Kick his rear-end, Ben!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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I'm sure we wont get that lucky...... But I am so glad Ben was there to get Nick out of Abby's face when Nick started to show his true colors. The only problem that could happen is Abby telling Ben that Nick is her cousin so he would never do anything to hurt her which will probably happen. Ben will reply that it was clear to any bystander that Nick was acting and speaking in a very threatening manner. And with our luck that cow Jordan will happen along and remind Ben that Rafe got the wrong idea about him when they first met. If she does may she be struck by lightning through the dome and fried to a crisp. Nag!
Jordan bores me to tears...the only thing worse than her is Kate's obsession with her. Talk about a pointless dead-end story. They may as well have drawn a face on a potato as a romantic interest for Rafe with as much thought as they put into Jordan. Here we see the writers' lack of direction and character development. Grrragrgh.

Yes I'm sure that Abby will defend her wonder-cousin, Nick. Honestly, she's his second cousin, and she acts like they're bosom bodies. Will and Sonny are her actual cousins, and she and Will have a sibling-like relationship. She should be Team Will by any logic...oops, wait, this is Salem, logic is out and DA PLOT is in.
They may as well have drawn a face on a potato as a romantic interest for Rafe with as much thought as they put into Jordan. Here we see the writers' lack of direction and character development. Grrragrgh.
:OT: A potato as a possible romantic interest for Rafe brings to mind some potato-related events for him that might entertain some viewers.
Rafe is angered when Kate compares Jordan to Ms. Potatohead.
Jordan is shocked when she visits Rafe's apartment and sees a whole line of Mr. Potatoheads on a shelf.
Jordan is displeased when she learns that one of Rafe's Ms. Potatoheads is named Sami.
Rafe is upset when Jordan brings Arthur the Cat to his apartment and the overactive feline knocks some of his Potatoheads to the floor.
After being threatened yet again by Rafe, Nick plots to kidnap his Potatohead collection.
While lying in bed in the dark, Rafe thinks he hears one of his Potatoheads warning him about Nick.
Rafe is displeased when he learns that EJ's Mr. Potatohead collection is larger than his.
Salemites are puzzled when Rafe suggests a giant Potatohead festival for the Town Square.

Disclaimer: I've only watched Friday's episode, haven't caught up with today: I *really* wish that Ben hadn't gotten there quickly and that Nick had had a chance to knock Abigail around a little (with Ben witnessing, and then taking a few shots at Nick). Because, *OH*, the fallout from that.... I can't even think about it from the viewpoints of individuals that would have issues with it... the entire town of Salem would have the hate on for him.

I mean, we could start enumerating: EJ (I still believe that they're not done with these two yet), Jenn, Daniel (because he hurt Jenn's daughter and is a known hothead), *MAGGIE*, Victor (because Maggie is upset and he hates Nick anyway), Gabi, Will, Sonny (on principle, and he's Abigail's friend), Lucas (because he's her uncle and a little hotheaded himself), Hope (because she loves Jenn and Abigail so much), JJ... the list of people who'd want Nick's head on a stake would be even longer than it is now.

But... it's just a wish....