Friday, December 28th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Friday, December 28, 2007

Episode #10,728 Taped 11/30 Director – Albert Alarr

Warning! Have a couple tissues handy right at the start of the show, as Marlena is sitting having coffee, and remembering her light hearted conversation with John, just prior to him being hit by that car. We once again see it happen, see her in the street, begging him to hang on, and then at his side in the hospital, telling him he is the great love of her life, and asking him to rest now, and they will meet again later. We see Belle & Shawn, Sami & Lucas, Patch & Kayla, Bo & Hope all around the bed. These scenes are powerful scenes, and made me cry all over again. Marlena jolts to the present as Hope joins her, telling her how they missed her at the Hortons, but Marlena just could not do that. Twas o.k., everyone understood. Now Marlena tells her about being called to pick up dry cleaning. Hope is taken aback, being it was Christmas Day. Marlena goes on, about the place being closed, and then tells her about Crystal coming out of the shop next door. Another flashback to that scene, and Hope is rather disbelieving. She thinks someone is putting her on, preying on her grief, and that the DiMeras might just be behind it. She tells Marlena that with Stefano wanting to take Johnny away from Sami and spirit him off to Italy, this could just be a distraction to Marlena, so she would not be much of a help to Sami. Finally, Hope suggests they go to the place and check it out. They leave, arrive at the shop, which is closed up. Marlena knocks, calling out Crystal’s name, a man comes up, telling them no one has been in that building for months. It is condemned and going to be torn down. Marlena is frustrated, knowing that she saw that woman, Hope assures her that she believes her, that Marlena had entirely too many details. They leave, and Crystal appears, looking at their retreating backs.

Stefano comes into his study, as Rolf comes in thru the French doors. He has been unable to find their houseguest, he has escaped, and Rolf thinks it was thru the tunnel. Stefano wonders how he found the tunnel……who knows? He smashes his glass of brandy, and insists they must search. We see a sweatshirt hooded figure on the street, with a basketball. A young boy comes up…says, that’s o.k. mister, you can have the ball, but the man bounces it back to the kid, who runs off. Later Stefano & Rolf comes across the kid, who tells him the guy went “that way”, Stefano gives him a few dollars and goes in that direction. I think the figure comes into Chez Rouge while Marlena & Hope are sitting at the table. She is telling Hope about when John was in the coma and came to her in her dreams, and how she “feels” him near now. She looks around into a dark corner, it was hard for me to tell, but later it seems Stefano & Rolf are outside Chez Rouge, saying “he” is no where around. They go back to the mansion…..and bingo, the figure comes in thru the French Doors, and goes out of the study. Stefano instructs Rolf to bar all the doors and windows, their houseguest must not escape again. Rolf wonders if Stefano shouldn’t put a guard on him, as he could be dangerous. Stefano laughs, saying he is counting on it.

Kate is sitting in her snow covered car, in front of a chain link fence, when she gets a call from Lucas, who is freezing, and wants to get this show on the road. Kate was just being careful, making sure they were not followed. She gets out of the car, lets Lucas out of the trunk, lolol. He gets into the car with her, and now get into a long conversation about whether he is doing the right thing. He absolutely refuses to talk about the shooting, will not discuss anything about it. Kate cannot blame him, as EJ has plotted and planned and manipulated for months to steal his life, and finally did. He thinks he should turn himself in, that running away is not a good example for his kids. He knows if he leaves he can never return. Kate tells him Sami will join him when he gets to Europe. Evidently, Philip is providing a truck & driver to take them into Mexico. Kate has to go along because her Mexican contacts will only deal with her. They argue, and argue some more. She convinces him that if he gives himself up, the minute he is in a jail cell, the DiMeras will comes after him, and he will do Sami & his children no good with a knife in his back.

EJ comes over to Sami’s apt. with his GPS tracker, claiming that they used this at Mythic all the time, and he can probably locate Lucas & Kate with it. Aha, success, he has pinpointed Kate’s car near the airport. Sami has a fit, knowing cops are all over the airport and Lucas will get caught. EJ tells her to get down there, she wants to call her mom to watch the twins, he says he will do it. Now they argue about whether EJ is planning with his father to kidnap Johnny…, he is not. Sami is not convinced that Stefano is not waiting in the wings somewhere, ready to swoop down and grab her son. EJ assures her that Stefano is not taking Johnny anywhere, that he told him nothing is done in regard to Johnny without Sami’s permission. Sami does not trust him, EJ says fine, take the GPS, call someone you trust to watch the kids. He leaves. Sami follows, capitulates, telling him the bottles are in the frig, everything on the changing table. She puts on her coat and leaves.
The “driver” arrives and both Kate & Lucas get ready to leave in the truck. Just then Sami rushes up, calling Lucas’s name, telling him to wait.

Stephanie & Max arrive at the sorority house to a panicky Chelsea, who fills them in again on the imminent arrival of cops with a search warrant. Max tells Chelsea to call her mom, see what is going on, and tries to figure out what to do. He realizes they have to move the body, but Stephanie cannot bear to go downstairs. Chelsea agrees to go with him, while Stephanie has to stand guard and stall whoever comes. Max & Chelsea goes downstairs, where Max spots a brand new water heater sitting. Has not been installed yet, as the men were supposed to arrive before the holidays, and didn’t. Max decides they will dig up the body, slip it into the old water heater, and get it out that way. He starts digging, Chelsea remarks about the stench, he says he will put some lime down to cover that up.
Upstairs, Stephanie opens the door to Billie and a Sergeant Decker. She has the search warrant which only allows the two of them to search the place, they will start with the upstairs, but she wants to talk to Chelsea. Meanwhile, Max tells Chelsea to call maintenance about their outside porch light. When the guy comes, he will have to get up on a ladder and will block the camera, so they can take the old water heater out & won’t be caught on film. Chelsea goes up, tells Steph what to say when the maintenance man arrives. All goes like clockwork. Max brings up the old hot water heater on a dolly, Chelsea helps him get it out the door, the man on the ladder doesn’t even turn around, lol. Billie & the sergeant comes downstairs, and now want to go in the basement (whatever happened to searching the main floor, lol). Chelsea says it is a bit of a mess as they just had a new hot water heater installed (Max installed it, he is certainly a man of many talents.) Down in the basement, the Sergeant bends down, running his fingers in the dirt in front of the water heater. Billie asks if he found something. He is not quite sure.

Just a guess, I hope I'm wrong

My guess is that the house guess will turn out to be someone that had their face worked on and is propgrammed to be John i.e new actor playing John. I hope I'm wrong! I want Drake!
I'd been hoping that Ford was not really dead. That he did indeed pull a "Larry". But the bit about the stench and carrying out the old water heater. Not sure they could change that. I was hoping to hear Max exclaim 'no body'. Oh well - how many should but won't go to jail for this one?
Thanks for posting.. It sounds good. Sergeant Decker? any kin to the long departed? Anyway, I am glad that Sami trusts EJ enough to watch the kids while she chases after Lucas, but does she not know that her father probably has the biggest fattest police tail on her???? LOL no common sense....
Ooopsy........I think the name is Dodd......sorry. Decker just stuck in my brain I guess.
Good grief, we are actually watching kids discuss what to do about the stench a dead body leaves!!! I just don't know about this s/l....

How long does everyone think this house guest will go on? Is Lucas going to be off the show does anyone know? I am just so confused with all about house guest, Marlena etc. How many times can they keep bringing people back and how can Stefano and Rolf create people? Just mind boggling I think. Maybe I better stop watching it and just read about it here. :0)