Daytime Cereal

Chapter 19 - Epilogue


Molly: Mr. Dorkay, I need to talk to you.
Dorkay: Oy, what now?
Molly: I’ve learned a little something from the Daily Cereal group about standing up for myself. I’m giving you my notice, Mr. Dorkay.
Dorkay: Your notice? What do you mean?
Molly: I’ve been offered a job with the Young and the Reckless. I play Victor and Nicole’s long-lost daughter.
Dorkay: Victor and Nicole never had a child together.
Molly: Follow along, Mr. Dorkay. I’m not talking about Victor Kiriakis and Nicole Walker on Days. I’m talking about Victor and Nicole from the Young and the Reckless, the number-one rated daytime serial.
Dorkay: Why would you want to work THERE?
Molly: Duh. Like I said, they’re the number-one rated soap. Besides, they’ve agreed to pay me.
Dorkay: I hate those soaps that throw around money to entice actors to come work for them.
Molly: Not only that. Darin told me there’s a guest-starring role on BLUE MOUNTAIN STATE, his new SPIKE TV show, that I’d be perfect for ... something that could lead to a permanent prime-time gig for me.
Dorkay: I hate actors who think that prime-time is the be-all and end-all.
Molly: I thought you might at least pretend to be happy for me. Good-bye, Mr. Dorkay.
Dorkay: Wait, don’t go, Molly. I’ve grown accustomed to your face. You sort of make the day begin. I was serenely independent and content before we met. Now, darn it, you make me think about things. I don’t know what I’d do without you if you left. Stay with me, Molly, please.
Molly: Did you say “please”? I don’t think you’ve ever said that before.
Dorkay: I’m sincere, Molly. I don’t want to lose you. I’ve learned a lot from you, and I think we’re a great team.
Molly: I’ve learned a lot from you too, Mr. Dorkay. But it’s time for me to go earn a real salary. I have student loans to pay. Besides, I have a feeling you’ll do just fine without me. Just apply the strategies we discussed, and Days of Our Lives will be back to its glory days in no time. [She heads for the door.]
Dorkay: Wait. I don’t know if I can do this on my own anymore. Before you go, send in Taylor Selzter, uh Spritzer, Zestler, Tzeitl... Get Taylor in here for me, would you?

The End
Oh, my, ROTFL.......And so Mr. Dorkay lets one Fair Lady escape, and plans to pick the brains of another! Excellent job, kpatch. You have held our interest throughout, as always, did not drag your story, got to the points and entertained us all the while, plus very satisfactory ending. :clap: :clap:
Oh bravo... Take a bow! An excellent ending to another excellent story.
I even got to visualize Rex Harrison! Then I realized it was just Dorkay!:smile:

Thank you for for starting my mornings with a smile! :D
Boy what an ending. Everyone improved themsselves except Dorkay. Poor Mia. She is the next one he is going to use. Hope she goes the the meetings as well. Loved the story and the ending was super. :clap: :clap: :clap: Thanks kpatch.
Just got caught up and finished reading this fabulous story....

Too funny that Max completed a correspondence course and became a doctor and that Chelsea is now a full fledged qualified occupational and physical therapist just because she bonded with Theo...!!!

Love it that Dorkay picks the youngest females to work with....what a lech...!!!

The video was super, thanks for sharing that with us kptach....makes you remember what Days is supposed to be....the days when you felt good after had good guys to root for and bad guys to boo and hiss....there was love and compassion and passion, there was joy and wonder, heartbreak and sorrow, there was fun and felt what the actors portrayed, they were good, the stories were good, the world was good.....

Kptach, love the way you tied everything up in a neat little package....we can rest easy, all is right in Salem..................

But for how long....??? (In my best Snidley Whiplash voice)
Kpatch, I am reading your "Daytime Cereal" and am only half way through but had to comment that I love how you use your quotes, "What's it all about, Stephanie" and "sound and fury, signifying nothing". Also the way you get the commercial products into the scenes. So very clever, lol. Cracked me up.
OMG kpatch! I absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for sending me that link!! I just love Molly and Dorkay!