Daytime Week of 2/9/15 (may contain spoilers)


So glad Neil knows the truth! And he's out for revenge. Should be interesting. I liked his scenes with Nikki today. Two alcoholics commiserating. Lol. I thought it was interesting how Neil seemed to figure out that Cane has known all along as well. Like I've said before, I look forward to Lily's head exploding but not to her righteous indignation.


Ok so the week has kind of started out on a whimper. Especially after last week's nonstop drama. So Luke is Luke. But is he being mind controlled by Helena or not? Should I care at this point? I'm also ready for Jake to be revealed as Jason already.

JS, I thought the same thing as your Mom. Rick and Maya's behavior is beyond ridiculous, it's down right embarrassing to watch him treat his relatives like this. Why don't Aly and Ivy move out? It's not like they don't have money!

Ridge and Caroline have the best romance on daytime right now. Caroline did something special for Ridge by helping him to design again, even though she didn't have to, and an emotional attachment was formed between the two of them, and it is leading to something more, I can't wait for them to be on, I want more they bring me back to B&B!

Rick and Maya is lust and I don't know if that's the right word, all they do is belittle everyone and then jump into bed, that's NOT LOVE! It doesn't want me to come back tomorrow for more.
I like Maya & Rick, but I don't like how they've been acting lately. It's a shame; they could've turned them into a beautiful couple and wrote them together under better circumstances. As for Ridge & Caroline, :sick: What was with the fingerpainting-sex? Bizarre...

I can't wait for Ridge to burst Brooke's bubble, she certainly thought she was a hot mama in her little outfit. Both Brooke and Rick know how to make fools out of themselves, must run in the family!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I feel a bit bad for Brooke. But I can't for the love of G-d figure out WHY she'd ask Ridge to get back with her! He chose Katie last time; why would he choose Brooke over a younger woman now? I also saw the alcoholism storyline coming a mile away, as she'd been drinking a lot before going to Italy. But what she said about Ridge was right, I think--a mid-life crisis. For once, I also didn't mind Donna & Pam's condescending tones--they are right about Brooke & Ridge. One day they'll end up back together, and this nasty Caroline-Ridge crap will be over just as soon as it started.

I also can't believe I'm saying this, but I think right now, Quinn & Deacon are possibly the most romantic couple on the soap! Love their scenes together.

Sonny's pardon wasn't too big a surprise as I knew he certainly wasn't going to be spending the rest of his days in prison. I find it interesting that he thinks he can just take Avery like it's no big deal. I'm pretty sure the courts will need to decide that and an official DNA test will need to be performed. At that point I believe it will come out Sonny is not the father. I think Ava maybe had a little fling with Carlos or someone and that person is the father. All they determined previously was that Morgan couldn't be the father and therefore assumed Sonny was. I thought for sure Ava was going to tell Carlos he was the father to keep him from shooting her so I may be way off base here. Lol. I just don't think Sonny needs another kid. Sheesh.

Oh I knew he'd get out somehow but a pardon...REALLY?? Anybody could have done what he did. In fact his Dr Dan-esque heroics were a bit over the top. LOL - I don't know, the violence on that show is too much. It's OK when Sonny kills people, but not others - I just don't get it LOL. (And now the only thing Days can seem to try to ape from GH is the violence bit. BADLY. LOL)

I did find it pretty funny, though, when Ridge said he was in love, Brooke got all twinkly, then Ridge said "with Caroline" and Brooke's face hit the floor.
That was funny, yup, and so was Brooke getting in that outfit. She's too old to be acting this way--and I thought she went to Europe to change her personality!? She should've known that if a skimpy outfit didn't get Ridge away from his last woman of choice (Katie) and back in her bed last time, it wouldn't have worked now.

At the same time, the Ridge & Caroline stuff just has me laughing. It's ridiculous.
Michael is a JERK.
IF Faux Luke is Luke who was that locked away.....Was it all in his head seeing himself. ugh stupid

OMG I loved the ending today! Neil was fabulous. The way he looked around at everyone lost in his thoughts and then how he went over to the bar and poured a glass of whiskey and calmly told everyone exactly what it said on the label. Ooohhhh that was so good. Can't wait for all the hoopla sure to come next week.


Good grief. I can't believe Olivia is pregnant. Why oh why did they have to write in the actress's real life pregnancy? I don't mind it too much when it makes sense but seriously, why does she need to be tied to Julian in that way? They've already made it blatantly clear that Julian/Alexis and Ned/Olivia are the rooting couples. How does having a woman in her mid 40s get pregnant from a drunken one night stand make for good story? As much as I hate who's the daddy stories that would at least help this story if there was a possibility that Ned was the father. The odd thing too is the timing. The actress is due in May from what I've read. She and Julian had sex on New Years. So is she going to deliver very early or after her maternity leave or lose the baby between now and then? So many questions here. I thought the father/son scenes with Julian and Lucas were great. The two actors play well off each other and actually look related. Excellent casting. I was almost in tears when Lucas got up on top of the nurses station and professed his love for Brad. So sweet! I wonder if Spinelli is coming back to Port Charles since he and Ellie broke up. Little Georgie is adorable. I read that Kirsten Storms' (Maxie) real life daughter with costar Brandon Barash (Johnny) is now playing the part of baby Georgie.

I must say, at least all of the other soaps had some sort of Valentines Day celebration unlike Days. What is their deal with not acknowledging holidays? It's so annoying!
What, you don't call chasing someone around a cabin a romantic Valentine's date? :wink:

I have $10 that says Olivia miscarries. GH loves that trope. (I'd offer to eat my computer again, but I don't think I could handle another 10-week layup, LOL.)