How do I Quote with the new board?

j hunter capo

Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
I tried quoting a post, by using the quote symbol in the toolbox when typing a reply, but am unable to quote, or multi-quote. Not to go against the quote policy, but to accurately quote, or parts of a post.

It used to be so much easier to just hit the Quote, or multi-quote, and edit the unwanted stuff out but I am lost on the new platform.

And if you want to just quote a bit of this and then a bit of that, just copy the line, and using those quote marks above where you write, paste it inbetween.
You can also hit reply multiple times like a multi-quote and it will send them all to the reply box at the bottom. Just hit reply on all the posts you want to quote then edit all the stuff out you don't need.
At least that works on this end.
Thanks for that, Noel. I HATE scrolling through quotes!!! I NEVER read them!
IMO, there are times when it's just better to use a quote feature. For example, if you want to emphasize one part of a large post, it saves you from having to retype it. If you edit out all the unnecessary parts it really doesn't add much to your box, which is rather large even if you type one word.