

Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I know some of you still are praying for Julian, but if you could say an extra.....he has bronchitis, strep throat, plus hand/mouth/foot disease, (which I never heard of before, childhood virus, very contagious, sores/blisters all over, inside mouth, very painful, no cure or medicine to help.) He is crying a lot because of the pain, & now it looks like little brother Colton has come down with it as well. I can find no info on length, just so contagious.
Thank you, God Bless...........

P.S. Just an fyi catch up, Julian wears a brace on his one leg all the time, is in school, where he has one adult person sitting with him at all times to help him......tho am sure not in school right now with how sick he is.
Poirot, sorry to hear Julian is so sick. Did he catch it at school? I'll say
some extra prayers for him.
Yes, schools are the biggest transporters of illnesses for sure. That poor little boy has just gone thru so much, he still gets seizures on occasion, despite taking preventative meds.
My thoughts and prayers are with him and his little brother Colton.

I remember my Mom telling me that my oldest brother had that disease. Back in the early 1950's he was around 2 or 3. She said it was really tough on him and her, for a couple weeks.:hug:
Thank you for the update, Poirot.

Hand, foot, and mouth is a nasty common infection that goes around in preschools and kindergartens. Teachers and school nurses sometimes catch it from the kids because they're contagious before they have any symptoms. It is spread from touching, coughing, sneezing, etc.
Aww, poor little guy. Sorry to hear this Poirot. Hope he is feeling a little better after the weekend and in on the mend. Thoughts are with you and your family.
Saying an extra prayer for Julian and Colton. Hand, foot, & mouth disease is miserable, Gena got it once (probably 7 years ago) from the baby-sitters kids.