Days of Our Lives - Wed. Oct. 6, 2010

Nancy and Joy have food poisoning.

Have not read a word about Nancy & Craig appearing, so am guessing they are going to have a flight delay or something.

Perhaps one of our Canadian friends will chime in this afternoon, and just tell us if the wedding happens, or if Melanie spills the beans to Daniel.

So the Wesley family doesn't make it. Darn! I love Nancy.
Earlier, I saw a clip of Chloe getting a phone call from her dad and being upset....(from NBC)
When Melanie finishes screaming and carrying on about Chloe cheating I hope Daniel says "I already know daughter, now take your place and let's get on with the wedding".
Thanks so much Barb for all you do for us. Am looking forward to seeing today's show... especially after your shortened preview. Looks like it is getting interesting, but am hoping they don't drag out the wedding day for a whole week.
Oh Steffee, why couldn't you have written the scenes for today? If only SOMEONE could shut Mel up. I am dreading her whining about this to Daniel, and even more I am dreading how awful her language is going to be again...and for how long. Why oh why did they have to ruin Melanie for me. :moan: I needed her to fill my "sami space"!!!! :groan:
Oh, .......just watched the show.
Quick recap.....Nicole is really worried about Vivian, does she have enough air, water, food, we can't be leaving the wedding to check on her, etc. Brady has a plan. Will tell her later.
Vivian meanwhile is trying unsuccessfully to get Gus's attention. His party girlfriend notices Viv's pictures on the nightstand, Gus explains she is his "madame", so much fun and full of mischief. The girl evidently doesn't appreciate his devotion, says it sounds like he's in love with her, then must leave. Gus berates Viv's picture for causing problems for him, then hears her voice, looks around, calling out to her.

Victor finds Brady in Viv's room, apparently talking to her, but Brady covers, tells Vic he wants to talk to him downstairs, then asks if he can have Viv's room now. No problem says Victor...until Brady breaks the news that Nicole is moving in with him. Victor asks what Nicole has done to him now.

Stephanie & Nathan are still yapping over Chloe's indiscretion, with Stephanie confessing she is still so insecure, figures she will lose Nathan somehow, even tho he assures her not. Later she meets with Kayla, learns Sister Anne rescheduled in a couple days, and gets in a panic, telling her mom about Nathan knowing. Kayla wonders if perhaps there are others who know.

Nicole visits Chloe, bringing a wedding gift, apologizing over and over, Chloe forgiving her, Nikki promising to never reveal Chloe's romp with another man. She wants to rejoin the wedding party, Chloe agrees, warning her that Melanie is now matron of honor, and yes, they are becoming friends.

And then we have Melanie, all tearful when Maggie arrives home, pretending it is because of moving away, but eventually making up a story about overhearing a patient talking of something that would really upset her husband, then saying how no one will tell him, so she must. And will do it today. Maggie tries to point out that someone could be hurt, Melanie asks if Maggie has ever learned something she wishes she hadn't. Yes, she has, and she handled it badly. Maggie imparts some advice from Mickey, ever the lawyer. Make sure you get your facts straight. Melanie agrees, knows what she has to do.
And she storms over to Nathan's, happy Stephanie isn't there, and raises cain with Nathan, who has no idea what she is talking about. She goes on and on about how she told him about the birth control cause she felt he should know, he was her friend, and is really giving him hell. He is still perplexed, until she angrily mentions how she would be hurt, and so would her father.

P.S. Chloe gets a call from her dad. Food poisoning has hit them and they can't come. She is upset with none of her family there, but Daniel soothes her with talk of the family they have right there....her, him, the baby. She adds Melanie, he adds Philip. Smiles all around. Yep, they are lucky and blessed.
What in the world is Nicole trying to convience Brady to do? Just as we see a little bit of nice Brady not wanting to be a murderer, Nic is wanting to leave Viv in her stone home. Then she's worried they may have to 'look in on her' now and then, not to mention feed her. What does she think it's going to be like if they leave her their permanently?

Gus is as nuts as Viv. What man would have a shrine of his madame sitting by his bedside surrounded in candles when entertaining another women and expect her to understand?

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle, 1992 Movie, a distraught woman becomes a nanny to exact revenge for the loss of her baby. The Hand That Rubs The Belly, 2010, a cheating soap star that will never make it to wedlock when her fiance finds out she cheated with his daughters husband. Chloe stop rubbing that baby, your luck has run out. Unless, do do do do, Daniel already knows????

Oh Please: Stephanie walks in while Mel is talking to Nathan, in her nastyest attitude "Melanie what are you doing here, were you invited"? Where have all the manners gone, long time passing. You'd think she would be smart enough to listen for a minute before spewing her venom....Oh sorry that is Stephanie miss insecure, etc. etc. etc.

Oh Please: Then Nathan takes the blame for Daniel not knowing Chloe cheated after Melanie whales on him.

Cry Baby, Cry Baby, Cry Baby, much for one episode!

Must close quickly the thunder storm is coming in fast, the thunder is booming and I have to shut down the computer!
Did anyone find it funny that Kayla told Stephanie she just got there (to the pub) and yet she's supposed to be staying at the pub with her mom?

Oh the drama of Nathan knowing the secret. Melanie has no right to be mad. It wasn't his place to tell her or anyone.

I just loved today's show. No Sami, no EJ, no Rafe, no Carly. Just the good side of the family.

Thanks for the recap, Barb!