John & Marlena on the,,,,,

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Nov 23, 2006
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You know, when I first got hooked on Days, there was no Marlena, (she was doing a prime time show), there was no Bo or Hope, both were off the show also doing prime time gigs. But Patch is who reeled me in at first glance, Frankie obviously was so in love with Jen, and Jack came along, played by another actor, and was intrigued with Kayla.

So, whatever had occurred between these characters earlier was unknown to me. John (who was Roman then) was with Diana, Isabella, whoever.
and then came these scenes of what seemed to be a hospital room, of this woman pacing around, and we learn she had been in a coma for some time. And then one day, it is a bit foggy on the Salem docks, John/Roman is there, looks down towards the end and sees a figure, who slowly is coming towards him, kind of out of the fog, and the figure becomes clearer, and a look of incredulity comes across his face, as he recognizes, but cannot believe it is his beloved Marlena. She see him, he takes her face in his hands....I got chills, and still get chills over that scene.....and mind you.......I had never seen them together before then. It was so incredible.

There are so many scenes with Patch & Kayla that did the same thing. A couple of memoriable scenes that stand out..Patch is injured in his bad eye area, and has it covered with his hands, and Kayla is trying to help him, and he is holding his hands over that eye. No One has ever seen that eye without the patch, but he needs help, and is in near tears, agony. Kayla is so gently quiet as she talks to him, and finally gets him to let her tend to it.
Then there is the rooftop scene, where Patch & Kayla first made love. It is hot, so hot, it is unbearable to stay in the apartments. Kayla is in her nightgown, and up on the roof, where the night air is a bit cooler. Steve has fixed it up, blanket, pillows, I can't remember if he had the little lights, I know it was sooooo hot. And they begin to kiss, and slowly, tenderly begin to make love. I can remember him slipping the strap from her gown down on one shoulder. Gad it was all so sexy.......And Mary Beth Evans was 7 months pregnant big as a house and we never could see it or know it. :)

And then there was the super sweet Frankie & Jennifer. She was unable to graduate with her class due to some problem (I mean with her class, etc. ). I think her diploma was coming in the mail. So Frankie arranged this little surprise for her, there was some little playhouse or shack or something in the yard.....he got her to come there, had a cap & gown for her, played Pomp & Circumstance on the record player, just did the whole thing so she would have a memorable "graduation".
It is odd how some scenes will stand out in our minds years later, and for whatever reason, they seem etched indelibly in our minds.
hmmm good times LOL

I scene I will never forget and is so dear to my heart is when Marlena is brought to the hospital after MarDevil walked into a wedding reception naked. She wakes up and is herself in the hospital bed, as John tells her some of the horrible things she had done. The way she goes hysterical and cries in his arms....ugh just stabs me in the heart.
hmmm good times LOL

I scene I will never forget and is so dear to my heart is when Marlena is brought to the hospital after MarDevil walked into a wedding reception naked. She wakes up and is herself in the hospital bed, as John tells her some of the horrible things she had done. The way she goes hysterical and cries in his arms....ugh just stabs me in the heart.

yes, that is a scene that I watch over and over on youtube. It is amazing. Why Deidre did not win an emmy for that scene alone during possession still amazes me. It makes you cry and you are so right it "just stabs at my heart" too.
hmmm good times LOL

I scene I will never forget and is so dear to my heart is when Marlena is brought to the hospital after MarDevil walked into a wedding reception naked. She wakes up and is herself in the hospital bed, as John tells her some of the horrible things she had done. The way she goes hysterical and cries in his arms....ugh just stabs me in the heart.

I was watching that one last night!!! Marlena tells him to leave and he tells her no and she just falls apart. sniffles sniffles
Days Waaaaaaaaay Back Machine

Mine go way far back - doubt you will find them on YouTube.
1st one is Margo Horton (Mike's wife) singing "Over The Rainbow" - she was rehearsing for a Hospital Benefit Variety show - and I think at the time she was dying of some kind of cancer. She had a sweet "little girl" voice, everyone in the area STOPPED and listened. Just remembering brings tears !

2nd was when Julie had been burned by acid (?) not sure how she came to be scarred, but she was taking care of Hope, who was a very little girl, and Hope wanted a story. Julie was reading to her from "The Velveteen Rabbit" (a favorite story of mine) - the part about the skin horse telling the bunny about being loved to become real, and that by the time you become real you are not pretty any more.
Remember when...........

Justin found Adrienne sobbing in the park and lent her his hankie.

Tom would sneak out to be "Norm de Plume" the poet.......Alice thought he was cheating.

Anytime Doug sang "The most beautiful girl in the world" to Julie and "Always" to the family.

When RoJohn (John as Roman) would call Carrie "Pumkin" and Sami "Peanut"

Shane suprised Kimberly with their wedding ,complete (with what I at the time thought and might still think sometimes) was the most beautiful wedding dress ever. sigh......
Mine go way far back - doubt you will find them on YouTube.
1st one is Margo Horton (Mike's wife) singing "Over The Rainbow" - she was rehearsing for a Hospital Benefit Variety show - and I think at the time she was dying of some kind of cancer. She had a sweet "little girl" voice, everyone in the area STOPPED and listened. Just remembering brings tears !

2nd was when Julie had been burned by acid (?) not sure how she came to be scarred, but she was taking care of Hope, who was a very little girl, and Hope wanted a story. Julie was reading to her from "The Velveteen Rabbit" (a favorite story of mine) - the part about the skin horse telling the bunny about being loved to become real, and that by the time you become real you are not pretty any more.

I got to agree on the Julie story, I remember her being burned and I love The Velveteen Rabbit. I looked all over for the Margo Horton singing Over The Rainbow and couldn't find it. I was hoping I was Google Queen enough to overcome the odds but I wasn't.:(
deleted unnecessary quote...JS

Yea I thought we could use a John and Marlena boost since they have pretty much been destroyed as a couple by TIIC. Sad.

edited to write out John and Marlena's names...JS
Thank you Rascalsmom!!!! That brought back some memories!!! I wished the writers would sit back and watch old clips of Days and see where and when we all fell in love with each character and have them act like that again!!!!
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