Yuck, I can't be with you. You slept with my son for God's sake."

I like Claire and the writers want me to hate her. I like Ben but the writers want me to love him. I've never felt as far from the target demo as I have the past month.

I might be able to do the summary, but we keep getting alerts that people want to look at our house. I will do it Thursday and Friday (unless someone else would like to do either day) and will keep the board updated on the time it will be up in case we have a showing.
Thanks, Poirot.

I was hoping Eve would slip up to Jack about Rolf's lost diary about the formula.
Maybe Jack will find out later she took it.

Rex must not have gotten stupid when he left Salem a long time ago. Otherwise,
he would know Sarah and Eric want to be more than friends.

Rex told Roman told him everything about his and Sarah's relationship. Will
Eric tell Roman how he feels about Sarah?

Do Henderson and Harold have a door to door business cleaning couches?
If they don't, they need to start one :)