
Well, I used to watch only Guiding Light, (which I know you did, too) and I honestly do not remember them using flashbacks at all, If they did, it was sparingly, i.e. perhaps Reva driving off that bridge...) Or I can remember one which was a newly created one showing two characters as teens, first falling in love.

I can understand Days perhaps using a flashback or two on a Monday, but the frequency with which they show the SAME flashback is annoying, to say the least.
And it proves that the 37 minutes of show each day, isn't "new" show most of the time, since they use so many flashbacks from previous shows.
More recently I think we've even seen a few instances where they will show a flashback of a scene earlier in the SAME episode.

Couple the flashbacks with the repeat of the previous episode's ending each day and there is not much new show. Sad.
Well, I used to watch only Guiding Light, (which I know you did, too) and I honestly do not remember them using flashbacks at all, If they did, it was sparingly, i.e. perhaps Reva driving off that bridge...)
I watched Guiding Light regularly back in the early '80s, and don't remember them using flashbacks, but do recall when they went to Barbados to shoot on location (Days fans can only dream). Similarly, when watching Another World in the '70s, they didn't use flashbacks, even for big events like the time Sven the evil butler (played by the late Roberts Blossom), kidnapped Rachel Corey and held her captive in a remote cabin. (Like Days, Another World's Bay City had strategically-located cabins.) As for Days use of flash-backs, now and then would be fine, but currently it's a case of wretched excess.
Question about the flashbacks... which may have been asked already.... If Actor A and B have a scene on Monday...... and Tuesday Actor A has a flashback to the scene.... Does Actor B get paid for being on the show Tuesday? Does it count towards the Actor's contracted number of days per month?
Question about the flashbacks... which may have been asked already.... If Actor A and B have a scene on Monday...... and Tuesday Actor A has a flashback to the scene.... Does Actor B get paid for being on the show Tuesday? Does it count towards the Actor's contracted number of days per month?

I've noticed that they are very careful about doing this. The flashbacks usually occur on a day when both actors are airing again however, there are rare occasions(EJ/Abigail) where only one is airing. I guess if they are contract actors, it doesn't really matter.
Question about the flashbacks... which may have been asked already.... If Actor A and B have a scene on Monday...... and Tuesday Actor A has a flashback to the scene.... Does Actor B get paid for being on the show Tuesday? Does it count towards the Actor's contracted number of days per month?

Yes, for contract actors, if they only appear in a flashback during an episode, it counts as one of the episodes they are guaranteed to appear in, and they are paid a full day's salary for just being in the flashback. For purposes of my episode rankings, however, I only count actors when they appear in new material in an episode.