Good Friday prayer

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Days Pretender

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Fort Myers, Florida
As tomorrow is Good Friday, I would like to post this picture for Tomorrow. If there is requests to not have it posted, let me know, and I will consider removing it. He loved us so much, and went through so much pain and agony, and it makes me feel so humble to do this for Him. I figured this was the very least I could do for Good Friday, and I will not leave it longer.
For you fellow posters that have wanted me to send our Spectator Prayer for this Good Friday.. Hope this meets with your approval...

Our Prayer for this, the Holy day, that is for us to humble ourselves before You Dear Father, and thank You for loving us enough to send Your Only Son, to Load all the Sins, of all men, on His shoulders, and to endure the pain, humiliation, and the torture that was laid on Him, in our stead, only to bleed and die for us, and instead of us. Thank You for loving us, and being perfect in every way, not a complaint, nor questioning the wisdom of His Father, which is in Heaven. Instead He said, "Let not My will, but Thine be done."

We who benefit from the sacrifices of Your Wonderful Son Lord, Thank you. We do not always understand the love you have for us, but we are extremely thankful that the love You have for all of us, was such that Your will was accepted by your Son Jesus Christ, of Whom I am very proud to call my Heavenly Father also, and He was willing to literally die, nailed to the cross, with terrible, atrocious, inhumane things done to His Precious Body, and the Blood of Jesus, ran on the ground of Galgotha, and when the spear was plunged into His side, He had bled so much of that precious blood on the ground, there was nothing left to come out, but the water from the heart and mind of Jesus.

Once again Heavenly Father, we say thank You, and this time, I say thank You for the resting time Jesus had in the tomb, and Most of All... Thank You for our Risen Savior, because as Jesus died and then Arose to go and sit at your right hand, we all that are Born Again, and are Adopted sons and daughters of You Lord, know that we too will arise, on Your call and come hither to You.. As a mother, I have to tell You again this year that I am in awe of You, and Your love for us...

We come to You Lord through Your Precious Son Jesus Christ... Amen and Amen..
Press On
Stay Strong
Keep Believing
God has Great Things ahead for you!
Love the Lord your God,
listen to His voice,
and hold fast to Him.
For the Lord is your Life.
Deuteronomy 30:20
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