From the Vault: 1979 episode


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Dec 4, 2006
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FROM THE VAULT: EPISODE # 3344...1/31/79

Outdoor Pay Phone: Alice phones Laura and tells her Trish is at the park with Scott and the sitter.

Park Playground: Trish is playing with Scott and can barely let him go when the sitter tells her he has to have his nap now. Alice approaches and Trish apologizes for not keeping their luncheon date, explaining she had to see Scotty. Alice and Trish have a talk and Trish tries to explain that she felt smothered and had to leave. Alice admits that she doesn't understand this, and Trish says she was afraid if she didn't get out fast, she'd never sing again. Now she realizes what she was looking for were all the wrong things, the really important things were right here. Trish asks Alice to talk to David about letting her see Scotty, and Alice says she will, but for Trish to be patient, it may take time.

Don's Office: Don tells Marlena that his mother wrote Donna, accepting Donna as her grandchild and inviting her to stay there while Don and Marlena are on their honeymoon. When she questions him about Donna, he says he knows she's still mourning the loss of the baby.

Section of Plane: Jerry Rhinehart sees Samantha and thinks she's Marlena until she explains they're twins. She and Jerry have a pleasant conversation and she tells him she's going to Salem to visit with Marlena now because she doesn't think she'll be able to attend the wedding.

Farm Kitchen: Hank asks Maggie why she's not with Mickey, and she tells him Mickey is so busy with work. She adds that while she loves Mickey, she doesn't know if they should stay married, they've become so estranged.

Don's Office: Mickey has returned from New York and Don tells him Trish is back. Mickey tells Don he wants to spend some time with Maggie at the farm, and Don says no problem.

David's Office: David tells Stephanie he was finally able to contact the sitter and everything is fine at home. However, now that Trish is back, he's uptight because he doesn't know what to expect from Trish. Stephanie suggests he get a court order restraining Trish from seeing Scott, but David says he doesn't want to hurt her.

Don/Mickey's Office: Mickey calls Maggie to tell her he's coming down tomorrow. Mike stops by and asks Mickey for advice about buying a house. When Mickey asks him if he's sure he can afford house payments, Mike tells him he's going to get a second job. He's going to quit school at night because it's more important for him to give Margo her house and garden as he had promised he'd do.

David's Apartment: As Stephanie is preparing dinner for David, Trish rings the bell. In her surprise at seeing Trish, Stephanie calls her by name and Trish asks how she knows who she is.
FROM THE VAULT: EPISODE # 3345: 2/1/79

At David's Apartment, Stephanie covers her slip of calling Trish by name by saying she recognized Trish from her picture. Stephanie tells Trish she understand her marriage to David was one of convenience, and so she won't mind now that Stephanie and David are in love and want to get married as soon as David gets the divorce. This information saddens Trish.

At Marlena's Gatehouse, Samantha surprises and delights Marlena with her unexpected arrival. When Samantha brings Jerry Rhinehart in, Marlena is somewhat cool towards him. Jerry explains to Marlena that he was just doing his job in the custody case, and he's sorry about the Hortons. Marlena's attitude softens and she apologizes for her previous coolness. Marlena and Samantha fill one another in on what's been happening to them. As Marlena goes out of the room, Don enters and thinks Samantha is Marlena. Samantha goes along with it, teasing him when he doesn't approve of her short hair. When Marlena reenters, and starts giggling behind him, Don realizes he's been had. When Marlena comments to Don about how well Samantha seems to be doing, he says he can't help remembering what she did to them in the past, and he doubts if he will ever be able to forget. Marlena defends Samantha by saying that she was really sick then, and she doubts if Samantha will flip out again as long as she stays away from drugs and alcohol.

At Mary's Studio, Chris and Mary are discussing the fact that Chris and Bob have resolved the mess with Chuck Merrill finally. Chris mentions how strange it was that Stephanie knew about the forged contract, and then they dismiss it. Mary tells Chris she went to see Linda and while Bill explained Mary's conversation with Melissa, Mary still doesn't believe the amnesia bit. Mary, in a pensive mood, tells Chris she really doesn't know him, he's always been silent about the women he's been in love with. Chris mentions he was in Vietnam, but the experience was so painful, he doesn't want to think about it.

At Julie's Apartment, Hope comments to Doug and Julie on how nice it is for the three of them to be together for a change. After Hope leaves the room, Julie tells Doug how conscientious Steve has been in making amends for the fake antique boxes. They're in such a mellow mood that Doug decides not to go to work. Julie and Doug are cuddling on the couch, during a rare evening together, and Julie tells him she'd like to start a family and have a baby.