
Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Sorry folks, but that power outage yesterday really screwed up up the settings on my VCR. I thought everything was reset properly, but instead of Days, I got Y&R. LOL

I will try and see if Laney is able to get a few lines together, but nothing I can do.
And guess what. I went looking for a new VCR a couple weeks ago,(one with a backup battery for power outages) and they do not even make stand alone VCRs :cry: any more, and I HAVE to use one for this.

Sorry again.

Ahhhh, Laney is such an angel. I know he was already at work, so here is his take.......

I did have it on while getting ready, however, not a whole lot going on.

Bo and Hope were at home when Roman arrived and let it slip that he spent the night with Anna, and doesn't know exactly how he feels about it. (He slipped out in the morning while she was asleep). Hope starts giving Bo a hard time about winning their bet, and both she and Bo start in together on Roman. Well, Anna shows up and she gives Roman a hard time as well (she says "and all this time, I thought you were down in the hotel restaurant ordering me breakfast in bed".) She jokes around, but is clearly annoyed with him. He apologizes for slipping out and takes her back to her hotel. Hope reminds Bo that SHE won the bet and he will be changing dirty diapers until Christmas. Right on cue, Ciara cries and she sends Bo upstairs, reminding him not to forget the butt paste (so she won't get a rash). Cute, playful banter between these 2 on this show. Also, somewhere in there, they mention the Horton/Brady barbeque.

Belle, Shawn and Philip are at the pub...not really sure what they were saying...I have been trying to tune them out (LOL). But, Shawn is insisting they move out of the Kiriakis mansion and moving to his parents house instead (Belle is dead set against that). He ends up getting a phone call about a job offer selling auto parts and is supposed to go on an interview tomorrow. (Again, here, Belle brings up of the barbque). I was pretty sure that Philip was behind all this and he confirms it when Shawn talks about arranging a rental car when he gets to Ohio and Philip says he won't need one. He covers as Shawn tells Belle to start packing things up while he is gone so they can move when he gets back.

At DiMansion, lots of the same stuff going on...Tony and EJ arguing and insulting each other with Stefano playing referee. (Stefano ends up having another attack and they have to summon Rolf...later, Stefano is seen in a wheel chair as Rolf tells them his condition is deteriorating). EJ informs Stefano that Samantha is having twins and begs him to work with them to end the Brady/DiMera feud. Stefano finally caves in and says he will talk to Sami. EJ rushes off to call her as Stefano tells Tony he was wrong about EJ and that he is weak. Can't remember what all he says here, but EJ is just outside the door and overhears it all, realizing that Stefano has no intentions of working on a solution.

Sami and Lucas are at the safe house and she is quite nervous about it. Lucas is feeling amorous, but Sami is concerned about the cops outside hearing them. She decides to do her yoga routine instead, which just turns Lucas on even more (LOL). Finally he convinces her to fool around a little so they turn up the TV (the yoga music) and hit the bed. Amidst their rolling around, Sami rolls onto the remote and changes the channels (to what sounds like a cop show). There are gunshots and the Salem PD rushes in, guns pointed at them...and it fades to black. Sorry, don't remember the previews.

Have thought about getting a dvd recorder. I have one and there great. Get you some dvd rw, you can recorder over those.
Leahmo :back:
Trouble is, already have a DVD player. In fact, I have 2 VCRs (one for the sattelite, one for regular TV, the DVD player, and then I also have a small sattelite. There are so many cords and wires it is like a jungle in the back, and do not dare touch a thing. LOL
I want to know where Belle's head is, she knows that Shawn is trying his best to be the man for his family, yet she chops him down.
I think Belle realizes that even though Shawn is trying he is still a LOSER. He can't make a good decision and she basically can not trust his ability to make rational and stable decisions for her and Claire. On the other hand, Philip is rich and she had a secure life with him and that is what she wants and this juncture in her life, But she wants Shawn too as he was her first love. SHe wants them both but she will have to choose eventually.(Maybe when she is 50 at the rate this storyline is progressing)
I stopped wondering about Belle a long time ago. She doesn't make decisions any better than Shawn. On one hand she is upset that Claire still thinks of Philip as her father and wishes she would see Shawn as daddy...and yet when she is given the opportunity to help with that - by moving out of Philip's home - she gets upset.

Belle is another of those characters who when they change actors - change their common sense gene.
Either TIVO or DVR will solve your problem. You program it to record the series and whenever it shows, it will record. You can set it for all channels that broadcast a show so if you get the SOAP channel, you can set it to record DAYS at both times as a hedge against power outages and pre-empting.
Great summaries!
Maybe a twist is in store for Belle/Phil/Shawn with the surrogate coming back into play and Mimi's character being on another show they could have the new baby actually be Belle's & Phil's instead. That would solve Belle's problem she wants both guys and this way she could have them.
I have said this before and it's worth repeating:

It doesn't matter if y'all catch 2 minutes or the full hour. What you do here cannot be measured. I enjoy every little juicy tid bit you guys provide. I appreciate the combined effort around here. I am truly grateful for everyone who "resides" here! Thanks!! :sun:
Thanks lytnin......but I get the show a Day ahead of everyone. So a DVR or TIVO would not help. I have a pretty old great big huge 6 ft. across sattelite dish. They do not even make them anymore. Nor the receivers for them.

Yep, I could see same day as everyone else does at two different times, and that is how I watch when I miss a show. As on Monday, I will be watching the show same day, with everyone else.

Belle is going to be "torn between two lovers" as she find herself caring for both men.
I gotta agree with what ILoveEJ said about Belle...I think she may love Shawn but she is certainly not "in love" with him. I think she just feels she is supposed to love him cause they were such a hot couple when they were younger. Plus, she has a little more than a bit of that wanting what she doesn't have thing going on....
Belle is NOT good with Shawn...she becomes a dishrag that can't think or stand on her own 2 feet, and if she shows even a glimmer of any thought process, Shawn puts a stop to immediately....I was so glad to see her find her self in Chicago when they went to find Claire instead of just fading back and letting Shawn handle it cause he's the "man"...and I do use that term loosely....
Saying Shawn is a loser is an understatement. The man is useless....and he's a horned toad....if he doesn't get what he wants from Belle, he gets interested in some easy to get female really fast....when Belle finally kicks him to the curb, I guarantee all of you guys will hear me cheer wherever you live...!!!
you mean with all the influential friends and relatives Shawn has in Salem Shawn can't find a job in town. He managed to find Willow a job in about two seconds. Shawn could wait tables at Chez Rouz. And just who is running Max's garage while he is off in Vegas?
Long time reader first time poster.

Hello, has vcr's.they are refurbed but I had a refurbed vcr that lasted longer than brand new one's I can also buy a two year extended warranty for $ below.
Barb, sorry to hear about the vcr situation. Thank goodness you do have Laney to back you up! Thank you Laney!