I am officially revoking man-cards!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Ok I just can't let this one go. I am past the point of not caring that Theresa gave Looney Liam that key. Was it wrong? Yes. But what is worse is the three grown men who ganged up on her in her own home over suspicions with zero evidence instead of going to Hope or Rafe for help. Neither Eric, Daniel or Brady were acting like heroes. Self rightousness, intimidation, and bullying aren't traits of a hero. They were however holding her against her will which is a form of kidnapping. Therefore I officially revoke their man-cards until further notice. If she had a gun in her room and would have shot them all dead as doornails to get free of them I would have cheered. It was their own decision not to listen that made them feel as if they had to hold her against her will to get answers they could have gotten had they looked in any other direction. Daniel deserved to get shot, Eric is just a little weasel and demonstrated none of what the church taught him when he got involved with Theresa, and Brady...... well I hope Theresa soaks him good and then drops him like a stale biscuit. Can we have more Rafe please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Said it before. Theresa's own actions led to the suspicions about her, she openly used drugs, tried to get others to do so with her, had plenty on hand at all times, and did not want to take her drug dealer's phone # off her cell phone. She overdosed, and video taped JJ with the stuff SHE gave him. She did drugs with Brady as well. She gave that key to Liam, knowing he was a pharmacy rep, but also knowing that whatever Liam did, it would harm Daniel in some way. And she also knew that at times Parker was there.
Oh, no, I am not giving Theresa a free ride at all. She stood there, denying like mad to those men, and finally decided to mention about Liam being obsessed with Jen. She still did not tell them about giving him the key. Her face keeps showing her guilt, how scared she is, and that is why Brady knows something is not right. She knows something else, and is not telling. Daniel knew more of the things she did than anyone else (blackmailing JJ) but he kept mum, and even, when telling the tale of going after Liam on the island, did not tell all he knew.
I don't care if she tries to get Brady back as a boyfriend, but I won't pin any roses on her whatsoever.
She is still pretending to be oh so innocent, to be "oh, everyone picks on me, and did not believe me when I said I did not drug Daniel". She neglects to admit she provided the means for it to be done.
Just like other Salemites, she will undoubtably get away with it, too. And that is just terrible.
I agree, Poirot. I wish the whole truth about everything Theresa did since she came to Salem would come out. I didn't feel Theresa was being abused or attacked in the slightest when the guys confronted her, and I have no sympathy for her whatsoever. When she went to Daniel's office to try to tell him about Liam, she seemed to have no clue why Daniel wouldn't listen to her, and her reaction to his opinion of her and Brady was to flirt with him--why would he think she was there for any reason other than to continue harassing him? In addition, Theresa was not held against her will by the guys. She COULD have said, "Whatever. I'm going to LA. Call whoever you want." She didn't do that because she knows she isn't completely innocent and was worried that Hope or Roman might find that out should Daniel involve them.
I would agree if the men hadn't acted like a bunch of apes. Theresa had nothing to do with the stupid picture or all the nasty comments on the hospital website. Yet they tore into her over it with no evidence when it would have been quite easy for a geek to trace those to the source. Then when Theresa did try and tell Daniel he just cut her off and went off on her and refused to listen. It was their own treatment of Theresa and their refusal to consider someone else as the perpetrator when they had evidence right in their faces that a whole list of people couldn't stand Jen that let Liam's scheme go so far.

Theresa may have done something stupid but so did all those men. Theresa isn't guilty of any of the things Liam did, she didn't realize what Liam was and she does understand that giving him the key was wrong. But all three of those men intentionally held her against her will and didn't recognize or care that it was wrong. If they want to lay blame they can all take a good long look in the mirror. Now I don't like Theresa but I dislike men who gang up on, intimidate and bully women much more.

Again I ask this question.... Why not have Theresa work at the pub where I believe she has a chance at doing a good job because she loves Caroline and would be doing it for her and Caroline loves Theresa and would treat her well while telling her like it is. Forcing her to work at the hospital where she is so hated that she will never be given a real chance is not going to grow her up into a responsible adult.
So many of these stories could be resolved if the men on Days would just SHUT UP and let somebody else talk. Whenever Nicole tries to say something Eric or Daniel or even Brady interrupts her and get off topic, same happens with Theresa, so they can never explain - and maybe even tell the truth (what a novel idea).
Thank you, SarahBeth. I could not have expressed it better myself. The way those three treated Theresa these past few weeks have been just awful. My biggest gripe about Daniel is that he has never admitted any wrongdoing when there are clearly instances that he has done wrong and nobody else will admit that he has done wrong.

I agree that Theresa has issues, but it also bothers me that the so called "good" people of Salem, including her own relatives, are unwilling to help her get the assistance she needs. It is a glaring difference that in the instance where Brady was using drugs, all of his family and friends were doing everything to help him get off, while nobody helps Theresa out at all.
Yep Brady's family has really tried to get through to him and help him. But Theresa's family allowed Jen to tear into her right after getting out of the hospital from an overdose and then insisted that Theresa stay at the hospital in what had become a toxic work environment. Yeah like that would make her not want to escape into drugs.
Theresa certainly did get a rough going over from the three bullies, led by St. Jonas, and she was right to be fearful about them learning that she gave the key to Liam. By giving him the key knowing that he would likely use it to commit some criminal act against the Love Doctor and perhaps darling Jenny, she became an accessory before the fact (an accomplice) to Liam's burglarizing Daniel's apartment (he unlawfully entered the premises to commit a crime -- spiking of the orange juice and the planting the pills). That said, if Theresa can keep her act together, the chances of her being found out are nil. That key was handled multiple times by Liam (with or without his rubber gloves) since Theresa gave it to him, and despite Hope's big talk about finding a fingerprint, everyone knows the Salem P.D. forensics lab people have barely heard of them and can't even spell DNA.
I agree that Theresa did look soooo guilty when they were all questioning her. ok fine ,but before she even gave Liam the Loon the key she did try and go and talk to Daniel and tell him about Liam and he wouldn't listen!! and then over and over again Daniel acted extremely unprofessional at work, and other places as he publicly yelled and screamed at Theresa accusing her over and over again!..If he would have listened to her in the beginning about Liam like she tried to tell him than maybe none of what happened would have happened! Theresa is in no way innocent in all this but she did try and tell Daniel and he wouldn't listen and when she brought up that fact after at the hospital he just stared at her and said nothing.. even Jennifer apologized!!
The problem with Jenn's apology is she didn't mean it at all. If she had she would have sounded at least a little remorseful after she apologized. Jenn came off as only apologizing to appease Theresa so she would be done and leave. Daniel certainly hasn't for a second realized what a rotten bully he was to Theresa. While Theresa had kept her word about moving on Daniel and Jenn didn't. They both harassed Theresa because they felt they were right. Well thinking you are right doesn't give you the right to harass someone.
It does seem to me that Theresa's family encouraged her to get into AA and she promised she would. But she didn't go. And Maggie then brought the AA meeting to Theresa's apt., and got her a good sponsor. Theresa blew it all off, and refused to go any more. Theresa's family tried to help her, she refused the help. Just as Brady refused the help, or refused to take blame himself for ignoring all their warnings about Kristen. He still blames Eric, and won't barely talk to him.
And yes, Theresa was wrongly accused of drugging Daniel. Daniel, & Jennifer full believed she was responsible. But Eric & Brady felt that while she may not have done the drugging, she knew something, and was refusing to tell, or not admitting she did know something. AND SHE DID.
And while I do agree Daniel would not listen to her, both Eric & Brady begged her to tell them what it was she knew, and she kept saying she did not know something. But when all 3 were there, perhaps her conscience finally got the better of her, she said Liam was obsessed with Jen.
And what could Jen or Daniel have done if Daniel had listened to her that day she came to his office to tell. She has already given Liam the key. Liam had done nothing yet, so.....they could not even put a restraining order on him. Jen was already avoiding him when she bumped into him or he came into her office.
SarahBeth, et. al., many people have been wrongly convicted of crimes they did not commit, because their past behavior showed an inclination to commit such a ctime. The same principle applies to ordinary social discourse. Perhaps unfair, but a fact of life. As the Good Book says, "They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind."

PS: For what it's worth, I don't believe Theresa was at risk of any physical harm from those boorish men. As far as her sensitive feelings being hurt: Meh!