Isn't it about time for a family meeting...


Aug 14, 2008
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A frazzled Caroline has reached her limit. After enduring the loss of her beloved Shawn, the hospitalization and near death of her son and granddaughter, kidnapping of relatives, emotional outbursts from her apparent genius-youngest son, premature birth of her latest grandchild, food fights, bar brawls, and murder in her pub, the constant baby-sitting and child care duty, the hospitalization of a former flame, and the re-animation of her family's sworn enemy, Caroline decides to lay down the law and hold a family meeting. She tells Pete to take the night off with pay, and closes the pub early.

After the arrival of Bo, Hope, Roman, Marlena, John, Sami, Chelsea, Max, Stephanie, Kayla, Steve, Baby Joe, Ciara, Johnny, and Allie, and the passing out of bowls of chowder and cups of tea, Caroline begins,

"We are the Bradys, whether you call yourself Brady because of birth, marriage, relation, or adoption, it makes no difference to me. You are my family. You are each other's family. As a family we support each other, no matter what. We love each other, no matter what. Family is the most important thing; my Shawn believed that, he went to his grave believing that. We are all that we have in this world.

I've held my tongue in the past. I decided to let you all work things out in your own way without interfering. But not anymore. I owe it to Shawn. You owe it to Shawn to start acting like Bradys. You may hear some hard truths today. You may be angry with me, but I hope you love me enough to hear me out. First, pub operations.

After his family, this pub was Shawn's pride and joy. It meant a lot to him and it means a lot to me to have a place to where our family can meet. I looked over the last 5 years of account books today, and I realized that collectively you all have created a tab of $85,000 - this doesn't include damage to furniture and walls because of the various fights over the years. Now, I'm not asking you to start paying, but I am asking you to realize that running this pub takes a lot of work. Max has taken it upon himself to manage the pub for me, but he also has the Cheatin' Heart to manage. As a family, as a Brady, I'm asking you to pitch in! As Max is in charge of scheduling, you can arrange your time with him. If you want to eat for free, you need to donate some of your time to cook, or tend bar, or wait tables, or wash dishes. If you want to come and talk to Max, put on an apron and clear dishes from tables while you wait. I believe this is only fair. This pub has seen many brawls. We Bradys are fighters. If you cause a mess, you need help clean it up. I don't want to hear about Pete cleaning up mashed potatoes during dinner rush again.

One last note about the pub. As this is a private business, we refuse the right to provide service to anyone. Ava Vitali had a hand in my Shawn's death. She is not welcome in this pub. I trust you can carry this message to her John if she shows up again. The same is true of Stefano DiMera. This man has chosen to target this family for some concocted...vendetta. Inevitably, he will try to hurt us again. We must be on guard. We must watch out for each other. We must not give this man an opportunity. I will be consulting with Mickey Horton this week regarding a restraining order against the DiMeras. While Stefano is not welcome here, Lexie, Tony, and EJ will continue to be welcomed as long as they take no active part in hurting this family by helping Stefano with his schemes.

Finally, there has been a lot of talk about the Bradys around town. About John and Bo, for instance. We've endured a lot this year. We've grieved losses, and celebrated new births. As a family, we are strengthened by accepting each other and loving each other as we are. None of us are perfect, not even your ol' ma and grandma. As a family we are weakened by lies and deceit, by mistrust and disloyalty. I want you all to be clear that I consider John to be another son. I consider John to be a Brady in the fullest sense. Until proven to me otherwise, John is innocent of the charges facing him. I trust my sons to fulfill their duty in the eyes of the law and this family. Whatever mistakes you've made Bo are in the past. As a family, we're here to love and support you. We'll be with you to face whatever may happen in the future.

Now, I'm done and I'll let you all speak. This is a family; we must face these problems together."
Ohhh, Yahoooo! I love it! The 4th paragraph had me in stitches! I still am laughing. Love it. Yayyyy Caroline!
And a double yayyyy to recognition of the fact that John IS a Brady! :clap: :clap: :woo:
Go Caroline! Whoa! That was so cool! I wish she would do that in the real show! This is awesome!
That a girl Caroline let that family of yours know you will not take their freeloading any longer. That they now need to start to help out around the Pub. Great writing, thank you, its about time someone let Caroline speak out. I wish they would on the show. Caroline in the past did not let her family run all over like they do now. I think their are only two who have really help run the Pub besides Max and thats Bo and Steve I can't remember ever seeing Roman and Kayla helping any. I love the part where she said anyone coming to talk to Max needs to put on a apron and help clean up while they talk with him Ok Stephanie get your apron on. Thanks again.:clap: