Friday, August 10th

cjknick2 wrote:
I think it's pretty obvious even to Lucas that Sami and EJ share "something" call it "lust" if you must but it is the big elephant in the room - no doubt about it!

Good Lord, you sound like my first husband who thought I had the hots for the trash guy, the cable guy, the guy who rotated our tires, the sack boy at the super market, and on and on. He "could tell".....he must have been seeing that big ole elephant too. ;) ;)
Did you have the Hots for any of those guys PAllison? LOL. I noticed you said your First Husband. :OT: :OT:
I think Poirot nailed it when she said that we see what we want to see. That works on both sides.

I don't know how anyone can't see that EJ is smoking hot, and for awhile there, EJ and Sami chemistry was just untouchable. It might have faded a bit, but when those two have to make out, it puts all other couples to shame.
PAllison wrote:
cjknick2 wrote:
I think it's pretty obvious even to Lucas that Sami and EJ share "something" call it "lust" if you must but it is the big elephant in the room - no doubt about it!

Good Lord, you sound like my first husband who thought I had the hots for the trash guy, the cable guy, the guy who rotated our tires, the sack boy at the super market, and on and on. He "could tell".....he must have been seeing that big ole elephant too. ;) ;)

And in my case just the opposite. Mine thought all those had the hots for ME....he also "could tell". That elephant gets around!

I just do not see anything at all resembling intrigue, lust, the hots, just nothing......between Sami & EJ. Now Nick for needs a mop to keep wiping the drool off the floor. Chelsea for Nick..she looks bored. Sure, EJ claims to care for Sami. Stalkers always do claim that.
ILoveEJ wrote:
Did you have the Hots for any of those guys PAllison? LOL. I noticed you said your First Husband. :OT: :OT:

:laughing: Too funny!! Not then, but now I've got a cable guy that is to die for. He is :hot: . I call trouble in every so often just so I can enjoy the view of him checking my modem!!
Your modem! Is that what the kids are calling it nowadays?
PAllison, you are a riot! I'll tell you about the Roto Rooter man later.
Just a thought: Maybe we need Jan back in the show as nicer than she left (her injuries could have changed her) and have a Shawn/Jan thing again--only a "good" one. That would really get to Belle, especially if Philip starts in on Chloe when she returns. Poor, Poor Belle would be left out in the cold.